New fans

gordondaviesmoustache said:
clowns pockets said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
If you don't think it was a mistake and you don't regret it I'm struggling to see what your point is.
why,have you been on the piss or something?

Not tonight.

Perhaps you are not making it very well. What I do know is that a proper City fan would never say what you said, which I guess makes you at best....a plastic.

Whether you are a rag or not , the jury's still out, but if I was a betting man I would say yes. Which would make you a sad **** like BigTony.

If i follow this correctly:

A rag is a sad ****. BigTony is a rag. Therefore BigTony is a sad ****. Have I got that right?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
clowns pockets said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
If you don't think it was a mistake and you don't regret it I'm struggling to see what your point is.
why,have you been on the piss or something?

Not tonight.

Perhaps you are not making it very well. What I do know is that a proper City fan would never say what you said, which I guess makes you at best....a plastic.

Whether you are a rag or not , the jury's still out, but if I was a betting man I would say yes. Which would make you a sad **** like BigTony.
City fans have been taking the piss out of Utd's out of town/country/continent support for as long as i can remember,maybe your a new fan too and can't remember, you sad,plastic ****
clowns pockets said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
clowns pockets said:
why,have you been on the piss or something?

Not tonight.

Perhaps you are not making it very well. What I do know is that a proper City fan would never say what you said, which I guess makes you at best....a plastic.

Whether you are a rag or not , the jury's still out, but if I was a betting man I would say yes. Which would make you a sad **** like BigTony.
City fans have been taking the piss out of Utd's out of town/country/continent support for as long as i can remember,maybe your a new fan too and can't remember, you sad,plastic ****

How dare you, I've been supporting City since September 1st 2008.<br /><br />-- Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:10 pm --<br /><br />
mammutly said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
clowns pockets said:
why,have you been on the piss or something?

Not tonight.

Perhaps you are not making it very well. What I do know is that a proper City fan would never say what you said, which I guess makes you at best....a plastic.

Whether you are a rag or not , the jury's still out, but if I was a betting man I would say yes. Which would make you a sad **** like BigTony.

If i follow this correctly:

A rag is a sad ****. BigTony is a rag. Therefore BigTony is a sad ****. Have I got that right?

No you have not got that right, but hopefully this simple explanation will make it easy for you.

A rag is not a sad ****. All of my family are rags as are some of my best friends. They are people like you and me.

What is sad is some fucker who supports another club coming on here pretending to be a blue. It is the apotheosis of a sad **** in fact. Only a fucking loser would do that, whether they were a rag, a bin-dipper or even a City fan on another club's forum.

BigTony is one of these sad cunts, clowns pockets may very well be.

Clear enough for you?
Strange post this one, we are working towards FFP any new fans in any
country that wish to help bring the club closer to working within these
contraints are more than welcome.

Asia is going to be one of our biggest fan bases over the next few years, with
our links to Abu Dhabi.

Some city fans think just because they have watched us in the second division that no-one else can come along!! Probably the same fans that didnt
want to leave Maine Road and look at us now ???
gordondaviesmoustache said:
clowns pockets said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Not tonight.

Perhaps you are not making it very well. What I do know is that a proper City fan would never say what you said, which I guess makes you at best....a plastic.

Whether you are a rag or not , the jury's still out, but if I was a betting man I would say yes. Which would make you a sad **** like BigTony.
City fans have been taking the piss out of Utd's out of town/country/continent support for as long as i can remember,maybe your a new fan too and can't remember, you sad,plastic ****

How dare you, I've been supporting City since September 1st 2008.

-- Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:10 pm --

mammutly said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Not tonight.

Perhaps you are not making it very well. What I do know is that a proper City fan would never say what you said, which I guess makes you at best....a plastic.

Whether you are a rag or not , the jury's still out, but if I was a betting man I would say yes. Which would make you a sad **** like BigTony.

If i follow this correctly:

A rag is a sad ****. BigTony is a rag. Therefore BigTony is a sad ****. Have I got that right?

No you have not got that right, but hopefully this simple explanation will make it easy for you.

A rag is not a sad ****. All of my family are rags as are some of my best friends. They are people like you and me.

What is sad is some fucker who supports another club coming on here pretending to be a blue. It is the apotheosis of a sad **** in fact. Only a fucking loser would do that, whether they were a rag, a bin-dipper or even a City fan on another club's forum.

BigTony is one of these sad cunts, clowns pockets may very well be.

Clear enough for you?

The utter, divine sad **** of the forum world is a fan of another club who pretends to be a fan of the club the forum he is posting on is about.

Got it.
mammutly said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
clowns pockets said:
City fans have been taking the piss out of Utd's out of town/country/continent support for as long as i can remember,maybe your a new fan too and can't remember, you sad,plastic ****

How dare you, I've been supporting City since September 1st 2008.

-- Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:10 pm --

mammutly said:
If i follow this correctly:

A rag is a sad ****. BigTony is a rag. Therefore BigTony is a sad ****. Have I got that right?

