Most shocking online videos

Damocles said:
When I was younger and trying to download porn from iMesh, I came across a 500kb video. Thinking that it was a 10 second "looper" video, I started the download (I had dial-up then, you kids don't know that you're born with your high-def 2 hour long porn!) with glee.

Turns out that it was a blonde woman tied up in a chair, begging and crying, with the cam a couple of feet in front of her, facing her. I know this sounds daft, but I didn't really have time to think about anything, and before I knew it, a gun creepily appeared from the right and shot her in the temple. This was pretty much the first dodgy thing that I saw, and I admit that it affected my younger self quite badly. I went from shock to anger to disgust, to self loathing, fear and finally determination.

Later, I loosely heard that it might have been a fake video (though it was a bloody good one if it was). It matters not a jot to me. It's not about the realness of it, it's about the systematic brutality that we can submit each other to when we forget our common morality.

I decided never to watch any of these things again. I'm not desensitised to extreme violence and I don't want to be. Desensitivity takes away a fundamental part of your humanity, which is too high of a cost for me. I don't care about the macho tough bullshit you hear, I don't WANT to know just what it is like to see 3 youths smash a guy's skull in with a hammer. Yes, curiosity can be a wonderful thing, but there are limits to it. Curiosity about why leaves are green is fantastic; curiosity about what it is like to jump off of a cliff isn't.

Every single loss of life is a tragedy, whether through violent or natural means. I believe that the first couple of these videos that you watch teach you the true value of human life and shows you the basest desires of our species, as a warning to why we value love so highly. More than a couple of these starts to devalue the lives of humans, into a strange form of entertainment.

It's not something that I particularly want to be a part of.

Damocles, that post is absolutely bang on on all fronts.<br /><br />-- Fri May 20, 2011 8:08 pm --<br /><br />
quiet_riot said:
Godfather said:
sickboyblue said:
One that really shocked me was a football match in (i think) UAE.. Player goes for a header and get a boot on the chin. What happens next is properly horrible.

What happens? I'm not watching it to find out!

It's some 'Angel of Death' thing, he goes mad and starts dancing and having a fit...weird rather than sick or scary.

Oh, is that it? How is that 'properly horrible' though??
Just watched 1 man 1 jar, can you imagine what went through his head when that jar smashed.

No sympathy mind.

Why would anybody want to try that?
I saw one where a guy is on top of a train (looks like south africa) everyones is trying to get on and its just too over crowded.
Once he climbs onto it ans stands up he absently put his hand on the over head cable.
He stays on his feet, his hair begins to smoulder then sets on fire. Then he falls down.
Its from a decent distance thanks god.

There was another my mate had on his phone, someone is filming at the bottom of an escalator when from the top a guy thrown himself forward arms by his side and lands on his face.
His teeth are smashed out.
He must be on fucking drugs to do that to himself.
Crikey, just watched that jar one. :|

You can just imagine it'll be like Quagmire on Family Guy. "Hi 911, yeah its in the window this time".
Josh Blue said:
bazbarrybazzer said:
Just watched 1 man 1 jar, can you imagine what went through his head when that jar smashed.

No sympathy mind.

Why would anybody want to try that?

Dno hes dead now though.

Whaaaaaaaaaat because of that stunt???

Can`t believe how calm about it all he is...
I watched the ken bigley beheading and I wont watch anything like that again, seeing something like that leaves its mark and for those (like me) who are thinking of watching out of a sick curiosity then don't.
R. Budd Dwyer

An American politician, who was accused of bribery announced a TV broadcast and promptly shot himself live on TV halfway through his speech.

Fooked me up for a few minutes after watching it!!

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