New Ticket Prices!

Regular Joe said:
hilts said:
you are just a selfish dick arent you

Normally i wouldn't agree with a response like this, but in this case hilts you're perfectly justified.

I have my season ticket but I struggled to pay for it because I have 3 tickets to buy, and will always have sympathy for those who can't find a lump sum. People also assume everyone can get Zebra Finance or shove it on credit card. Many people cant, so responses like 'just buy a season ticket then' are totally unhelpful, and the OP has a very good point.

In fact, as an s/t holder I worry that the individual match price rises may be an indicator of what will come for our s/t prices. In which case the 'I'm alright jack' types might not be so smug very much longer.

theres no i'm alright jack about it, if he can't put the money aside it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze or something else you choose to go and i'm sure you think of these things before hand having to buy 3 tickets, so how is it being smug by putting city top of the list.
when ST tickets do go up i'll put more aside like i said it's how much you want it.
hilts said:
supergrover said:
sorry you can not afford one but like i said start saving now, but if the season goes well you maybe to late, i could see this coming when frank came in but most of us sat there last season with plenty of empty seats, this could not go on so season ticket sales sort out this problem, as for losing money you don't you let the club know which games you can't attend and your seat gets sold on for that game, if you don't want it that much theres no need to complain and call people selfish it's no ones fault but your own ffs.

so its your own fault if you cant afford to buy a season ticket or work weekends is it? lets hope you never lose your job or have an ill partner, no wonder the countries in a mess with inconsiderate people like you in it, the op stated that tickets have gone up quite a bit which is correct, rather than reasoned debate on the reasons for this you get knobs like you looking down on other city fans, what goes around comes around sunshine but if you were to fall on hard times i wouldnt be insensitive enough to rub it in, try consideration you might like it

don't let the few morons on this site get to you mate.. there are far far too many "i'm alright jacks" on here.
Those in full time work or those who can afford the season ticket without a blink just think "save up" or "quit going out". It doesn't work like that in the real world for many.
And i DO have a season ticket, have done for 20 years.. but it doesn't stop me feeling for this guy.
I struggle to may my season ticket each year, in fact often it never gets paid - it just builds up on my mums credit card for me, she's in debt, we're both havnig problems. But i don't have a credit card, and despite being an adult age for reasons i dont wish to share on here i have no job, does this mean i'm meant to give up on going to city which has been my life for over 20 years? According to you guys i should! I don't fit the rich type you think we all should be. I don't drink or go out much either btw, so don't spend my money on that. I was livid when under 21s got cheaper tickets (when alot are in work!) yet all adults got treated equally - those on incapacity benefit for example (not me luckily) have to pay full yet registered disable dont (which is fine) but a 20 year old with a job gets it cheap!

Like it or not folks, some lifelong supporters have families or problems which mean they don't have the income or cannot just "bung it on a credit card".
Yes i know that means don't buy the season ticket and go bit by bit when you can afford to - but that is what this guy is trying to do yet you're all lynching him for it.

Sometimes i hang my head at how some supporters are all mememe.
warpig said:
hilts said:
so its your own fault if you cant afford to buy a season ticket or work weekends is it? lets hope you never lose your job or have an ill partner, no wonder the countries in a mess with inconsiderate people like you in it, the op stated that tickets have gone up quite a bit which is correct, rather than reasoned debate on the reasons for this you get knobs like you looking down on other city fans, what goes around comes around sunshine but if you were to fall on hard times i wouldnt be insensitive enough to rub it in, try consideration you might like it

shut it you under 6000 point noob ;)

what a contribution you make you are a credit to yourself sir, watch out stephen hawkins there is a new kid in town and he is as bright as a button

noob yourself?????
supergrover said:
theres no i'm alright jack about it, if he can't put the money aside it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze or something else you choose to go and i'm sure you think of these things before hand having to buy 3 tickets, so how is it being smug by putting city top of the list.
when ST tickets do go up i'll put more aside like i said it's how much you want it.

I have a seasoncard like i said, but some people believe it or not do not smoke (i dont) dont drink (i dont) dont go out clubbing (i dont), but still find it hard to have spare cash from day by day living of supporting a family to be able to get a seasoncard. I for one literally have nothing to put aside. I manage by a credit card that isn't even mine, but this isn't about me.

Stop until you ever get to that side of debt stop being so bloody smug.
hilts said:
warpig said:
shut it you under 6000 point noob ;)

what a contribution you make you are a credit to yourself sir, watch out stephen hawkins there is a new kid in town and he is as bright as a button

noob yourself?????

warpig said:
hilts said:
what a contribution you make you are a credit to yourself sir, watch out stephen hawkins there is a new kid in town and he is as bright as a button

noob yourself?????


an explanation would have been better but thanks, i'm not loaded and dont know all internet jargon its just not my day
hilts i'm not looking down on you and i'm sorry for your troubles, but what i am trying to say is it's happening at all other clubs not just ours and we have had a better deal than most for a long time, they have to fill the ground they pointed at this last season you must have seen it coming.
lancs blue said:
I suspect City have looked at the matchday prices charged by the top 4 clubs and have decided to more or less go with a similar structure while keeping S/T prices as the value for money option. They're probably reasoning that with far fewer matchday seats available they can still sell out at the higher prices. When all's said and done the club is a business and has to be run on those lines, though I realise it's no consolation to those who find the new prices difficult to afford.

Maybe this is true, but why have the club taken this approach? If it's being run as a cash-generating business then the s/t prices would be dearer, and the transfer fees and player wages lower. It would be more consistent with the owners' approach to running the club so far if the tickets were priced to ensure sell-outs every game. The benefit to the team of a Hamburg-like atmosphere every home game far outweighs the risk of 5000 empty seats for the sake of a few extra quid we don't need.

I worry that the matchday prices this season will be used to justify a large s/t price hike next season. said:
Halfpenny said:
Lifted from Wolves site:

Upper Tier
£29 adults
£15 seniors 65 & over
£10 juniors under 16's

Lower Tier
£28 adults
£14 seniors 65 & over
£10 juniors under 16's
because we can only charge £2 more for the away fans than a city fan in a similar seat.

this reason alone means we must move the away fans to the third tier and charge them £2 more than the city fans up there. the added bonus is 3000+ city fans get cheaper seats

And sod any S/T holders on Level 3 who might get kicked out of their seats to accommodate your wishes, eh?

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