Mr. Bellamy

He's perfectly entitled to see out his contract in my book.

But for me, I'd rather play football in front of a big crowd week in week out even if it is just for the year. And I think he could do that and still earn extremely good money for the privelige.

Personally I think he does want a move, he's just playing the game to get the best deal for himself as possible. Nothing wrong with that, but it's a fine line between looking after yourself and disrespecting your club. It's a line I suspect will be crossed several times over the next month.
Dax777 said:
razinho said:
FantasyIreland said:
And why should he? would you?
Emmmm yeah? If all i wanted to do in life was play football then i would be happier picking up 35k and playing most weeks than playing with kids and reserves for 90k. He's in his latter years and should want to play most weeks, regardless of the money he may or may not make. The fact he said he wouldn't take a drop in wages because of his charity doesn't wash with me, the guys a first class prick.
Bullshit! Don't care how much I wanna play football. I m not paying 55 thousand dollars a week to do it. And his charity has nothing to do with it. City signed him to a contract, and now they must pay it up. And why the hell will a 32 year old wanna go play somewherelse and bust his balls for 59 grand less and no championship search? WHat is he, a freaking charity?

I don't get it with City fans who get all whinny wen a player doesn't want to take a pay cut to go somewhere else. Did the player put a gun to CIty's head when City signed them to the contract in the first place? Whether or not Bellamy is a prick is irrelevant. Should he feel any guilt for signing the contract he signed? Absolutely not! The only reason players take pay cut to go play somewhere else is because there is something in it for them. What is in it for a 32 year old guy 1 year away from possible retirement. And hence the inability to ever make this kind o money again. Unless he is a fukking idiot, of course he shouldn't take a pay cut.

-- Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:36 pm --

Robinho's Subbuteo said:
razinho said:
Or just tell the greedy bastard to fuck off. Your idea would be good but i'd like to know what exactly he's buying and providing in Africa that means he needs 90k a week to fund it. The economy in Africa means he could provide for about 20 kids on a couple of grand a week max, the fact he's used it as an excuse not to take a drop in wages astounds me. He's an arsehole.

I agree, and by removing the charity from the equation/his reasons we'll find out just how charitable Bellamy really is. Plus, what happens when he retires? Craig Bellamy Foundation goes bye bye? He'll find the money from somewhere, which is what he can do now.
Exactly the point. He doesn't need all the 90K a week to run the charity this year, he needs it to keep the charity going long after he is not making that kind of money. That is the point. So all the folks asking how much it cost to run a charity are missing the point. The charity has to continue after Craig is don with football. So it is in his interest to make as much money now so he can save enough for when he retires. Which is very soon/
agree with dax apart from him using the word idiot
whether we like it or not he's doing what every professional player will do honoring is contract which for me is perfectly right to do so.
Id send him to Sierra Leone to play for Armani`s team he seems to like it over there.them pitches might be tough on his knees`bwtf

i wouldnt let him with 2 miles of our current squad.

Mancini sussed out the bad apples very quickly!
We signed a contract and are duty bound by it. He is no demon and no pity.
BigTony said:
He's only gona get 30k at best wherever he goes, so I can understand why really.

it must be a real killer getting "only 30k" a WEEK!! hes a money grabbing ****, the sooner that little hunch back cripple fucks off the better we will be
If he is refusing to go, the club has two options - let him rot in the reserves for a season or include him in the 25 and have him as a carling cup player/impact sub/injury cover. By all accounts he has conducted himself well in training and on the pitch in the reserves friendlies he's played in. Personally, i think he can do a job for us if we need him, not withstanding he is a knobend, but if he does even a small bit for us isn't that better than nowt for his £90k per week.
afro2007 said:
whether we like it or not he's doing what every professional player will do honoring is contract which for me is perfectly right to do so.
honor his contract? by talking shit about manager and club? and refuse to leave because he will not get his 80K i will celebrate when this little rat is out of manchester .
we've only 26 players on our books born before the 90's and not on loan until at least the next window. with others due to leave bobby might have no option but to put him in the 25. of course that won't necessarily mean he'll ever play for us again

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