

"I can confirm that we initially preferred Mourinho over Pep. Mourinho is a great coach who has enjoyed plenty of success. He had worked for Barcelona before, so he knew how we play. However, you just have to look at the way Inter and Real Madrid play to see that he has a different philosophy. That's why eventually we decided not to hire him."

I guess it depends on the style of play they want us to develop, at a guess I'd say closer to Barca than Real Madrid or Inter.<br /><br />-- Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:30 pm --<br /><br />And this is from Graham Hunter's book

Ferran Soriano [the Barcelona General Manager] describes the mood of the expeditionary force when Ingla and Begiristain returned from Portugal. “Txiki and Marc thought that Mourinho was very well prepared,” he recalls. “He had a PowerPoint display on how he would manage everything. They spent three hours with him and both came away thinking Mourinho was not our guy. Marc said that Mourinho spoke 90% of the time and didn’t listen. He said: ‘I just don’t like him.’

“Txiki was a bit more rational. He said: ‘Mourinho would do well, but the number of fires he would cause internally, and with the media, are not worth it.’
chesterbells said:
mad zab said:
chesterbells said:
Yep, but that was 4 or 5 years ago, different situation. Pep was already there with the B team, Jose hadnt had his stint in Italy - and who knows what the decision making process was and how much impact our 2 execs had, and how much in agreement or not they both were

The story goes that neither Ferrano or Txixi was impressed by Mourinho. The feeling was he was not the team player they wanted.

Ok mate, well if that's the case and it's still how they feel, then fair enough.
Unless the owners overrule, then it looks like the hopes are on Guardiola

Well I would say nothing is impossible, but IMO if they had decided to replace Mancini and pep was willing to come, then that would be what happens.

Of course if Pep isn't willing who knows what would happen.

I do believe that Mancini is under pressure to win something this year and definitely finish no lower than second or else he could be on his way.
moomba said:

"I can confirm that we initially preferred Mourinho over Pep. Mourinho is a great coach who has enjoyed plenty of success. He had worked for Barcelona before, so he knew how we play. However, you just have to look at the way Inter and Real Madrid play to see that he has a different philosophy. That's why eventually we decided not to hire him."

I guess it depends on the style of play they want us to develop, at a guess I'd say closer to Barca than Real Madrid or Inter.

He's always played the 2 flying wingers (SWP, Robben, Joke Coal, Duff at Chelsov.), Etoo and Pandev at Inter(ok not flying wingers.) Di Maria, Ronaldo, Callejon(sp?) at Real, it's hardly fucking Stoke football.
I would just love to see him here would get time from the fans to get it right too as people in this country seem to love him.

Oh i'm excited just thinking about it need to calm down and get to reality we are 7 points behind the rags and are not playing well however neither are they!
Would do our reputation as fans good to hear stadium sing "Jose Mourinho" months after 45,000 sang "Fuck off Mourinho". :)
I really want Bobby to suceed and win us the league but if they decide they need a change then it has to be Jose...

One thing that should be noted, the club he chooses will dominate the league for the next few years..
LoveCity said:
Would do our reputation as fans good to hear stadium sing "Jose Mourinho" months after 45,000 sang "Fuck off Mourinho". :)
I don't think it would be much of an issue.

We took the loss out of Ronaldo also but only a mad person wouldn't have him here.
LoveCity said:
Would do our reputation as fans good to hear stadium sing "Jose Mourinho" months after 45,000 sang "Fuck off Mourinho". :)

You can worry about our reputation, I'll count the trophies ;).
LoveCity said:
Would do our reputation as fans good to hear stadium sing "Jose Mourinho" months after 45,000 sang "Fuck off Mourinho". :)

Haha I was thinking that, but fans generally are fickle ;)
The thing with all this is that Mourinho is not interested in anyone but himself, he will come here YES to win trophies but he will not do it for this club, he will do it solely to put it on his CV. He will win us the Champions League if he comes here but he will not leave a legacy, he would not see us dominate football, not a SINGLE team he has ever managed now dominates anything.

Mancini and Guardiola are totally different people, Guardiola along with the executives in place could put in a plan which would set us up to dominate for generations, once the new academy is running Mancini could also easily do the same thing. We need to think about the future and that is what our owners are tasked with doing because if we aren't producing the best players in the world with this new academy, unfortunately we cannot go buying the best forever, IT CANNOT HAPPEN.

Mourinho however has no interest in the long term future of this club which is why he will NOT be made manager EVER, the people in charge now were responsible for bringing through a unique and exceptional generation of players without spending a single penny at Barcelona, Mourinho does not represent this philosophy, he is a brilliant manager but he will not benefit this club in any way other than short term trophy haul and a big dent on the bank balance.

Are you guys that disinterested and unpassionate now about this club that you would rather us win a couple of trophies and then see Mourinho leave, leaving us in a similar state to Inter who can't even get in the Champions League??? Would you sacrifice the potential and even more so the future of this club just to win a trophy.

Don't be ridiculous, our owners and these directors do not want him, if they move on Mancini they will go for Guardiola, he at least represents the best interests and the longer term, he will get the Academy players playing exactly how the first team plays like it always has been at Barcelona, he managed their B team and he will leave a legacy here.

Mourinho will not give a toss, nor will he give a toss when he has marked off winning the Champions League with this club and moves on, he is on RECORD and QUOTED numerous times that he thinks it is better to win the biggest thing and then leave.

I do not want him at this club because he represents everything we do not need, we do not need ego, nor entertainment. I don't want to lose Mancini but if results mean we end up going downhill than obviously he isn't the right man but right now i'd stick with him and back him 100%.

Guardiola will though i guarantee be the first name on the shortlist should Mancini go because he is from a club that does it properly and could set us up playing brilliant football which runs through the ENTIRE clubs blood, not someone who is here for themselves.

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