New Ticket Prices!

I work over 40 hours a week for under £1000, I have a son, have to pay off a loan, gas, electric, rent, council tax, food, clothes, driving lessons and nappies EVERY MONTH. I've managed to get a season card even though I have to use my HOLIDAYS whenever city play! so to all those people coming on here moaning about ticket prices going up...DONT come on here complaining you cant afford one because of this and that, and to the OP, I understand it may be annoying but surely you cannot complain as football is purely entertainment, and if you are going to be entertained more this season than last, then you should pay more...

P.S, cost of living rises yearly so it isn't actually a whole £10 up on last year, is probably around £5 more.
Ticket For Schalke said:
BlakeTheBlue said:
I'm sure you do work hard. And i respect that. But to say "it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze" is a shit thing to say mate. I'm on a very tight budget. Like THOUSANDS of your fellow City fans. And i simply cannot afford to "save up" for a whole year to get a ST. I'd end up dipping into it to often to get shit i really need for every day living.

You are obvoiusly in a slightly better financial position than me. which i do not begrudge at all pal, I'm sure you work hard for it.

I simply don't know how the owners can justify such a massive price increase. A couple of quid on the ticket price each season is fine. No Problems. But a full tenner on EVERY TICKET is a piss take.

Knowing that i will get to see my beloved blues on a weekend is one of the only things that keep me sane in this shit world of ours (literally). So to take that from me is almost more than i can stand.

I'm sorry if i seem a bit harsh with you here lad. I don't want to argue with a fellow Blue. We should leave that shit for the Trafford rags.... :-)

Only statement i made, was have 4 less pints, in other words, try and find a way around the £10, there are lots of money saving tips.

Edit: Dont mean to sound like a snobby cnut.

Don't worry mate you didn't. You are simply having your say which are very much entitled to. That goes for everyone who disagrees with my op. I don't want anyone to think i'm being a dictatorial twat :-)

Besides we are all blues and Hey....(sniff)....I love you guys...:-P
BlakeTheBlue said:
supergrover said:
theres no i'm alright jack about it, if he can't put the money aside it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze or something else you choose to go and i'm sure you think of these things before hand having to buy 3 tickets, so how is it being smug by putting city top of the list.
when ST tickets do go up i'll put more aside like i said it's how much you want it.

How about Food, Gas, Rent and Electricity you spoilt little twat. I graft like a cnut to get what i need. And after tax it dosent come to much. I don't smoke, hardly ever drink, and the only real vice i have is my love of football. So pardon me all over the place if you think i'm moaning coz i dared to say a 10 pound rise on every ticket in a single season is a piss take. You can try and justify it any way you like, (better players, More ambition, Mark Hughs' winning smile) It's still Bollocks.

ha ha talking like i'm a little kid still living at home, if only my friend and i pay all of the above, i'm sorry you have trouble getting the money together for games but do you expect £5 hamburg games everyweek, my point with the fags and booze was you can make £10 cut backs, what is it a packet of cigs and a pint, you don't smoke ok don't drink then, i'm sad that you think lifes shit as well but theres only one person that can sort that out for you, i'm not trying to offend any one but don't make out that £10 unreasonable yes its more than last season but so is everything else year on year out.
supergrover said:
BlakeTheBlue said:
How about Food, Gas, Rent and Electricity you spoilt little twat. I graft like a cnut to get what i need. And after tax it dosent come to much. I don't smoke, hardly ever drink, and the only real vice i have is my love of football. So pardon me all over the place if you think i'm moaning coz i dared to say a 10 pound rise on every ticket in a single season is a piss take. You can try and justify it any way you like, (better players, More ambition, Mark Hughs' winning smile) It's still Bollocks.

ha ha talking like i'm a little kid still living at home, if only my friend and i pay all of the above, i'm sorry you have trouble getting the money together for games but do you expect £5 hamburg games everyweek, my point with the fags and booze was you can make £10 cut backs, what is it a packet of cigs and a pint, you don't smoke ok don't drink then, i'm sad that you think lifes shit as well but theres only one person that can sort that out for you, i'm not trying to offend any one but don't make out that £10 unreasonable yes its more than last season but so is everything else year on year out.

Look mate it's obvious you just don't get it. And by the sounds of it. You never will.....
You said it was cheaper in the why not sit there? £500 for a season ticket isn't really that much when you think about it, I just don't go on holiday and spend it on that instead!
sboroMCFC said:
You said it was cheaper in the why not sit there? £500 for a season ticket isn't really that much when you think about it, I just don't go on holiday and spend it on that instead!

Its actually not that much cheaper in the corners. Just a couple of quid. For the difference you may as well get a decent 3rd tier seat.

I think people are kind of missing my main gripe. Of course prices will go up. I expect it every year and i'm fine with a REASONABLE increase. It's the size of the increase in a single season which has got my goat.

A couple of quid every year would be fine. It's not as if the owners are skint. I flaming well am!

The first thing they said when they took over was it was more about success thatn profit!
cost me 298 for a season ticket and i'm 20. That is an absolute bloody bargain, how some of you fuckers moan. Fair enough if we still had Dabo and Corradi in the starting line up. Save up for a seasoncard if you cant afford individual games, if i can do it im sure most of you can too.
There are people who couldn't afford to go as much as they liked last season. And the season before. And before...

Fact is, we've nearly sold out Wolves, hence from the general point of view, most fans don't share your view, sorry mate.

I might not be able to go to all the matches myself (student at manchester uni, no income), which is a shame..but hey, i'll go to as many as I can and try to prioritise matches accordingly. Can't fault the club though for being a business with a seek for profit.
I think your getting confused with the ticket prices..your quoting one of the more expensive stands this year with possibly a cheaper stand last year.. there are still tickets for the west ham game in the north stand for £28 which is only a couple of more quid than last year and which I think is a decent price
The trouble this year is that most ..if not all ..of the cheaper seats have already been took by seasoncard holders leaving only the more expensive seats for the rest its not that the prices have increased hugely
crizack said:
I work over 40 hours a week for under £1000, I have a son, have to pay off a loan, gas, electric, rent, council tax, food, clothes, driving lessons and nappies EVERY MONTH. I've managed to get a season card even though I have to use my HOLIDAYS whenever city play! so to all those people coming on here moaning about ticket prices going up...DONT come on here complaining you cant afford one because of this and that, and to the OP, I understand it may be annoying but surely you cannot complain as football is purely entertainment, and if you are going to be entertained more this season than last, then you should pay more...

P.S, cost of living rises yearly so it isn't actually a whole £10 up on last year, is probably around £5 more.

I disagree with that, better players doesn't equate to better entertainment !!! United and Chelsea have been boring as shite for the last few seasons, expecting to win and the atmosphere suffers as a result !

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