New PL Commercial rule passed (pg4) | City rumoured to be questioning the legality

Palace and Burnley abstained....why? They shouldn't be allowed to abstain. If they're allowed to vote it should be yes or no. Their fans will be the next ones crying and blaming fucking City when it goes tits up for them,like the scouse cunts.

Harsh but fair, they've crawled up the red shirts arses too many times to be anything other than useful idiots.
I've got no sympathy for any of them, not one. Their universal hatred for everything City because they're brain dead jealous sheep means I'll rejoice if every one of them gets relegated or worse

My response to the cunts now is everyone knows you’ve cheated, accept the 10 pts & whatever’s coming….

Empathy tank is empty..
Pleasure to have you on Bluemoon, a quick update, before SKY, 1 team qualified for the CL liverpool usually, then SKY came along and 2 teams qualified for the CL liverpool and utd usually, take a look at SKY sponsored teams, CL expanded 3 teams Arsenal,liverpool and utd usually, along came Chelsea and 4 teams qualified for the CL, you can blame religion if you want as all had the same background, along came City and all shit broke out, then you came, oh the fun, a G14 team can drop out of the CL occasionally but if you push them out that occasionally becomes regular, which will upset everyone in power at the FA UEFA and the PL
After Newcastle were taken over and the PL Clubs, City abstained, voted to bring in FMV, they told the meeting what they were doing was illegal. You may well be correct with your assumption and I as a Newcastle fan hope it is. These cartel clubs need taken down.
Pleasure to have you on Bluemoon, a quick update, before SKY, 1 team qualified for the CL liverpool usually, then SKY came along and 2 teams qualified for the CL liverpool and utd usually, take a look at SKY sponsored teams, CL expanded 3 teams Arsenal,liverpool and utd usually, along came Chelsea and 4 teams qualified for the CL, you can blame religion if you want as all had the same background, along came City and all shit broke out, then you came, oh the fun, a G14 team can drop out of the CL occasionally but if you push them out that occasionally becomes regular, which will upset everyone in power at the FA UEFA and the PL
Thanks for your welcome and I agree with your summation of the progression under Sky. I hope, that the split that’s clearly developed amongst PL clubs, threatens and brings down the American owned cartel that has dominated for to long.

City and now Newcastle certainly have the wealth to lead any challenge on a legal front and at boardroom level should be cooperating with each other which I’m sure they are. the next year or so is going to be interesting and I feel the threat of legal action by whoever isnt an empty threat.

BTW I hope you win that fourth title and make history and it won’t be many years before we’ll be able to seriously challenge you on the pitch.

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