Muslim women must learn English

I bet a pound to a penny there are more white women in this country who are shit scared of their husbands than non English speaking ladies.
Given that white women are by far the largest percentage of the population you may be right,that is irrelevant however because the root problem is that women are seen in many cultures as possessions and second class citizens,it is a concept that we are only really getting away from in ours.Cameron may be a massive dick and the whole idea has been put very badly,but wanting people resident here to have a grasp of the local lingo isn't in itself bad,a lesson some ex pat Brits might learn that shouting doesn't make you understood.
Genuine question here, not judging just curious.

For those BM members who are expats living in non-English speaking countries. Can you speak the language fluently? Do you feel there is a need? Are you learning?
I learned how to say hello, thank you and a few bits and bobs like that but didn't deem in necessary to learn any more as English is an official language in Qatar.

I would fully learn French or Spanish (already can get by in either place) if I moved to those countries as English isn't an official language.
Genuine question here, not judging just curious.

For those BM members who are expats living in non-English speaking countries. Can you speak the language fluently? Do you feel there is a need? Are you learning?

You need to get this fluent thing out of your head, it's incredibly rare to master fluency in a second language after the age of 14.

It's not that difficult to become good in a language at any age, good meaning you can have conversation about subjects you have an interest in.

Language learning is time consuming. Some languages are easier than others.

The secret to language learning is: repetitio mater studiorum est

One thing I find with speaking different languages is it's confusing. I was watching a film the other day and turned to the wife and asked her what the fuck was going on? She answered You should know it's in English: my brain was translating it into Spanish.
I'm fluent in German, but studied it at university and have been working in German-speaking countries for 14 years.
However, I know a few ex-pats who've lived in Germany for over 20 years and have never bothered learning German except for the basics.
Btw, being fluent in a foreign language doesn't mean you know every word; it just means that you can converse comfortably and without struggling to be understood by the locals
It's pretty easy really. The push is to try and empower muslim women in Britain in order that they have a more positive influence over their offspring in an attempt to reduce radicalisation. To that end, learning the language so you can participate in the broader community and today I see the face vail is also on the agenda. Again, a move to integrate muslim women into the greater community.

All logical and reasonable when you look at it in the context of addressing the radicalisation of young muslims.
All the arguments in this thread which are derived from outside the primary concern of radicalisation are off topic.
It's pretty easy really. The push is to try and empower muslim women in Britain in order that they have a more positive influence over their offspring in an attempt to reduce radicalisation. To that end, learning the language so you can participate in the broader community and today I see the face vail is also on the agenda. Again, a move to integrate muslim women into the greater community.

All logical and reasonable when you look at it in the context of addressing the radicalisation of young muslims.
All the arguments in this thread which are derived from outside the primary concern of radicalisation are off topic.

All of this and more!

People are clowns in this thread.
It's pretty easy really. The push is to try and empower muslim women in Britain in order that they have a more positive influence over their offspring in an attempt to reduce radicalisation. To that end, learning the language so you can participate in the broader community and today I see the face vail is also on the agenda. Again, a move to integrate muslim women into the greater community.

All logical and reasonable when you look at it in the context of addressing the radicalisation of young muslims.
All the arguments in this thread which are derived from outside the primary concern of radicalisation are off topic.

I think you and Call Me Dave might be pissing in the wind if you think giving Muslim women some English lessons is going to stop kids going on the dark path of extreme Islam.

Having read what he said I see no more than paying lip service to the Right Wing Nut Jobs.
I think you and Call Me Dave might be pissing in the wind if you think giving Muslim women some English lessons is going to stop kids going on the dark path of extreme Islam.

Having read what he said I see no more than paying lip service to the Right Wing Nut Jobs.

But that's because you are so entrenched in your position that you're not prepared to make any concession and will find fault with any suggestion.
What do you suggest is done to prevent radicalisation?
What are your views on the isolation of muslim women in western societies?
What is your opinion on the influence of the mother in family groups?
What about people who are just fucking thick?

I got taught German for 2 hours a week for 3 years and couldn't string a sentence together.

Are they told to go back where they come from.
German's easy. Just change all w's to v's and th's to z's and speak very loudly. You must be really thick if you can't pick that up.

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