Mourinho or Mancini

Rammy Blue said:
robbieh said:
And in Madrid he appears to have lost not only the dressing room, but the fans, media and everyone bar the president.

Jose is good at that when he wants a payoff.....
Just the sort we want here then, putting his personal bank balance ahead of results on the pitch for the club that employs him for a season.
robbieh said:
Didsbury Dave said:
adrianr said:
This got a little buried under some clarkies earlier ;) But I would like a genuine answer to the above.
Not concerned in the slightest. Everyone knows he's leaving in summer, and a manager in that position loses all authority. Besides that, I judge a manager on his whole career, and he's clearly a better manager than rm.

Still managed to outwit him tactically twice this year...

Didsbury you just don´t give up do you. Hasn´t it occurred to you that the type of chaos that surrounds your hero is exactly what Mansour does not like. Mourinho will never be City´s manager however much you wish it were so.
'Just don't give up' eh? PMSL

I was personally asked a question twice and answered.
SWP's back said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Still managed to outwit him tactically twice this year...
Twice? You sure about that Dave?

But for Hart missing a very simple save we'd have drawn both. Or is it Mancini lack of tactics that meant Hart couldn't save a very run of the mill Ronaldo shot?
And but for a hatful of chances missed by Madrid we'd have been humiliated on both games.

Mourinho totally outfoxed Mancini in both games. He looked at our 352 and exploited it on the flanks. Every step Mancini took, mourinho took another one and flummoxed him.
SWP's back said:
What a silly argument, unless a camera followed Mancini as he left every club he's been at then you can't say he hasn't had that effect on any player.

I can't prove God exists but I still believe in him. Speaking of which, I've been meaning to ask your thoughts on this quote ...

I had prayer beads in my pocket that day, but that’s nothing out of the ordinary. I always have them on me. In my opinion, faith and football have a lot in common.

Seems me and Mancini have something in common too ... ;)
SWP's back said:
BillyShears said:

The day Mancini can have this effect upon his players, is the day that I'll shut up about his man management.

What a silly argument, unless a camera followed Mancini as he left every club he's been at then you can't say he hasn't had that effect on any player.
Go and spend half an hour on google collating quotes about mourinho by players who have played for him. Then do the same for Mancini.

You will have your answer loud and clear.
BillyShears said:
SWP's back said:
What a silly argument, unless a camera followed Mancini as he left every club he's been at then you can't say he hasn't had that effect on any player.

I can't prove God exists but I still believe in him. Speaking of which, I've been meaning to ask your thoughts on this quote ...

I had prayer beads in my pocket that day, but that’s nothing out of the ordinary. I always have them on me. In my opinion, faith and football have a lot in common.

Seems me and Mancini have something in common too ... ;)
I expected that question to come from PD.

And much like I have no interest in what rap music Micah is into or care what political persuasion Silva has, I have no interest in Mancini's faith. I think he is wrong but if it gives him the strength to avoid starting Dzeko then that is fine.<br /><br />-- Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:41 pm --<br /><br />
Didsbury Dave said:
Go and spend half an hour on google collating quotes about mourinho by players who have played for him. Then do the same for Mancini.

You will have your answer loud and clear.
Well it doesn't seem to be working anymore.
BillyShears said:
adrianr said:
Not really. The fact that you're not willing to question him is arguably more laughable.

To witness what's going on at Madrid and not even consider that he may not be the man for the job (and I'm not saying he isn't, he could be, I'm saying it should be considered), is the sort of unswerving faith most commonly found in a religion, not a discussion about the manager of a football club (probably a couple for the other side too to be fair). I suppose there's multiple parallels to be found between following a faith and a football club to be fair, but I digress.

I'm really amazed at the stance both of you are taking. To still not even entertain the idea he may not be a good long term solution is very bizzare. I'm sure the forum won't think any less of you if you express the odd doubt now and again. On the contrary these discussions would probably benefit hugely. Likely be a lot less aggressive for one!

Oh Mourinho's got his flaws. What's going at Madrid is proof of that. In fact Mourinho wouldn't even be my first choice to replace Mancini (he comes in 3rd). However it's a manifest fact that he's a much better and much more successful manager than Mancini. This seems to bother a lot of people.

Also, there's tendency in these discussions about Mourinho for people to focus on his character rather than his achievements. Again, there's nothing wrong with that, until they start saying Mancini is different. He's not. They are cut from the same cloth.

I think where people have the diversion of opinion (as no-one can in all good consciousness say that Mancini has achieved more than Mourinho, that's simple enough maths), is whether he's a good long term successor to Mancini. Citing his character flaws, which are directly linked to his management style (commonly referred to as Mourinho F.C.) are a legitimate part of the argument against him IMO. To be perfectly honest I couldn't give much of a crap personally, I'm cheap. If he has us playing good football and winning trophies that's all I want in my clubs manager. My only real scepticism with Mourinho stems from the state he seems to leave his teams in when he leaves, or that his methods are exceptional for the first two seasons and for whatever reason lose effectiveness beyond that. I don't think this could be expressed any better than what's going on at Madrid, though I'll also concede there are some weird goings on at that club beyond just the manager.

Either way, thanks for the good reply (you too Dave), I'm off to drink and eat. Merry Christmas to you both :)
SWP's back said:
Well it doesn't seem to be working anymore.

You mean it's not working at Real Madrid, where certain players run the show and have even more power than the likes of Terry at Chelsea. Now there's a surprise ...

Prior to his tenure at Madrid Mourinho has been revered by the overwhelmingly vast majority of his players. IN fact even those who he sold or who he had clashes with acknowledged that he was the best manager they'd ever worked with. Contrast that with what Mancini's ex players say about him and as DD says, what you're looking for you'll find loud and clear.<br /><br />-- Sun Dec 23, 2012 2:48 pm --<br /><br />
adrianr said:
Either way, thanks for the good reply (you too Dave), I'm off to drink and eat. Merry Christmas to you both :)

Pleasure .... merry christmas to you too mate. Hope you and your family have a great time!
Didsbury, If Mourinho was 15pt behind utd, this time next year, would he still be your genius. Will you become a red if he goes to utd ?

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