Nedum Onuoha

Didsbury Dave said:
I'm interested in Mancini's record at Manchester City. Success abroad as a manager is no guarantee of success in England. There are as many who have failed here as who've succeeded.

The board gave him one target:

Top four.

The next one was a secondary one but the fans really wanted this one:

A trophy.

He had the not insignificant leg-up of a semi final to help with this one.

In fact, I'd make it three targets:

Unite the club and take it forward.

I make that none out of three.

But I don't think all hope is lost, there is a chance he'll turn it around. But all this unconditional love for him, which is epitomised in the plainly ridiculous sentiment that Tevez needs to buck up, is baseless.

His record in Italy is good but he has a long way to go to prove he can do it in England.

I think he'll acheive at least two of those if you give him a full season and not 5 months.
robbieh said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Mancini has won sweet FA in England or European competitions so far. And winning the Italian league when you're the only game in town does not make you a genius.

I hope you do not count any of Tevez's achievements in South America then in the interests of being even handed something I know you're very keen on.

Tevez is a proven success in England. End of argument.
Didsbury Dave said:
robbieh said:
I hope you do not count any of Tevez's achievements in South America then in the interests of being even handed something I know you're very keen on.

Tevez is a proven success in England. End of argument.

He wouldn't have been if you judged him after 5 months of being here though.

ManCityX said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm interested in Mancini's record at Manchester City. Success abroad as a manager is no guarantee of success in England. There are as many who have failed here as who've succeeded.

The board gave him one target:

Top four.

The next one was a secondary one but the fans really wanted this one:

A trophy.

He had the not insignificant leg-up of a semi final to help with this one.

In fact, I'd make it three targets:

Unite the club and take it forward.

I make that none out of three.

But I don't think all hope is lost, there is a chance he'll turn it around. But all this unconditional love for him, which is epitomised in the plainly ridiculous sentiment that Tevez needs to buck up, is baseless.

His record in Italy is good but he has a long way to go to prove he can do it in England.

I think he'll acheive at least two of those if you give him a full season and not 5 months.

I'm glad you think that.

But those were last season's targets and he failed with them all.

This season's targets are higher, a fact that I give him credit for ackowledging.
Didsbury Dave said:
robbieh said:
I hope you do not count any of Tevez's achievements in South America then in the interests of being even handed something I know you're very keen on.

Tevez is a proven success in England. End of argument.

On that basis Chelsea would never have employed Mourinho or Ancelotti.
Wenger wouldn't have got the gig at Arsenal.
Stop being so bloody insular.
ManCityX said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Tevez is a proven success in England. End of argument.

He wouldn't have been if you judged him after 5 months of being here though.


I didn't watch him every week at WEst Ham so can't comment.

In fact, for his first 2 months at City I thought he was going to be a failure.

He proved me wrong in spades.

The cream rises to the top and he proved that.

As it will if Mancini is this godlike figure some of you think he is.

But it hasn't happened yet at City and no amount of tubthumping will convince me otherwise.<br /><br />-- Wed May 19, 2010 2:52 pm --<br /><br />
robbieh said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Tevez is a proven success in England. End of argument.

On that basis Chelsea would never have employed Mourinho or Ancelotti.
Wenger wouldn't have got the gig at Arsenal.
Stop being so bloody insular.

What are you talking about?
BillyShears said:
Lancet Fluke said:
And DD asked what was said about Mancini in this thread that was unreasonable! This kind of comment shows you up for what you are imo. Your views are not remotely objective they are shaped purely by your dislike for Mancini. You would argue black was white if it helped you denegrate Mancini and you'd then think people were dicks for not buying it.

That entire post is a total misrepresentation of who I am, and of my integrity as a poster on Bluemoon and as a lifelong City supporter.

I await your apology pal...

Oh, and Cheesy. I didn't mean to insinuate that you were a troll or that you had questioned my integrity. Apologies if it came across like that...

I wouldn't hold your breath. Effectively suggesting that winning Serie A titles is not a creditable achievement is ridiculous. I know the background but he still won those leagues and he won them very well. I'm not massively pro-Mancini, I just believe in objectivity and balance. The fact that you use any excuse to give Mancini as little credit as you can get away with is embarrassing . I'm not apologising for highlighting that.
Didsbury Dave said:
ST Coleridge said:
Something tells me I'm the more literate of this particular pairing, Dave.

This was a thread about Nedum Onuoha, but the tack was changed when the fault was laid at Mancini's door. Dave decided that the incident was evidence of a wider malaise. It's not, Dave. It's a squad player crying about not getting games - it really shouldn't scare you "to death", you melodramatic young lady.

You're using the Nedum interview to push a wider agenda.

I see you've looked it up and changed tack, mate ;-)

No further comment required.

You said that you had no idea if Mancini was widely disliked. You then said that you knew for a fact that 8 or 9 players disliked him. You know this not from the newspapers, but from speaking to the players.

Eight or nine out of a squad would probably constitute 'widely', or indeed 'en masse'.

Leaving the semantics to one side, you are very clearly full of shit. Now log off and go and play table tennis with Micah Richards and Vincent Kompany. You were supposed to be there at three o'clock and they'll be wondering what's happened to you.
ManCityX said:
Hasn't he won more as a player and manager than we've won in our entire history? It's hilarious that you're trying to play down the achievements of our own manager purely to suit your agenda.
My "agenda" is trying to point out he's not proven in the Premiership. Surely you can't argue with that. Look at Benitez & Ramos for proof that success in one league does not necessarily mean success in another. Benitez - 2 La Liga titles and a UEFA Cup with a not particularly fashionable team and only the third person to win the UEFA Cup and Champions League in consecutive seasons.

Mancini has won plenty as a manager but surely even the most one-eyed among the "St Bob" brigade can see that the first two of those Scudettos weren't exactly won on a level playing field. The third was the only real creditable title win of those but he couldn't compete against the best in Europe. Even Benitez managed that.
Lancet Fluke said:
I wouldn't hold your breath. Effectively suggesting that winning Serie A titles is not a creditable achievement is ridiculous. I know the background but he still won those leagues and he won them very well. I'm not massively pro-Mancini, I just believe in objectivity and balance. The fact that you use any excuse to give Mancini as little credit as you can get away with is embarrassing . I'm not apologising for highlighting that.

He was given the first one, and his nearest rivals had been relegated or deducted 15 points plus for the second one. So yeah, I don't want to give him too much credit for those. In fact, he even pillaged Juve for their best players after they were relegated, thereby strengthening against the rest of the league whilst his competition just disappeared. He never got past the CL quarter finals.

Not sure why I should give him credit for those things, but hey, I guess you do.

Don't worry, I didn't expect an apology.

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