
Re: 20m for Nasri

Kun Aguero said:
Klopp Flop said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Why would PSG sign him, they already have more pull, clout and a better team than us. Don't think they will be buying our cast offs

He's French you know....

So he's joining Newcastle?

Don't be daft, he's an international and a big name plarer in france
Re: 20m for Nasri

Kun Aguero said:
Klopp Flop said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Why would PSG sign him, they already have more pull, clout and a better team than us. Don't think they will be buying our cast offs

He's French you know....

So he's joining Newcastle?

Very good. Though woudl be followed inevitably by:


Mike Ashley suffers heart attack after meeting with Nasri's agent to discuss wage demands over playmaker's proposed move from Man City.
Re: 20m for Nasri

bunch of fkn wankers

nasri is fine, just get a life and stop getting a boner off your hate
Re: 20m for Nasri

Using Nasri as a makeweight would widen our options, when it comes to getting in a top class replacement.

But when his wages are so big, it cuts the odds to a pool of four teams, all who would not go near him.

He would have to take a massive cut in wages and why would he do us any favours if he knows we want him out.

Hopefully Sheikh Mansour can call a favour in with Al Thani at PSG.

We should be developing an 'arrangement' with them for future FFPR options.
Re: 20m for Nasri

Kun Aguero said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
I wouldn't give tuppence for the useless t##t

-- Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:30 am --

The question still remains - who thought signing Nasri was a good plan?! I know I didn't, but someone at the club did and we don't need this stupidity repeating..................


I agree - perfect for City AND has Prem experience so doesn't need 'bedding-in'.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=10&t=224313&hilit=nasri&start=20</a>


Nasri IS a proven premiership world class star, who would get into any team in the world. Doubtful Arsenal will sell him, and even more doubtful it would be to a rival club.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=10&t=224313&hilit=nasri&start=30</a>

Re: 20m for Nasri

BoyBlue_1985 said:
Klopp Flop said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Why would PSG sign him, they already have more pull, clout and a better team than us. Don't think they will be buying our cast offs

He's French you know....
Oh right well its a done deal then

No but PSG splash the cash and he would do well there so I could see them bidding for him. Mancini was spot on that Nasri has only given city 50% this season and that is no good enough and for this reason I think he will be sold on and the French league is probably is next destination IMO. PSG do not have a better team than City
Re: 20m for Nasri

It's not coincidental that since we didn't buy Hazard that Yayas future was questioned by his agent whom also represents Nasri and Mario. It's quite telling how their forms dropped off if you ask me. Coincidence or a plot by agent to force through moves potentially?
Re: 20m for Nasri

Aguero_Element said:
bunch of fkn wankers

nasri is fine, just get a life and stop getting a boner off your hate

Mancini said he has given city 50% this season.. Yeah ok that's fine mate. I don't hate him but he isn't playing well

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