Munich Chants

Re: The club should start banning them..

ManCityX said:
The reason it bothers me is because why the hell would anyone want to chant or involve references about a tragic accident which also involved former CITY LEGENDS?!

If a plane crashed tomorrow with the United team on it and Colin Bell was on it as well, would these people chant about that as well?

quite clearly they would

and would anyone want such people to be associated with our great club?
Re: The club should start banning them..

That article is a joke, it was 200ish thick idiots singing two shite songs that made them look pathetic, no need for back page headline from the MEN.

Here's a thought though to those who sing you sing what you want and mention munich like it's going out of fashion - STOP? Bell has asked you to, Summerbee has asked you to, Mancini has asked you to, as i saw on Sunday many fans asked you to aswell, and lets get back page headlines for another fine win and not these pathetic thick chants, it's not hard ffs.
Re: The club should start banning them..

I feel sorry for the club on this one...

They have tried the "low-key" approach to stopping chants using the word Munich...and the hard-core "we'll sing what we want" brigade are now taunting the hierarchy of their own club.

The arguments about other songs that "offend" people are completely irrelevant..we all know the sensitivity of the word, and the fans that insist on using it (despite all these appeals not to) are just being stubborn, classless and stupid.

What they are NOT doing is somehow:
- standing up for freedom of speech
- proving they are die-hard City fans
- going to convince anyone that the use of the word is appropriate

For home games at least, the club is entitled to impose its own rules + regulations for behaviour inside the stadium...
... and although I am sure they don't want to start ejecting people over this, they may be left with little choice.
Re: The club should start banning them..

ManCityX said:
The reason it bothers me is because why the hell would anyone want to chant or involve references about a tragic accident which also involved former CITY LEGENDS?!

If a plane crashed tomorrow with the United team on it and Colin Bell was on it as well, would these people chant about that as well?

Great point.

Just my take on this, alot of the people at Blackburn were young lads, they have learnt this behaviour from their elders, so dont expect this to change over night.

Its going to take a number of years and a shift in mentality to eradicate the problem
Re: The club should start banning them..

Do the bars at COMS have names ? maybe naming the one on South stand level 1 "The Frank Swift bar" might help
Re: The club should start banning them..

The papers are clearly trying to stamp this out once and for all but the back page on the MEN today is a fcking joke.
Re: The club should start banning them..

WNRH said:
That article is a joke, it was 200ish thick idiots singing two shite songs that made them look pathetic, no need for back page headline from the MEN.

Here's a thought though to those who sing you sing what you want and mention munich like it's going out of fashion - STOP? Bell has asked you to, Summerbee has asked you to, Mancini has asked you to, as i saw on Sunday many fans asked you to aswell, and lets get back page headlines for another fine win and not these pathetic thick chants, it's not hard ffs.

The article isn't the main issue, we'll get a press baiting no matter what we do.

But the second part of your post is absolutely spot on. It's disgusting and should be stamped out.
Re: The club should start banning them..

Bluebird1 said:
They were singing it in Mary Ds before and after the game, followed by "we're Man City, we'll sing what we want". It seems to be a small minority.

why oh why are we singing this song for, we are man city not UNITED leave this song for them

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