Isn't it all getting a little bit personal this by the usual suspects? Is it not possible to disagree without resorting to insults?
I think most folk on here are cunts and nonces but I'd never dream of actually saying so in a post.
Isn't it all getting a little bit personal this by the usual suspects? Is it not possible to disagree without resorting to insults?
I think most folk on here are cunts and nonces but I'd never dream of actually saying so in a post.
Oh, thanks very much!
You're right, but it's more like
"our governments have allowed our armed services to slim down..."

Because not spending allows tax cuts.
I’d rather have a strong armed service than tax cuts I’d prefer all our essential services to be strong rather than have multi millionaires but teachers, nurses, doctors and transport workers are all being squeezed and undervalued.
I just wish people would wake up before it’s all privatised and we end up with a whole generation of under classed people.

Putin invaded Crimea first before 2022 he thought the west would do nothing he knew how much we had made nuclear our main defence and couldn’t apply a land war anymore I’m convinced Russia has the old USSR in mind no matter how long it takes them ”the long game”
We are being slowly but inexorably dragged into an armed conflict fighting FOR Ukrainian nazis and fascists and AGAINST the grandsons of the men and women who sacrificed so many millions of their number to win WW2 for us.

It’s mental. But sadly inevitable.
Many of the Soviet troops fought with guns pointed at their backs. Their units had political officers who would shoot any man who tried to escape the fight. Why not fight the Nazis then, at least you may survive. If you don't fight them the unit commissar puts a/some bullet/s into you as an example for the others.

Furthermore, Stalin and Hitler weren't that far apart on a number of things. They were both leaders of nations with socialist governments. Where they different was Hitler preferred the national socialist idea and Stalin the more international movement. They didn't like each other because they were competing for the same hearts and minds. The slogan "First brown then red" wad popular with German communists because once a German had accepted national socialism, it wasn't a big leap to become someone who believes in international socialism.
Isn't it all getting a little bit personal this by the usual suspects? Is it not possible to disagree without resorting to insults?
I think most folk on here are cunts and nonces but I'd never dream of actually saying so in a post.

I don't think asking someone who professes to want an honest discussion about something to stop lurching from one conspiracy to the next to avoid answering questions is getting personal.
Let me put it this way, if Biden says he's going to blow up a gas line and it happens and then it's denied, did it happen?
Hi Bigga,

My name is irrelevant, but I am born and raised in Eastern Europe, and have lived in the UK for 11 years now with dual citizenship. I can speak quite clearly about the eastern block, the requirement of NATO in there and how the eastern world ( very different to the WEST ) truly sees Russia, as I have majored in History and Sociology. But that's another cookie.

To enlighten my curiosity please answer the following:

What is the reason for Russia's invasion in Ukraine?

To complement the invasion, why a SOVEREIGN ( one possessing or held to possess supreme political power or sovereignty ) nation is at fault for being invaded by a Nuclear power, at scale.

To complement the above: Can you please explain, Bucha, Irpin, and the countless massacres documented by the Hague, photographed, posted on every element of social media? Do you think cutting penises, violently raping, electrocuting in the 21st century is something we should accept as normal behaviour? Do you also believe stealing children ( actual genocidal behaviour by removal and cultural cleansing ) is something a nation should be proud of?

To continue the "complementation", Following 2008 Georgia, 2014 Ukraine, to be just very concise over the overly aggressive geopolitical behaviour, should all the eastern block simply give up their national identity and simply be Russian?

Now, before you answer me, as I have studied more history than you have, and definitely READ and researched, and have achieved a degree in such matters please be very aware I am quite documented by written books, professors, doctors, whom have dedicated their entire lives to history and society - not television and YouTube when it comes to US aggression, and majority of the driving aggressions around the world whether past or present. So in case your clearly underdeveloped understanding of actual / factual European and World geopolitics start vibrating and spouting childish nonsense, answer the questions above, because I need to understand if you are capable of identifying culpability and reality and what is really happening, without playing the petulant game "He said, She Said".
Anybody who supports Russia over Ukraine/NATO should really think about applying for citizenship there.
I'm quite surprised our esteemed colleague Bigga isn't as Mr. Seagal should be as well on the frontlines in Donbas, murdering, demolishing homes, killing civilians, stealing's toilets, raping, stealing children, killing children, burning, loitering, oh sorry, I meant LIBERATING, from the Anglo Saxon Super GAY MEGA NAZI SS PRO troops which clearly invented Covid and had MEGA NUKES all pointed at Ivan in Belogrod.

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