Mother of disabled Child told to pay for seasoncard

Re: Carers of disabled fans told to pay for ticket to watch City

Had no idea anyone was let in for free, seems fair to charge tbh.
Re: Carers of disabled fans told to pay for ticket to watch City

Eds said:
Maybe peopl should actually read the whole story before passing judgement. Interesting that his father sits somewhere else in the ground, why can't they all sit together. I take my kids and although thankfully they are able bodied I have to look after them, should I get a free ticket? Why should a carer receive a free ticket?
I agree
That is a bit puzzling,i would want to be sat next to my young un for sure.
Re: Carers of disabled fans told to pay for ticket to watch City

lancs blue said:
Bilboblue said:
This is a disgrace, come on Khaldoon, nip this in the bud before it is implemented.

You say you don't want bad stories about City in the press then you allow this to come to light.

Sort it out City, these carers are doing their best to help the disabled enjoy the match, meaning most will not get to see the game, or certainly not all of the game, to charge them is wrong, plain and simply, it's absolutely disgusting.

Your post is wrong too, the article posted by the OP is a single incident, not an across the board change in policy by the club. As I posted earlier the club assesses each application for a disabled S/card + free helper on its own merits. Whether the club are right or wrong in this instance I don't know as we only have one side of the story to judge.

The OP should change the thread title as it is misleading.

Fair point.

Certainly wrong in this case tho, the change I mean.
Re: Carers of disabled fans told to pay for ticket to watch City

City are generally class with disabled people. I am a disabled carer and so get in 'free', we have rarely any trouble with ticketing at all.

To put it in perspective, City offer more spaces for ambulant people that Wembley do, and it's twice the size.
Re: Carers of disabled fans told to pay for ticket to watch City

Prestwich_Blue said:
This is a non-story and the club are right on this in my opinion. Why should a 4-yr old with problems be treated any differently to a healthy 4-yr old? Both need someone with them and the parent or whoever takes them should pay. As has been said, the father already goes so basically she wants three tickets for the price of one.

I'm pretty sure that if a disabled adult goes and genuinely needs a carer then they will be accomodated by the club. The Disabled Supporters Association doesn't seem to be getting wound up about this and I would assume they were consulted.

How can this ever be right.

I won't be renewing my season ticket this year. The way the treated Mancini. and that message in the program is more about keeping the fans onside than any genuine thanks to Roberto. PR nightmare, no they just don't care what the fans think. It's money now..That all.
Re: Carers of disabled fans told to pay for ticket to watch City

Ok so The MUEN have duped me once again....

It seems Carers are still allowed free entry to care for the Disabled supporter.
Re: Carers of disabled fans told to pay for ticket to watch City

gkmcfc said:
I find it somewhat ironic that the very people who for years have campaigned for equal rights in employment, accessibility and in life in general still want to receive a perk that I and other fans have to pay for!
Would they give up their right to free parking too?

some would say that's the price of liberty

no comment from <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> would have thought they might have a view on the change they generally have a good relationship with MCFC

maybe its just the fans and MEN winding each other up
Re: Carers of disabled fans told to pay for ticket to watch City

Am I right in thinking that she's never had to pay for a disabled or carer ticket before?

My mates disabled and gets a carer ticket which he doesn't have to pay for,he just pays for his disabled ticket.
Re: Carers of disabled fans told to pay for ticket to watch City

I reckon that those suggesting that a disabled under 14 should be treated the same as an under 14 have little or no experience of disability and I am really pleased for you.

The plain and simple fact is that a kid with a disability who wants to attend matches at the Etihad has, until very recently been provided with a carer free of charge.

There was no advance notice that the carer rule was to change and it only became apparent when those who wanted to renew the season cards tried to renew only to find that the club had removed that support without any warning or grace period whatsoever.

Now lets me ask you to consider a couple of scenarios (without getting into specific names)

1. A child with severe and multiple disabilities, wheelchair bound and with a life expectancy of less than 14 years has one love and that is man City.

His mother has poor mobility herself but acts as a full time carer and is also a lone parent.

The little money they have coming in to their household means a subsidence level existence but she managed to get enough money together for travel etc to attend matches even though she hated footy.

On the days when she was in too much pain to take her son herself she managed to get another respite carer to take her son even though his medical needs are challenging and difficult to manage it was worth it as it was the only enjoyment the kid got.

Now, alas that has been taken away by the clubs decision to charge the carer too. It is simply unaffordable.

2. A family of five, mum dad and three kids with dad working weekends and mum doing all she can to keep a family unit together and make sure all three kids, 2 of whom are without disability but the third has severe and profound disabilities.

The mum takes all three kids together to the match and is helped by her sister who is one of only a few people who understands how to care for her disabled son if need be.

Attending matches for the kids is the only activity they can enjoy together and even though dad tries his best to earn to pay their own way the fact is they are not like 'normal' families and they need an extra adult there otherwise it simply isnt manageable.

Having struggled to get the cash together for 3 kids and one adult the need to find that extra few hundred quid means its not gonna be something they can afford.

And so the family are unable to attend together.

Now I know there will be some heartless fuckers on here who will say 'so what its just a disabled kid' or 'if I have to pay when I go with my lads why shouldnt they' then I pity you and your nasty way of seeing the world.

I can guarantee that if you are like that then we will never get on, end of.

Next time you are playing footy in the parc with your full able bodied kids think about that lad or lass in the wheelchair who cant have that simple pleasure.

Next time you let you 9,10,11,12 or 13 year old pop around to his mates or play in the street have a thought for the poor little kid who is forever trapped inside watching all those others grow and develop.

Because lets not forget that we are all equal aren't we?

We have equality legislation which means that a 12 year old who will be dead in a year can now expect his carer to be charged to go with him but that means he is robbed of one of the few pleasures that life brings him before his pain wracked and plainly awful existence on this planet comes to and end.

But yeah, your probably right if you have to pay for your fucking kid then why shouldnt he?

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