US and Russia have had proxy wars before you were a sperm cell in your dads balls.

But no, Russia has invaded a sovereign nation, no matter how much your blood pressure ticks over, this fact remains unchanged. The rest of the world, is helping. That by the way, Einstein, is a cough cough proxy.
This is very true, most of the cold war only got hot via the arming of proxies. This seems more of a direct confrontation though, mostly because the US is a making no secret of its military assistance whereas usually they are least pretend not to be doing so. I suppose very similar to russian arms going to the north Vietnamese.
Hi Bigga,

My name is irrelevant, but I am born and raised in Eastern Europe, and have lived in the UK for 11 years now with dual citizenship. I can speak quite clearly about the eastern block, the requirement of NATO in there and how the eastern world ( very different to the WEST ) truly sees Russia, as I have majored in History and Sociology. But that's another cookie.

To enlighten my curiosity please answer the following:

What is the reason for Russia's invasion in Ukraine?

To complement the invasion, why a SOVEREIGN ( one possessing or held to possess supreme political power or sovereignty ) nation is at fault for being invaded by a Nuclear power, at scale.

To complement the above: Can you please explain, Bucha, Irpin, and the countless massacres documented by the Hague, photographed, posted on every element of social media? Do you think cutting penises, violently raping, electrocuting in the 21st century is something we should accept as normal behaviour? Do you also believe stealing children ( actual genocidal behaviour by removal and cultural cleansing ) is something a nation should be proud of?

To continue the "complementation", Following 2008 Georgia, 2014 Ukraine, to be just very concise over the overly aggressive geopolitical behaviour, should all the eastern block simply give up their national identity and simply be Russian?

Now, before you answer me, as I have studied more history than you have, and definitely READ and researched, and have achieved a degree in such matters please be very aware I am quite documented by written books, professors, doctors, whom have dedicated their entire lives to history and society - not television and YouTube when it comes to US aggression, and majority of the driving aggressions around the world whether past or present. So in case your clearly underdeveloped understanding of actual / factual European and World geopolitics start vibrating and spouting childish nonsense, answer the questions above, because I need to understand if you are capable of identifying culpability and reality and what is really happening, without playing the petulant game "He said, She Said".
excellent post
Or NATO can back off and engage in peace talks and the world can get trade back to some working degree.
Don't you think Putin, as the aggressor should be the one to back off, then peace talks can begin?

If you think NATO stopping supplying arms to Ukraine will bring Russia and Putin to the table for genuine peace talks, then that's delusional.
Don't you think Putin, as the aggressor should be the one to back off, then peace talks can begin?

If you think NATO stopping supplying arms to Ukraine will bring Russia and Putin to the table for genuine peace talks, then that's delusional.

Both should have a ceasefire and talks.

That's how progress gets made.
It doesn't help when certain countries decide to dictate whether peace talks can happen or not.
I think Ukraine should be able to dictate the conditions that have to be met for peace talks/ceasefire. It is their land that is being invaded/occupied. Ukraine have made their stance on this quite clear.
NATO had it's origins with the Treaty of Dunkirk: UK and France. Then the Treaty of Brussels with Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg joining the UK and France (Western Union). That was followed by the North Atlantic Treaty.

The First NATO headquarters were at 13 Belgrave Square, London

Here's a bit of Western propaganda for ya'll ...

Both should have a ceasefire and talks.

That's how progress gets made.
Most wars eventually do and I suppose this will. It wouldn't surprise me if things are actually quite static and Russia keeps roughly its current gains and no more - both sides can then spin it as a victory of sorts. The win for us will be NATO up to the Russian border and an indebted client state in the new Ukraine. As long as Ukraine retains Odessa so NATO have maritime access I think we (the US) would settle for that.

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