Most shocking online videos

ElanJo said:
scottyboi said:
ken bigley was another bad one.

That's nothing compared to an Islamic beheading in the streets of Iraq (you can find it online somewhere). It's done in broad daylight and you actually see them cut out his adams apple and then saw away at his neck with blood pooling out into the street and him screaming and them chanting. It's the most disgusting and anger inducing thing I have ever seen. After watching that i thought "fuck it just nuke the fooking Middle East"... before I got my senses back.

I've not seen and neither do I go look to see any of the graphic stuff mentioned on this thread - although I've heard about their contents.

however, I have seen an American hostage decapitated and it's one of the most inhuman things - and a testament to how screwed up some people can be to commit such atrocities on a defenseless innocent person. I imagine what ElanJo describes above could even be marginally worse, and I fully understand the revulsion he describes feeling.
just watched the stoning of that couple, those poor, poor people. how anyone could do that to another human being, in the name of 'religion' is beyond me
I lived in Mexico for 4 years in one of the worst areas of Mexico City and I saw a lot of shit up close. 2 of my neighbours were murdered and it sucks to occasionally have 40 minute gun battles going on outside my front door at night.

What we humans do to one another is not good. War has to be the worst thing we do as a species.

Do yourselves a favour guys, be careful what you put into your minds as you can never unsee things or unlearn things.

After living in Mexico, you will not be intimidated again. I remember when that ex-Eastender actor went over the border to Mexico and the US Border Agent tells him that it is dangerous and he replies, yeah I know but I have spent some time in Afghanistan and the agent replies, I think you'll find its a lot worse than Afghanistan!!
glen quagmire said:
bazbarrybazzer said:
Just watched 1 man 1 jar, can you imagine what went through his head when that jar smashed.

No sympathy mind.

Why would anybody want to try that?

????? What's this?????

One man, one jar - it shows the appalling realisation dawning on the face of a bloke unpacking his shopping when he looks at the label and sees that the fruit content of his jar of Co Op budget strawberry jam is only 24%. I couldn't face toast for a week after watching it.
Ermmm never ever had I heard of any of these videos until tonight. Thought I'd see what you lads were on about, cliff diving one gory yes but more like curious as to how he was still alive with his face open. The American politician committing suicide thought ok that's a lot of blood. Come to the Ken Biguely video and that really disturbed the hell out of me. Made me angry how an innocent man was murdered by fundamentalists, and could Tony Blair have done more.

Well that teaches me for reading a post with the title shocking online videos. And thinking to myself if you blokes can watch it, so can I, wrong!

Lets see if I can get to sleep, and it's a great start to my birthday not!
Saw 2 girls 1 cup ages ago, like 3 years ago now I guess, thought it was just piss funny that these two girls would do such a stupid film.

However, never seen 3guys1hammer and although it's been said, I have no intention of seeing it. It leaves a permanent scar on your mind, and no matter how hard you try, it's not going to leave.
wayne71 said:
I watched the ken bigley beheading and I wont watch anything like that again, seeing something like that leaves its mark and for those (like me) who are thinking of watching out of a sick curiosity then don't.

I agree.

Something deeply disturbing about it that goes far beyond the fact of a man dying.

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