I was talking to my brother, another blue, after England qualified. He, like me, supports England whenever they play but were both disappointed in the style of play and when I brought up the often spoken idea that teams that get better in a tournament often go on to win it. England played their best football by far in the first half last night. Lots of people said when England come up against the first decent team they would get knocked out, they said that v Swiss. Then they said that v the Dutch. Now I hear the Dutch were rubbish anyway? With some people England will never win, no matter if and it’s a big if they do the unimaginable and beat Spain in the final, it will be because England have had the lucky blah, blah, blah. You have to have luck along the way, Spain were a whisker from conceding a penalty in their semi final, another referee would have given that. I’ll be cheering England on in the final as I have done throughout the tournament, and hopefully one of those shots by Foden will go on the inside of the post this time and a Euro winning goal, wouldn’t that just a great way to start his summer holidays.