No you have not got that right, but hopefully this simple explanation will make it easy for you.

A rag is not a sad ****. All of my family are rags as are some of my best friends. They are people like you and me.

What is sad is some fucker who supports another club coming on here pretending to be a blue. It is the apotheosis of a sad **** in fact. Only a fucking loser would do that, whether they were a rag, a bin-dipper or even a City fan on another club's forum.

BigTony is one of these sad cunts, clowns pockets may very well be.

Clear enough for you?

The utter, divine sad **** of the forum world is a fan of another club who pretends to be a fan of the club the forum he is posting on is about.

Got it.

Not really if I'm honest.
kippaxwarrior said:
Stevie B said:
either way this video is cringeworthy....

Fair enough if they wanna support the club, who am I to say who can and can't support it?

Only thing I'm worried about is if this increases alot, wouldn't the demand for tourist tickets increase? thus resulting in my seat price increasing :(

Why is it today every thread you have posted in you have criticized the club?

How's this criticising the club?

Some new media geeks who work for city, some of whom openly support other clubs have been making this content.

The club and the operators of the website/social networks and video content are not the same.
Have a look at the background of many of the staff at MCFC who work on the new media side of things. Some are self-confessed fans of other clubs, some have admitted to starting to support city since working for us.
I'll tell you what gets me.

It's the fake emotion of it all. That women going on about how much it means to her. The blokes acting as if they have just seen the FA Cup final when it is a snide friendly (granted, which will be more exciting to someone who has never seen a game before).

It's people 'acting' how they think 'football fans should act'.

Unless those people have some sort of unique and unimaginable deep seated, bizarre, long suffering connection to MCFC then it is just impossible for them to hold the sort of emotions for the club that they seek to act out.

Unless they have the IQs of seven year olds and are able to convince themselves otherwise.

I've attempted to have this conversation with dozens of people, many, many times before. It never gets anywhere as people cannot lift it beyond cliches like "who are you to tell me ......" and "everyone is welcome........" as if expressing some surprise at the contrast between the pure, cold and ruthless logic this type of fan use to 'choose' their team and the extreme 'from the heart' emotion that they seek to portray is an unspeakable thing.

I will put it like this. In politics and almost everything in life I could be portrayed as a lily livered, anti nationalist, pro global liberal or any other associated cliche. But when it comes to my football I am almost xenophobic in my beliefs. Football clubs represent a place and the people from that place. And unless you have some sort of family connection then 'choosing' to declare that you support (and I mean 'support' a club, not 'follow' or 'like') a club that is not local-ish to you is just fucking bizarre.

Picture this, if Real Madrid came on tour to Manchester and you were someone who watches la Liga and Madrid on Sky every week, really liking their attacking ethos and the history of the club, would you deem it anything other than ridiculous to agree to appear in a TV feature where you seek to get all emotional about what Madrid means to you and how you are a 'Massive Madrid fan', like those from Madrid who go every week.

I put it to you that no, you wouldn't, because you would realise how fraudulent it was and how it wasn't true. That you don't possess these rabid feelings for Madrid as they have nothing to do with you, you have no connection and you purely admire the club and/or like watching them play.

You might, if you enjoy a bit of publicity consider appearing ina feature where you express admiration for the club and its history, ethos, (maybe its current team) and way of playing.

So when I see 'far flung' fans acting like they think 'proper fans act, I have no problem with saying I think it is bullshit and I question the mentality of such people. Some won't agree with this, but I say it is impossible for someone who has little connection with the club and hasn't followed them for a significant period of time to feel the emotions that, say, the woman on the video seeks to paint about the FA Cup win. Unless they have a very strange mentality.

Yes, as people say, the club needs gullible idiots around the world to convince themselves that they are 'part of it' - hence the campaign. But make no mistake, the club, and all clubs who seek that market, don't believe their own bullshit. Their attitude, no matter how much lip service they pay to these markets, is as cynical as it gets and all about fleecing these people of their cash.

I would also venture to say that if the topic wasn't football, and in man cases specifically MCFC - the club we support, many people who take the "its great, spread the world, these people make such a commitment and love the club so much" approach would think the same mentality about another walk of life to be fucking bizarre.

Imagine an American appearing on tv telling us all how emotional he is and how passionate he is about Marks and Spencers. He's never been in an M&S shop and has not connection to the business at all but he gets the FT every day and he follows the ups and downs of the share price religiously. M&S means so much to him, as much as it does to any share holder, any employee, any loyal customer. Because one day he choose to portray that as the case. And purely by saying that is the case, that becomes the truth.

OK, so the example isn't a great one, but the acting is bollocks and insulting and indicative of a certain type of mentality. Not a particularly endearing one either.

That clip that went round on YouTube the other day showing the United fan in Thailand surrounded by all the Liverpool fans in his Rooney top.

