Nedum Onuoha

Prestwich_Blue said:
robbieh said:
I am pleased that you notice Tevez's achievements in the game while refusing to acknowledge Mancini's.
Mancini has won sweet FA in England or European competitions so far. And winning the Italian league when you're the only game in town does not make you a genius.

Hasn't he won more as a player and manager than we've won in our entire history? It's hilarious that you're trying to play down the achievements of our own manager purely to suit your agenda.

Mancini out!
Cheesy said:
Ok, you chose to ignore this...
his best management spell came at Internazionale where he won an Inter club record 3 consecutive Serie A titles, a European record 17 consecutive league game victories stretching nearly half-a-year, a record of 4 consecutive Coppa Italia finals whilst becoming Inter's most successful manager in 30 years
and I know your reasons why (although they are ridiculous IMO), but even so (and even by your own admittance) he has won 2 major trophies in less than 10 years. Stll a lot better than most is it not?

I don't particularly understand why there is a pressing need from so many people to try and get me to agree with them. I'm not on here saying everyone needs to be as cynical as me - and I've got plenty of positive things to say about Mancini and also about our prospects with him, and our general prospects for next season. However when I post those things they are roundly ignored.

It's becoming more than a little tedious the number of trolls who seem to follow me around, provoke an argument, then try and take the moral high ground about how I'm ruining the board, or not supporting my club.

So yeah, lets agree to disagree. I told you, I think Mancini's creditable and I'll add tangible as an adjective, achievements were his Coppa Italia success with Fiorentina, and his final Scudetto. Everything else, although clearly an achievement, isn't something which I would consider to be compelling enough to separate him from managers like Rijkaard and Blanc.
sweep said:
Cheesy said:
So should any player be allowed to question the manager with impunity in the public then mate?
I guess that depends on whether or not he likes the manager
BillyShears said:
Amazes me that people are prepared to forgive him the interview he gave in the week Hughes was off to see the good Sheikh. That is exactly the kind of mickey mouse instability which you would expect at a comedy club like Newcastle. There has to be a line which players don't cross when it comes to team selection, and the manager's authority. I like the fact that MH hasn't publicly bollocked Elano, and has simply said the matter has been dealt with.

Elano, again, after last week's game in Brazil was alluding to his inability to hold down a starting place at City. It's a shame, because you would think if he's as nice a guy as some are making out, he'd simply role out the "it's about the team, not about me" line. He could talk about it being a long season and the need for squad rotation.

lmao ................that is all.
Prestwich_Blue said:
robbieh said:
I am pleased that you notice Tevez's achievements in the game while refusing to acknowledge Mancini's.
Mancini has won sweet FA in England or European competitions so far. And winning the Italian league when you're the only game in town does not make you a genius.

I hope you do not count any of Tevez's achievements in South America then in the interests of being even handed something I know you're very keen on.
BillyShears said:
Mancini's creditable achievements are winning the Coppa Italia with Fiorentina, and the final scudetto he won.

And DD asked what was said about Mancini in this thread that was unreasonable! This kind of comment shows you up for what you are imo. Your views are not remotely objective they are shaped purely by your dislike for Mancini. You would argue black was white if it helped you denegrate Mancini and you'd then think people were dicks for not buying it.
BillyShears said:
Cheesy said:
Ok, you chose to ignore this... and I know your reasons why (although they are ridiculous IMO), but even so (and even by your own admittance) he has won 2 major trophies in less than 10 years. Stll a lot better than most is it not?

I don't particularly understand why there is a pressing need from so many people to try and get me to agree with them. I'm not on here saying everyone needs to be as cynical as me - and I've got plenty of positive things to say about Mancini and also about our prospects with him, and our general prospects for next season. However when I post those things they are roundly ignored.

It's becoming more than a little tedious the number of trolls who seem to follow me around, provoke an argument, then try and take the moral high ground about how I'm ruining the board, or not supporting my club.

So yeah, lets agree to disagree. I told you, I think Mancini's creditable and I'll add tangible as an adjective, achievements were his Coppa Italia success with Fiorentina, and his final Scudetto. Everything else, although clearly an achievement, isn't something which I would consider to be compelling enough to separate him from managers like Rijkaard and Blanc.

Billy, I'm certainly not trolling you (I think that's a bit off tbh with you), I just enjoy debating with you & because I happen to think differently to you I'm obviously going to put across points that you disagree with. In this case I was stating some facts to strengthen my argument.

In addition, though I disagree with you and a couple of others on certain players, the manager & probably other things at our club, I have NEVER questioned your support for the club or stated that you are ruining the board.
well dave, you have potential. you could be the next rex hunt.
how many do you have on your line at the moment?
I'm interested in Mancini's record at Manchester City. Success abroad as a manager is no guarantee of success in England. There are as many who have failed here as who've succeeded.

The board gave him one target:

Top four.

The next one was a secondary one but the fans really wanted this one:

A trophy.

He had the not insignificant leg-up of a semi final to help with this one.

In fact, I'd make it three targets:

Unite the club and take it forward.

I make that none out of three.

But I don't think all hope is lost, there is a chance he'll turn it around. But all this unconditional love for him, which is epitomised in the plainly ridiculous sentiment that Tevez needs to buck up, is baseless.

His record in Italy is good but he has a long way to go to prove he can do it in England.
Lancet Fluke said:
BillyShears said:
Mancini's creditable achievements are winning the Coppa Italia with Fiorentina, and the final scudetto he won.

And DD asked what was said about Mancini in this thread that was unreasonable! This kind of comment shows you up for what you are imo. Your views are not remotely objective they are shaped purely by your dislike for Mancini. You would argue black was white if it helped you denegrate Mancini and you'd then think people were dicks for not buying it.

That entire post is a total misrepresentation of who I am, and of my integrity as a poster on Bluemoon and as a lifelong City supporter.

I await your apology pal...

Oh, and Cheesy. I didn't mean to insinuate that you were a troll or that you had questioned my integrity. Apologies if it came across like that...
robbieh said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Mancini has won sweet FA in England or European competitions so far. And winning the Italian league when you're the only game in town does not make you a genius.

I hope you do not count any of Tevez's achievements in South America then in the interests of being even handed something I know you're very keen on.
I'm happy excluding his achievements in South America. He's still won a lot more in England than Mancini.

Let's change the question. Didi Hamann used to say that training at City was a complete joke compared to Liverpool. If he'd said that in public and Pearce had threatened to freeze him out who would you back - a player that worked under great managers and had won everything or a manager that had won nothing?
when Elano had his outburst, there were plenty of City fans that pilloried Hughes because he allegedly had a bee in his bonnet over Elano. He was called everything under the sun for refusing to play him (even though, like Irelans, he failed to perform most of the time), then for selling him and failing to buy a replacement.

And how many backed Keegan over his childish stance on Berkovic? I bumped into Eyal's missus when it was all going on and she said he was really upset and just wanted to play football.They couldn't understand how Keegan could be so vindictive and petty. How many in hindsight think KK was right?

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