Napoli Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

Really don't understand the negative posts on here. Typical Italian set up for me tonight. Defend,defend, defend,then hit you on the break. The whole structure of their game is based on this,even at international level.
If you are gonna commit players forward as we did tonight you are gonna get sucked in.The first goal was our fault pure and simple, who was on the near post?
After the second goal they opened us up a couple of times and when we attacked they had eleven behind the ball.
Can't really see leaving the blame at the full backs,wouldn't have a made a difference. Pace is very hard to defend. One goal conceded by Napoli in over 12 hours of Euro football, surely that says something.
Win Mancini is god, lose and lets all sack him,they were the better side deserved to win need to go out of this competition on a high, hopefully by having a go and beating Bayern. Platini will be well satisfied and all the press will be laughing at us, whats new. Took the rags seven years before they won it, so back to the league, main priority, hopefully we will take it out on Liverpool. As for Europa league we should try to progress as far as we can to build up co efficient and try to get out of pot 3 for next year, but first and foremost we need to qualify for the competition. Hoping that those players who haven't performed tonight realise that and improve otherwise I can see new faces being brought in to replace them. A new learning curve for us nothing to be ashamed of, in simple terms we got beat, move on.
LoveCity said:
I'll still go to Europa League games but I can't believe I read a post earlier with someone saying he was sending back his Bayern ticket because we're out (almost) now... awful. Even if it was a friendly match City vs. Bayern is a game to see.

Half empty stadium for this now. I shelled out £55 for me and the lad under cup scheme but loads will have waited for this game before deciding.
Bobby's record before City was winning multiple league titles and being shite in Europe. Now we're (effectively) out of Europe, hopefully this trend continues...if we win the league I;d give 1000 years of being knocked out of Europe in the groups to win the league once in my lifetime!

Poor performance tonight and Kun should have been on the pitch much sooner (still think he has to be injured, unless Bobby really doesn't know what he's doing) but it's not the end of the world or even the season....we can still do the treble!

Very drunk, took a lot of editing this!
rastus said:
In hidsight maybe Clichy, Aguro and Micah would have been an option.
Those three are part of our best 11. A win was paramount today, so why weren't we playing our best 11? Mancini obviously knows a lot more than me and is doing a fine job, but it was a strange selection.
Damanino said:
Mancini has to win the league. Otherwise...

And we are nowhere near to Real, Barca. Enough of the stupid comparisons. they have a real go in CL this year too. We cant even get trough Napoli. Credit to them, they deserved it.

He may well be a gonner if we don´t. He´s taken a risk playing rotation in CL so he could concentrate on PL. This sacrifice of sorts has to pay off or the owners might turn around and ask why we didn´t take the Chumps seriously enough. I believe though that patience would prevail and he would get another season. Fingers fookin crossed (and everything else!)
grim up north said:
Some unbelievably monging going on here again from no nothing no marks it's the fucking champions league not the john sons paint milk cup. Wankers

point fair made well bud

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