The big joke, worldwide, was on him apparently. Was it fuck. It was just as much on the 'Liverpool fans' and their pure self delusion, mimicking Scousers, even down to attempting to mimic the accent and emphasis put on certain syllables in certain chants.

Those people are no doubt rational and well balanced human beings in every other walk of life. So why do they choose to act like the very worst type of needy, "I want to be associated with success" seven year olds when it comes to football.

Bollocks to the lot of it. They deserve to be fleeced by cynical football clubs for being so childish about the whole thing and their horrendous attempts to disguise their cold, cynical 'choice' with the language and actions of sporting emotion.
Here, Here

Superb post.

let's not forget many ex-pats who no longer live around here, or people who have never even lived in the uk who have family who have supported City and have given them the drive to follow the club.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
I'll tell you what gets me.

It's the fake emotion of it all. That women going on about how much it means to her. The blokes acting as if they have just seen the FA Cup final when it is a snide friendly (granted, which will be more exciting to someone who has never seen a game before).

It's people 'acting' how they think 'football fans should act'.

Unless those people have some sort of unique and unimaginable deep seated, bizarre, long suffering connection to MCFC then it is just impossible for them to hold the sort of emotions for the club that they seek to act out.

Unless they have the IQs of seven year olds and are able to convince themselves otherwise.

I've attempted to have this conversation with dozens of people, many, many times before. It never gets anywhere as people cannot lift it beyond cliches like "who are you to tell me ......" and "everyone is welcome........" as if expressing some surprise at the contrast between the pure, cold and ruthless logic this type of fan use to 'choose' their team and the extreme 'from the heart' emotion that they seek to portray is an unspeakable thing.

I will put it like this. In politics and almost everything in life I could be portrayed as a lily livered, anti nationalist, pro global liberal or any other associated cliche. But when it comes to my football I am almost xenophobic in my beliefs. Football clubs represent a place and the people from that place. And unless you have some sort of family connection then 'choosing' to declare that you support (and I mean 'support' a club, not 'follow' or 'like') a club that is not local-ish to you is just fucking bizarre.

Picture this, if Real Madrid came on tour to Manchester and you were someone who watches la Liga and Madrid on Sky every week, really liking their attacking ethos and the history of the club, would you deem it anything other than ridiculous to agree to appear in a TV feature where you seek to get all emotional about what Madrid means to you and how you are a 'Massive Madrid fan', like those from Madrid who go every week.

I put it to you that no, you wouldn't, because you would realise how fraudulent it was and how it wasn't true. That you don't possess these rabid feelings for Madrid as they have nothing to do with you, you have no connection and you purely admire the club and/or like watching them play.

You might, if you enjoy a bit of publicity consider appearing ina feature where you express admiration for the club and its history, ethos, (maybe its current team) and way of playing.

So when I see 'far flung' fans acting like they think 'proper fans act, I have no problem with saying I think it is bullshit and I question the mentality of such people. Some won't agree with this, but I say it is impossible for someone who has little connection with the club and hasn't followed them for a significant period of time to feel the emotions that, say, the woman on the video seeks to paint about the FA Cup win. Unless they have a very strange mentality.

Yes, as people say, the club needs gullible idiots around the world to convince themselves that they are 'part of it' - hence the campaign. But make no mistake, the club, and all clubs who seek that market, don't believe their own bullshit. Their attitude, no matter how much lip service they pay to these markets, is as cynical as it gets and all about fleecing these people of their cash.

I would also venture to say that if the topic wasn't football, and in man cases specifically MCFC - the club we support, many people who take the "its great, spread the world, these people make such a commitment and love the club so much" approach would think the same mentality about another walk of life to be fucking bizarre.

Imagine an American appearing on tv telling us all how emotional he is and how passionate he is about Marks and Spencers. He's never been in an M&S shop and has not connection to the business at all but he gets the FT every day and he follows the ups and downs of the share price religiously. M&S means so much to him, as much as it does to any share holder, any employee, any loyal customer. Because one day he choose to portray that as the case. And purely by saying that is the case, that becomes the truth.

OK, so the example isn't a great one, but the acting is bollocks and insulting and indicative of a certain type of mentality. Not a particularly endearing one either.

That clip that went round on YouTube the other day showing the United fan in Thailand surrounded by all the Liverpool fans in his Rooney top.

The big joke, worldwide, was on him apparently. Was it fuck. It was just as much on the 'Liverpool fans' and their pure self delusion, mimicking Scousers, even down to attempting to mimic the accent and emphasis put on certain syllables in certain chants.

Those people are no doubt rational and well balanced human beings in every other walk of life. So why do they choose to act like the very worst type of needy, "I want to be associated with success" seven year olds when it comes to football.

Bollocks to the lot of it. They deserve to be fleeced by cynical football clubs for being so childish about the whole thing and their horrendous attempts to disguise their cold, cynical 'choice' with the language and actions of sporting emotion.
fuck me,tremendous post john

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