Napoli Away

I lad I work with is one of the Liverpool fans that was stabbed a couple of years ago by the Napoli supporters. My scouse colleague is a big fella, and definatley NOT the sort of bloke you would ordinarily choose a fight with.
I discussed Naples and their fans with him at work this morning. He is a regular European supporter with Liverpool, and has travelled all over the continent supporting them. He described Naples as without doubt the very worst place he ever visited watching Liverpool. He was stabbed in the buttock, thigh, and attacked with sticks and fireworks. Apparently the Italians were constantly challenging Liverpool fans to fight throughout the day (prior to the game) My scouse mate also said that the return game at Anfield was also terrible, that the Italians turned up mob handed supported by Italians living in London. He went on to suggest that he expects some Liverpool fans may travel to Manchester to exact revenge on the Italian fans for the events in Naples.
My mate is no mug, I believe every word he told me, and know something about his assault whilst in Naples, a result I will NOT be travelling to Italy,.... I have supported City home and away through the eighties, and am not soft, I just dont need this aggro. Best of luck to any blues that choose to travel. If youve got any questions, PM me, and Ill put them to my mate, it might help you make an informed desicion about wether or not to travel there.
I'm going. Taking wifey for protection ... she's scotish. She also speaks Italian, albeit with a scotish twang!
Have wanted to go there fr a long time, so looking forward to it. Driving down to Calabria afterwards for a chillout too ... nice food, cheap beer ... fantastico.

Would strongly advise to go easy on the sauce and keep your tits about you too.
Smoothy B. said:
I lad I work with is one of the Liverpool fans that was stabbed a couple of years ago by the Napoli supporters. My scouse colleague is a big fella, and definatley NOT the sort of bloke you would ordinarily choose a fight with.
I discussed Naples and their fans with him at work this morning. He is a regular European supporter with Liverpool, and has travelled all over the continent supporting them. He described Naples as without doubt the very worst place he ever visited watching Liverpool. He was stabbed in the buttock, thigh, and attacked with sticks and fireworks. Apparently the Italians were constantly challenging Liverpool fans to fight throughout the day (prior to the game) My scouse mate also said that the return game at Anfield was also terrible, that the Italians turned up mob handed supported by Italians living in London. He went on to suggest that he expects some Liverpool fans may travel to Manchester to exact revenge on the Italian fans for the events in Naples.
My mate is no mug, I believe every word he told me, and know something about his assault whilst in Naples, a result I will NOT be travelling to Italy,.... I have supported City home and away through the eighties, and am not soft, I just dont need this aggro. Best of luck to any blues that choose to travel. If youve got any questions, PM me, and Ill put them to my mate, it might help you make an informed desicion about wether or not to travel there.

thanks, im sure we all feel better now knowing we can ask your friend for advice..
Jordie said:
I have never been to Naples but i have travelled a lot and i would be fairly confident it isn't as bad as Moston, Beswick, Ancoats or Longsight so man up you soft shites.

Haha, so naive!

It is by far and away the most dangerous place I've ever been. From Valencia I could get very cheap flights to Naples but not a chance I would go to this game.
pocho said:
hi guys,
i'm from napoli, and i support napoli (which is not so obvious because we have many inter and juventus fan even here, god forgive us).
I was enjoying reading your forum 'cos I like how english fans support their teams and I wanted to know what you would think about the champions draw.

But I could not stand some of the things that have been said about napoli (the city).
First of all, a racist city? "they are agains black people"? "they dont like anyone who's not italian"?, come on, seriously? Who gives you this informations, uncyclopedia?
Neapolitans are always been victims of racism here in italy, by the same italians from the north. Plus, napoli is by far the most welcoming city for people that come to italy from africa.
Ask some african guy that has worked in italy if he stayed better in milan or napoli, for example.

Other thing. Shitty hole? Are you serious? yes we may have some troubles with criminality, but still i felt more unsafe hanging around in some areas of london or in gateshead or in glasgow (sorry, I've been just in these 3 british cities). Apart from that napoli is not exactly a shitty hole, is a beautiful city, one of the most important and beautiful cities of europe a couple ofcenturies ago and still magnificent and full of things to see. A shitty hole, please. I like england, I enjoyed working there when I was 20, but in one neighborhood of napoli there are way more beautiful things to see than in all Tyne and Wear.

i know about the stabbings of last year. Those were bad, really. And i felt shame for that. But those are thing that happens in every city (i was doing erasmus in glasgow and i watched a couple of derbys there and well...).

So, dont be afraid to come, enjoy the city and our beatiful (but old) stadium. I think you will not regret it. That day will be a unique atmosphere in naples, we awaited this cup for many here, and i'm sure you wont find a stadium so full of joy very easily.

Try to judge after you have seen things, not before, and not with "cliches".
Sorry about this, and about my poor english, I'm really looking forward to the match between our two BLUE teams.
And win the best!

what the fucks wrong with Gateshead lived in Whickham for many years posh as owt
hmmm one of my best mates is a liverpool lad and he went last year, he's no bullshitter and allways says it how it is to be fair, soon as we drew them yesterday he rang and said watch ya back out there mate, and your arse, he also said napoli ultra,s would be after anything english the night before more than the night of game as they did for them, also they got battered at anfield apparantly so would be looking for revenge on an english club!

sounds like fun to me, naples here we come!
Forzacitizens said:
Smoothy B. said:
I lad I work with is one of the Liverpool fans that was stabbed a couple of years ago by the Napoli supporters. My scouse colleague is a big fella, and definatley NOT the sort of bloke you would ordinarily choose a fight with.
I discussed Naples and their fans with him at work this morning. He is a regular European supporter with Liverpool, and has travelled all over the continent supporting them. He described Naples as without doubt the very worst place he ever visited watching Liverpool. He was stabbed in the buttock, thigh, and attacked with sticks and fireworks. Apparently the Italians were constantly challenging Liverpool fans to fight throughout the day (prior to the game) My scouse mate also said that the return game at Anfield was also terrible, that the Italians turned up mob handed supported by Italians living in London. He went on to suggest that he expects some Liverpool fans may travel to Manchester to exact revenge on the Italian fans for the events in Naples.
My mate is no mug, I believe every word he told me, and know something about his assault whilst in Naples, a result I will NOT be travelling to Italy,.... I have supported City home and away through the eighties, and am not soft, I just dont need this aggro. Best of luck to any blues that choose to travel. If youve got any questions, PM me, and Ill put them to my mate, it might help you make an informed desicion about wether or not to travel there.

thanks, im sure we all feel better now knowing we can ask your friend for advice..

Ha ha...only trying to be helpful mate,... but good luck if your going !
It'll be grand. People do like to exaggerate. As always if you look for trouble you'll find trouble. If you're sensible you won't.
There is going to definitely be some awesome atmosphere at all of these matches in this group.

For those traveling, just look out for yourself and friends. If you get loaded on alcohol looking for trouble, it will find you.

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