Yes, well done, you're willing to say what absolutely everyone else is willing to say. Truly you are a free thinker.

Sorry, I'm not seeing the occupied territory there. I'm seeing Turkish, Israeli, Saudi Arabian, Egyptian, Omani, Emirati territory controlled by their respective governments, not an invading force?

You haven't sunk to such pathetic depths that you're equating a country giving the US an airbase with Russia invading and occupying Ukraine are you?

Dunno, depends on the "pathetic depths" one gleans information from...

You get sold a narrative.

I tend to listen to all sides and see what's missed out.
Really? It doesn't matter that Russia is expanding by invading and conquering other nations?

So to prevent NATO expansion you would advocate that applications from the likes of Poland, Estonia, Latvia etc be declined, thereby depriving them of the umbrella of protection provided by NATO? What about Finland? Sweden?

Do you really believe that that would prevent Russian aggression? Perhaps you should check with Transnistria, Georgia and Chechnya
Transnistria, Georgia and Chechnya all done to combat 'terror' at a time when that was cart blanche for any nation to invade any other so I'm not sure we really kicked up a fuss.
I'm not saying we should prevent NATO expansion, I'm just saying the fact is it has expanded.
As far as invading other nations goes Russia still has much catching up to do and doesn't appear to be getting this one right.
I tend to listen to all sides and see what's missed out.
Oh god, you actually genuinely believe this shite as well.

You think you're an enlightened thinker because you watch the Chinese Communist party's international news network (that OFCOM has repeatedly fined for being propaganda) and Russia Today.

You watch a CCP owned broadcaster reporting on a story from Bashar Al Assad's state news agency and think you're some groundbreaking investigative journalist instead of a target.
I would gently point out that around 8 million Ukrainians died during WWII. 2 million died on the front line.

When we talk about the losses the Soviet Union suffered during WWII that includes Ukrainians.

Today, the Ukrainians are still fighting fascists. Think on that for a bit.

True, that happened... as part OF the Soviet Union, not separately.

And it's also true they were cited as the most corrupt country in Europe... still fighting fascists.

It's, clearly, very complicated...
Oh god, you actually genuinely believe this shite as well.

You think you're an enlightened thinker because you watch the Chinese Communist party's international news network (that OFCOM has repeatedly fined for being propaganda) and Russia Today.

You watch a CCP owned broadcaster reporting on a story from Basher Al Assad's state news agency and think you're some groundbreaking investigative journalist instead of a target.
I always think watching Hollywood blockbusters are a good guide to US foreign policy. Whatever the nationality of the latest bond villain is always a clue. Always Soviets as baddies during the cold war and we've just had two decades of angry brown folk with Qur'ans and explosives. There was that awkward period between the cold war and war on terror when it was aliens (independence day etc) We should be in for a few more years of reds under the bed now it appears the global islamic caliphate has been reduced to a girl from London living in a tent.
Oh god, you actually genuinely believe this shite as well.

You think you're an enlightened thinker because you watch the Chinese Communist party's international news network (that OFCOM has repeatedly fined for being propaganda) and Russia Today.

You watch a CCP owned broadcaster reporting on a story from Bashar Al Assad's state news agency and think you're some groundbreaking investigative journalist instead of a target.

You're "so enlightened" that you think fines and barring of information are not two fold in those countries?

You didn't say the info is not true that the US don't plunder oil nor perform regime change for their benefit?

You can pretend you have all the answers, though. I don't, I just ask questions.

I'm not old faithful, like you and others are.

The Iraq war and many other things have taught me well.
I always think watching Hollywood blockbusters are a good guide to US foreign policy. Whatever the nationality of the latest bond villain is always a clue. Always Soviets as baddies during the cold war and we've just had two decades of angry brown folk with Qur'ans and explosives. There was that awkward period between the cold war and war on terror when it was aliens (independence day etc) We should be in for a few more years of reds under the bed now it appears the global islamic caliphate has been reduced to a girl from London living in a tent.

Actually accurate and funny!
What are you thoughts?

Is it a purely defensive alliance or is it an alliance that is a tool for western imperialism?

Does it act as an arm of corporate military suppliers or is it a necessary tool in the armoury against an aggressive Putin?

Is NATO basically an extension of capitalist power or does it make you sleep easier at night?

I was against the Iraq war, Blairs compliance has arguably led to the issues we face with immigration and small boats today.

It is something that is rarely discussed, it is sort of accepted that being a member of NATO is a good thing, it has after all meant no war in Western Europe since the end of WW2 , which is a good thing. Yet war seems a real threat and Putin talks about nuclear weapons.

It is a real quandary even for me who has been a life long supporter of CND and an anti war advocate.
For me NATO has allowed us to hide behind Americas might, we have allowed our armed services to slim down so much that we would struggle to defend ourselves against an aggressor without going nuclear
The other countries in Europe have done the same but America won’t always be there to defend us and it leaves us exposed Putin is well aware how we have scaled down our defensive ability’s so much so we can’t act without America.

I’m a supporter of peace but that does not mean I would allow Putin to invade our country
You can pretend you have all the answers, though. I don't, I just ask questions.

The favourite fall back position of every moron peddling conspiracy shit and propaganda, from Joe Rogan to Elon Musk.

"I'm just asking questions bro!"

"Just because all my questions are ways to shoehorn in the propaganda of murderous dictators I've absorbed doesn't mean anything!"

You're posting news reports from a company that is AFIAK the only media company in the world that still denies Bashar Al-Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. A "news agency" that is literally a dictators propaganda arm, with plenty of recorded incidents of them betraying journalistic standards.

Why would I care what they write about? There is nothing to be gained from a source that is so clearly compromised. You might as well be quoting Der Sturmer.
Dunno, depends on the "pathetic depths" one gleans information from...

You get sold a narrative.

I tend to listen to all sides and see what's missed out.

My question to this video is why? why would the US want to smuggle oil out of Syria into Iraq? what benefit is there? Iraq has vastly more oil that Syria as it is. so what would be the reason for this? is the suggestion that the US is then shipping this over to the states somehow from Iraq?

Id also point out, at no point does the video actually show US vehicles or troops with the oil trucks. its just spliced footage of some oil trucks and some US vehicles, there's not even any evidence in there that the vehicles shown are even in Syria.

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