Nedum Onuoha

Didsbury Dave said:
But those were last season's targets and he failed with them all.

Lol didn't demand much did we?

'There you go Bob, it's half way through the season and you've got a team that's gone to pot and that you don't know much about. The previous backroom staff is gone and the players are kicking off because they're loyal to the manager we just sacked. You'll be losing a few players to the ACN and other things next month and the squad is imbalanced, but you can have a championship kid and Vieira. Now go and win us our first trophy in 34 years and get us in the champs league, you've got 4 months'

Yes he failed his targets, but they were a tall order and we came pretty close
BillyShears said:
Lancet Fluke said:
I wouldn't hold your breath. Effectively suggesting that winning Serie A titles is not a creditable achievement is ridiculous. I know the background but he still won those leagues and he won them very well. I'm not massively pro-Mancini, I just believe in objectivity and balance. The fact that you use any excuse to give Mancini as little credit as you can get away with is embarrassing . I'm not apologising for highlighting that.

He was given the first one, and his nearest rivals had been relegated or deducted 15 points plus for the second one. So yeah, I don't want to give him too much credit for those. In fact, he even pillaged Juve for their best players after they were relegated, thereby strengthening against the rest of the league whilst his competition just disappeared. He never got past the CL quarter finals.

Not sure why I should give him credit for those things, but hey, I guess you do.

Don't worry, I didn't expect an apology.

I said I knew the background but thanks for the information.
ST Coleridge said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I see you've looked it up and changed tack, mate ;-)

No further comment required.

You said that you had no idea if Mancini was widely disliked. You then said that you knew for a fact that 8 or 9 players disliked him. You know this not from the newspapers, but from speaking to the players.

Eight or nine out of a squad would probably constitute 'widely', or indeed 'en masse'.

Leaving the semantics to one side, you are very clearly full of shit. Now log off and go and play table tennis with Micah Richards and Vincent Kompany. You were supposed to be there at three o'clock and they'll be wondering what's happened to you.

You're about the most abusive and childish poster on this thread to be honest, but I don't need to say that, it's obvious to anyone reading.

Here you go, it might save you embarrassing yourself further:

en masse (en mas′, än-; Fr än mȧs′)

in a group; as a whole; all together

Now, just to make it absolutely crystal clear to you "as a whole" in a squad of 42 players would make....come on, you can get there....42 players.

7 or 8 makes a "en-masse".

If you need further help then someone will step in, I'm sure.

But thanks for the teenage insults in every post, it saves me the job of embarrassing you.

But I guess part of me likes to kick a man when he's down.

Ladies and gentleman....cabal and tubthumpers unite...I give you....Coleridge....PMSL
Didsbury Dave said:
robbieh said:
On that basis Chelsea would never have employed Mourinho or Ancelotti.
Wenger wouldn't have got the gig at Arsenal.
Stop being so bloody insular.

What are you talking about?

Er, insular? It means you have an inward-looking viewpoint. In this instance, Robbieh is saying that you're placing too much stock in 'proven success in England'. As an example, he points out that Mourinho, Wenger and Ancelotti were all given a chance in the Premiership, with very positive results.

Let's give Mancini the same chance, eh? A full pre-season and a few signings, then we'll see how he gets on.
Prestwich_Blue said:
ManCityX said:
Hasn't he won more as a player and manager than we've won in our entire history? It's hilarious that you're trying to play down the achievements of our own manager purely to suit your agenda.
My "agenda" is trying to point out he's not proven in the Premiership. Surely you can't argue with that. Look at Benitez & Ramos for proof that success in one league does not necessarily mean success in another. Benitez - 2 La Liga titles and a UEFA Cup with a not particularly fashionable team and only the third person to win the UEFA Cup and Champions League in consecutive seasons.

Mancini has won plenty as a manager but surely even the most one-eyed among the "St Bob" brigade can see that the first two of those Scudettos weren't exactly won on a level playing field. The third was the only real creditable title win of those but he couldn't compete against the best in Europe. Even Benitez managed that.

He may turn out to be a Rafa or he might turn out to be a Wenger. Time will tell. However what is beyond dispute is that we have never, ever employed a manager who has won so much of note in such a short space of time.

And because of that I think that many of us are

a) prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and

b) getting fed up with the heavy criticism he gets from a small but persistant group on here.
ST Coleridge said:
Didsbury Dave said:
What are you talking about?

Er, insular? It means you have an inward-looking viewpoint. In this instance, Robbieh is saying that you're placing too much stock in 'proven success in England'. As an example, he points out that Mourinho, Wenger and Ancelotti were all given a chance in the Premiership, with very positive results.

Let's give Mancini the same chance, eh? A full pre-season and a few signings, then we'll see how he gets on.
No one's saying we shouldn't give him that chance but we are saying we don't have the faith in his ability that others seem to have. It's an opinion.
ST Coleridge said:
Didsbury Dave said:
What are you talking about?

Er, insular? It means you have an inward-looking viewpoint. In this instance, Robbieh is saying that you're placing too much stock in 'proven success in England'. As an example, he points out that Mourinho, Wenger and Ancelotti were all given a chance in the Premiership, with very positive results.

Let's give Mancini the same chance, eh? A full pre-season and a few signings, then we'll see how he gets on.

Oh fuck me, I'm wasting my time here. I'm off.

Hang on, you forgot to call me gay, or a bummer, or a twat in that post.

Did you press Submit to early or something?
The Fat el Hombre said:
Yes he failed his targets, but they were a tall order and we came pretty close
I'll quote what one of the directors of a company I worked for said to me when I told him we could only reconcile two lots of data to 98% accuracy.

"If i live at house number 100 and the postman delivers my letters to house number 98, he's only 2% out but that's no f*****g good to me is it?"
Didsbury Dave said:
ST Coleridge said:
You said that you had no idea if Mancini was widely disliked. You then said that you knew for a fact that 8 or 9 players disliked him. You know this not from the newspapers, but from speaking to the players.

Eight or nine out of a squad would probably constitute 'widely', or indeed 'en masse'.

Leaving the semantics to one side, you are very clearly full of shit. Now log off and go and play table tennis with Micah Richards and Vincent Kompany. You were supposed to be there at three o'clock and they'll be wondering what's happened to you.

You're about the most abusive and childish poster on this thread to be honest, but I don't need to say that, it's obvious to anyone reading.

Here you go, it might save you embarrassing yourself further:

en masse (en mas′, än-; Fr än mȧs′)

in a group; as a whole; all together

Now, just to make it absolutely crystal clear to you "as a whole" in a squad of 42 players would make....come on, you can get there....42 players.

7 or 8 makes a "en-masse".

If you need further help then someone will step in, I'm sure.

But thanks for the teenage insults in every post, it saves me the job of embarrassing you.

But I guess part of me likes to kick a man when he's down.

Ladies and gentleman....cabal and tubthumpers unite...I give you....Coleridge....PMSL

I am shamed. All I would ask is that you don't tell any of the players about my embarrassing oversight. Especially not Nigel De Jong, he's my favourite and I don't want you boasting to him about how you pwned me on the internet.

Do you promise?

PS - En masse can be used loosely to signify a majority. Whilst 8 or 9 doesn't equal a majority, it's a sizeable portion of about 25 senior players.

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