Well-Known Member
My wife is a senior biomedical scientist, during the pandemic she worked nearly 16/18 hours a day for nearly 6 months, to test samples and put in new working practices for rapid covid testing.
She was hardly home and the pressure it put on us as a family was huge. I was also working full time (at home) during the pandemic and had to run the house as well as look after and home school the kids. This not a complaint.....we muddled through like everyone else did at the time.
The complaint is; that she got paid overtime for working these stupid long days and putting safe working practices in place, to protect colleagues and ultimately speed up testing. Fair enough you say.......yes. But this overtime took us over a certain threshold for family tax credit......and low and behold she was hit with a tax bill of nearly £2.5k.
All for doing her job.
And cunts like Zahawi and his rich cronies can get away with this shit, time after time.
Should be locked up. Cunts the lot of em.
I don’t think he’s got away with it this time but your general point stands. Thing your good lady should have done was put the money into her pension (tax avoidance) then she’d not have been penalised. Those who earn plenty know the tricks already whereas you didn’t.