Isn't it all getting a little bit personal this by the usual suspects? Is it not possible to disagree without resorting to insults?
I think most folk on here are cunts and nonces but I'd never dream of actually saying so in a post.
Nonce ****.
You still aren't answering any of the rebuttals put to you.
My man hasn't read a book about modern European history in his life, and you want him to answer anything? He is about as intelligent from the posts he makes as a lamp post.
Hi Bigga,

My name is irrelevant, but I am born and raised in Eastern Europe, and have lived in the UK for 11 years now with dual citizenship. I can speak quite clearly about the eastern block, the requirement of NATO in there and how the eastern world ( very different to the WEST ) truly sees Russia, as I have majored in History and Sociology. But that's another cookie.

To enlighten my curiosity please answer the following:

What is the reason for Russia's invasion in Ukraine?

To complement the invasion, why a SOVEREIGN ( one possessing or held to possess supreme political power or sovereignty ) nation is at fault for being invaded by a Nuclear power, at scale.

To complement the above: Can you please explain, Bucha, Irpin, and the countless massacres documented by the Hague, photographed, posted on every element of social media? Do you think cutting penises, violently raping, electrocuting in the 21st century is something we should accept as normal behaviour? Do you also believe stealing children ( actual genocidal behaviour by removal and cultural cleansing ) is something a nation should be proud of?

To continue the "complementation", Following 2008 Georgia, 2014 Ukraine, to be just very concise over the overly aggressive geopolitical behaviour, should all the eastern block simply give up their national identity and simply be Russian?

Now, before you answer me, as I have studied more history than you have, and definitely READ and researched, and have achieved a degree in such matters please be very aware I am quite documented by written books, professors, doctors, whom have dedicated their entire lives to history and society - not television and YouTube when it comes to US aggression, and majority of the driving aggressions around the world whether past or present. So in case your clearly underdeveloped understanding of actual / factual European and World geopolitics start vibrating and spouting childish nonsense, answer the questions above, because I need to understand if you are capable of identifying culpability and reality and what is really happening, without playing the petulant game "He said, She Said".

A) There's always an ulterior motive to 'invasions'. Most of it is sanitised by favorable reporting, so I'm not going to pretend view a is better than view b. I just want to know why the search for peace is off the table, so hard as the current status is world affecting.

B) I am a child of escaping a war torn country with a parent that has survived massacres that were brushed under the table, so don't come at me with your learned reading when I have a surviving parent of such atrocities.

That's why I come from the position of peaceful solution.

Since you're so learned, let me ask you why BlackRock and BlackStone are so interested in the future and investment of Ukraine?
I'm quite surprised our esteemed colleague Bigga isn't as Mr. Seagal should be as well on the frontlines in Donbas, murdering, demolishing homes, killing civilians, stealing's toilets, raping, stealing children, killing children, burning, loitering, oh sorry, I meant LIBERATING, from the Anglo Saxon Super GAY MEGA NAZI SS PRO troops which clearly invented Covid and had MEGA NUKES all pointed at Ivan in Belogrod.

Nor am I supporting the mass murder of people FORCED to die, like some of you people.

Nobody deserves to be glorified in unwanted deaths like you're playing COD, unaffected by it.

Think that's pretty fucking sad, knowing you get to sleep at night.
You still aren't answering any of the rebuttals put to you.

Your 'rebuttal' depends on a station that tells the whole truth and your CNNs, MSNBCs, SKYs of the world are not steeped in this tradition, so it's a fucking stupid question!

And my answer was in response to your second silly viewpoint. Apparently, if you tell the world you're going to commit an act and it happens, then it's not proof you did it. Not your president saying or your sec of state nor the gloating afterwards...
Nor am I supporting the mass murder of people FORCED to die, like some of you people.

Nobody deserves to be glorified in unwanted deaths like you're playing COD, unaffected by it.

Think that's pretty fucking sad, knowing you get to sleep at night.

Lmao you don't give a fuck about Ukrainians dying and are expecting us to care about russian soldiers who have invaded a country and purposely attacked civilians and their infrastructure to cause suffering.
A) There's always an ulterior motive to 'invasions'. Most of it is sanitised by favorable reporting, so I'm not going to pretend view a is better than view b. I just want to know why the search for peace is off the table, so hard as the current status is world affecting.

B) I am a child of escaping a war torn country with a parent that has survived massacres that were brushed under the table, so don't come at me with your learned reading when I have a surviving parent of such atrocities.

That's why I come from the position of peaceful solution.

Since you're so learned, let me ask you why BlackRock and BlackStone are so interested in the future and investment of Ukraine?
Well well,

Number 1: It's not an "Invasion" it's the real deal. Let's clarify this before you clown yourself more online. If your family has known war, denying the existence or degree of this one is pathetic beyond belief.

2. Sorry to break it to you, go back three generations, for Europe, 1 for the USA, 1 for countries as Georgia, former Yugoslavia, UK, Afghanistan, Iraq, the list can go forever and you will find the same thing. My Great grandfather was a POW captured in 1942 in Soviet Russia btw. War is a constant, it exists because some struggles are irreversible, irreparable, and it goes beyond language or desires. This war however has nothing to do with past European conflicts, but your lack of awareness over why this has begun is telling.

3. American investees. Colour me surprised. How dare a Sovereign nation choose to do business with the big boys without Russia's approval. You are very lost here.

2 Reasons: If you think US is not deep in every nation that has anything of value for trade ( cough cough Lithium and Ukraine ) then you are a child and it goes the same for everyone in G7. And the other, business is business. Russia sucks at business, it's very simple. You wanted a dumbed down toddler equsalising argument for why countries line up to do "bits" with the big boys. It's all business, and like i said, Russia is utterly terrible at every business that doesn't either explode, or is oil/gas.
Lmao you don't give a fuck about Ukrainians dying and are expecting us to care about russian soldiers who have invaded a country and purposely attacked civilians and their infrastructure to cause suffering.

I give as much as a fuck about it as you did for the hundreds of thousands of non-White Humans that died at the hands of the West for a sanitised lie.

I'd prefer none of it happened, mind.
I give as much as a fuck about it as you did for the hundreds of thousands of non-White Humans that died at the hands of the West for a sanitised lie.

I'd prefer none of it happened, mind.

There we go, was going to post it before but you did it for me.

The lack of melanin in Ukranian people is the reason bigga isn't arsed, his hatred for the west and US trumps their suffering.

Been obvious for years on here what you are.

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