New fans

bumbleblue said:
Not arsed where anyone is from if they are blues they are blues . Some of us have had the good fortune to be born and bred in Manchester and have had the character building experience of watching shit city teams for decades , witnessing a devastating number of false dawns, freak outs and fuck ups. If you missed all that tough shit and welcome aboard !! xx

couldnt have put it better myself. we want our club to be the biggest and best in the world, and whether some fans like it or not, that involves going global, selling the City "brand" in every corner of the planet, this in turn elps to sell merchandise, increasing the clubs revenue and making us even bigger, and I for one welcome it. My sister lives in LA, 2 of the American staff that work for her are "new" City fans, I went over to see her last xmas, and we met them in a pub for a few jars, all they wanted to talk about was City, I took over a few bits of City stuff for them and it was like giving my 8 year old son his first City shirt, the look of excitement in their faces, and that gave me real prdie in my club, that 2 blokes 8000 miles from City, in a country dominated by Basketball,Baseball and American Football, chose to follow football(I eventually got the horrid word soccer from them!) and more importantly chose my beloved blues as their team. It doesnt matter where you come from, when you wear that City shirt as a fan, you are part of the family!
There are new fans who support City and there are older fans who are City. The first lot have chosen to support the club because we are doing well and they will likely drift away if, God forbid, we ever fell from grace again and ended up back on ITV. Those of us who are City never chose our fate. We didn't pick City because of success, or image, or anything really. We just ended up City and we're stuck with them whatever happens. That's the difference.
ethan23 said:

im sorry but this is just cringe. I know you say we need to expand our fanbase around the world buts its pathetic hearing these people, especially the guy at the end, it sounded like he was parodying us and then he goes on to say about how much he loves beckham.

I'll be seriously pissed if i ever have to sit next to one of these people.

your probably a new fan to me, but who am i to question your support and hey the more the merrier

welcome new blue :)
I would rather have yank fans than chinese fans any day (i do hate the americans at times)
i thought that was a mint video to be honest. i know it is only natural to have this mentality which is "i have followed city through the hard times, why should you just join in when the going gets good" but we need to remember that our club is based on the togetherness of the fans. that is what makes us different. you can clearly see the love that these fans have for city. not just on this video but others i have seen (australian fans for example). i personally find it amazing that we are starting to attract more fans from accross the world and yes maybe one day it will be hard to get a seat and of course we will get glory hunters along the way but that will not change the fact that i was there when the club needed us most.
we are a sad bunch of fans if we try to distance ourself away from new fans,we still have and always will have true blues, but to grow to the size we talk about we need new fans we shoud wellcome them.

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