New Ticket Prices!

hilts said:
BlakeTheBlue said:
How about Food, Gas, Rent and Electricity you spoilt little twat. I graft like a cnut to get what i need. And after tax it dosent come to much. I don't smoke, hardly ever drink, and the only real vice i have is my love of football. So pardon me all over the place if you think i'm moaning coz i dared to say a 10 pound rise on every ticket in a single season is a piss take. You can try and justify it any way you like, (better players, More ambition, Mark Hughs' winning smile) It's still Bollocks.

there's no argueing with them fella they are blinkered and dont even read or understand what is being said, its better to be hard up than ignorant. Roll on the prawn sandwiches eh!

Anyhow i'm off to bed i have work in the morning and i have to pay off my drink, drugs sex and gambling debts somehow

Ha Ha Ha. Nice one mate. Sleep well yeah. I think some people just like to argue over anything. They must see a 10 quid rise is a massive jump for some folk. i mean a rise of a couple of quid each year OK. But a flaming tenner!!!
BlakeTheBlue said:
supergrover said:
theres no i'm alright jack about it, if he can't put the money aside it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze or something else you choose to go and i'm sure you think of these things before hand having to buy 3 tickets, so how is it being smug by putting city top of the list.
when ST tickets do go up i'll put more aside like i said it's how much you want it.

How about Food, Gas, Rent and Electricity you spoilt little twat. I graft like a cnut to get what i need. And after tax it dosent come to much. I don't smoke, hardly ever drink, and the only real vice i have is my love of football. So pardon me all over the place if you think i'm moaning coz i dared to say a 10 pound rise on every ticket in a single season is a piss take. You can try and justify it any way you like, (better players, More ambition, Mark Hughs' winning smile) It's still Bollocks.

not being harsh, but dont make out like your the only hard working one, you dont no what the poster does, and doesnt do.
hilts said:
BlakeTheBlue said:
How about Food, Gas, Rent and Electricity you spoilt little twat. I graft like a cnut to get what i need. And after tax it dosent come to much. I don't smoke, hardly ever drink, and the only real vice i have is my love of football. So pardon me all over the place if you think i'm moaning coz i dared to say a 10 pound rise on every ticket in a single season is a piss take. You can try and justify it any way you like, (better players, More ambition, Mark Hughs' winning smile) It's still Bollocks.

there's no argueing with them fella they are blinkered and dont even read or understand what is being said, its better to be hard up than ignorant. Roll on the prawn sandwiches eh!

Anyhow i'm off to bed i have work in the morning and i have to pay off my drink, drugs sex and gambling debts somehow

Good luck! ;-)
BlakeTheBlue said:
supergrover said:
theres no i'm alright jack about it, if he can't put the money aside it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze or something else you choose to go and i'm sure you think of these things before hand having to buy 3 tickets, so how is it being smug by putting city top of the list.
when ST tickets do go up i'll put more aside like i said it's how much you want it.

How about Food, Gas, Rent and Electricity you spoilt little twat. I graft like a cnut to get what i need. And after tax it dosent come to much. I don't smoke, hardly ever drink, and the only real vice i have is my love of football. So pardon me all over the place if you think i'm moaning coz i dared to say a 10 pound rise on every ticket in a single season is a piss take. You can try and justify it any way you like, (better players, More ambition, Mark Hughs' winning smile) It's still Bollocks.

Just because our owner is rich, doesnt mean we as fans should watch them for cheaper, (even though i do) when he makes his large fortune, im sure he doesnt think, hmmmmm how am i going to appease the city fans today, he needs to see some return on his club.
If that is how much the tickets have risen then I feel sorry for you guys who obviously try to get to as many games as possible, but cannot sue to other circumstances commit to a season ticket.

I've been lucky enough this year to get a seasoncard for the first time...cost me more than what the people were renewing at though (Haven't got the figures infront of me but think it was about £40 more?) so I'm guessing that next year the price will go up again, but hopefully they will all only rise by a fraction.

Good luck anyway, and see you at the match when you can make it.

Some bull shitters on here.

Skint but get tickets in the expensive stands.

Go to every game buying individual tickets but don't realise the big hike was in 2008, so they did not go last season.
Ticket For Schalke said:
BlakeTheBlue said:
How about Food, Gas, Rent and Electricity you spoilt little twat. I graft like a cnut to get what i need. And after tax it dosent come to much. I don't smoke, hardly ever drink, and the only real vice i have is my love of football. So pardon me all over the place if you think i'm moaning coz i dared to say a 10 pound rise on every ticket in a single season is a piss take. You can try and justify it any way you like, (better players, More ambition, Mark Hughs' winning smile) It's still Bollocks.

not being harsh, but dont make out like your the only hard working one, you dont no what the poster does, and doesnt do.

I'm sure you do work hard. And i respect that. But to say "it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze" is a shit thing to say mate. I'm on a very tight budget. Like THOUSANDS of your fellow City fans. And i simply cannot afford to "save up" for a whole year to get a ST. I'd end up dipping into it to often to get shit i really need for every day living.

You are obvoiusly in a slightly better financial position than me. which i do not begrudge at all pal, I'm sure you work hard for it.

I simply don't know how the owners can justify such a massive price increase. A couple of quid on the ticket price each season is fine. No Problems. But a full tenner on EVERY TICKET is a piss take.

Knowing that i will get to see my beloved blues on a weekend is one of the only things that keep me sane in this shit world of ours (literally). So to take that from me is almost more than i can stand.

I'm sorry if i seem a bit harsh with you here lad. I don't want to argue with a fellow Blue. We should leave that shit for the Trafford rags.... :-)
BlakeTheBlue said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
not being harsh, but dont make out like your the only hard working one, you dont no what the poster does, and doesnt do.

I'm sure you do work hard. And i respect that. But to say "it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze" is a shit thing to say mate. I'm on a very tight budget. Like THOUSANDS of your fellow City fans. And i simply cannot afford to "save up" for a whole year to get a ST. I'd end up dipping into it to often to get shit i really need for every day living.

You are obvoiusly in a slightly better financial position than me. which i do not begrudge at all pal, I'm sure you work hard for it.

I simply don't know how the owners can justify such a massive price increase. A couple of quid on the ticket price each season is fine. No Problems. But a full tenner on EVERY TICKET is a piss take.

Knowing that i will get to see my beloved blues on a weekend is one of the only things that keep me sane in this shit world of ours (literally). So to take that from me is almost more than i can stand.

I'm sorry if i seem a bit harsh with you here lad. I don't want to argue with a fellow Blue. We should leave that shit for the Trafford rags.... :-)

Only statement i made, was have 4 less pints, in other words, try and find a way around the £10, there are lots of money saving tips.

Edit: Dont mean to sound like a snobby cnut.

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