New Yaya Touré Video

Interview was shit, typical pre-planned, media trained bollocks. What bothers me is the fucking interviewer, every part of City TV seems to be improving apart from this guy. Shit questions, shit delivery and awkward as fuck.
I saw him this afternoon. Must have been just before this interview.

I personally apologised to him on behalf of all the supporters for the issues he had and then thanked him for deciding to stay with us.
ManCityX said:
I saw him this afternoon. Must have been just before this interview.

I personally apologised to him on behalf of all the supporters for the issues he had and then thanked him for deciding to stay with us.

Thanks pal,we appreciate it.
Golden Slumbers said:
Leave David Clayton alone. Top man.

A top man he maybe, but he's fucking wank at interviewing people

"It must of been a hard family for your summer"

For fuck sake he can't even speak properly.

Sorry David, leave the interviews to the girlies and stick to written work.
Golden Slumbers said:
Leave David Clayton alone. Top man.

You walked right into this one matey...

fulabeer said:
Nobody needs to defend or attack Yaya.

The simple fact is he and his agent wanted a bigger (longer?) contract or a pay day move. That's his job, and Yaya trusted him.

What followed was a complete clusterfuck. The previous years "No pictures around the stadium/feeling unloved" ended up with a new bumper contract. So it is easy to see why Yaya trusted his agent when he told him he could get him more money/improved contract one way or another. When the shit started hitting the fan with "cake-gate", Yaya was probably told by his agent to shut up and let him get on with his job. He probably wanted to come out and deny the rumours, but had to believe his friend and agent knew best. Players live in a bubble, and find it hard to trust anybody. I think when his agent started spouting off about City denying a request to visit his dying brother, it proved to much for Yaya. Suddenly everything went quiet. Maybe the club had to intervene, or Yaya said enough is enough.

Yaya's head was probably messed up with his brothers illness. This may have meant he gave to much trust to his friend and agent. But the simple facts are clear. He IS (was?) respected at City. He WAS wished a happy birthday. There WAS a cake. City did NOT receive a request for leave to visit his brother. He CHOSE to visit Qatar when he could have came home. He COULD have shut his agent up. City WERE disrespected with lies. His or his agents actions COULD have harmed City's image around the world.

All this bull happened right after winning the league. It spoiled many fans celebrations and soured the end of a great season. That alone is unforgivable. We City fans care about our club and don't take kindly to anybody speaking badly about it. The timing and accusations were all wrong. Involving his dying brother in any way was despicable in my opinion.

As it is, most people saw through the lies, and the only people who looked stupid was Yaya and his agent. Maybe all Yaya actually wanted was a longer/improved final contract, and then maybe a role after his playing days. He might have wanted a move. Either way, they went about it all the wrong way. It seems nobody came in for him with the right money and wage offer, or if they did City have rejected them.

So for the time being, he remains a City player. His once guaranteed "legend" status hangs in the balance. There is no denying his immense talent, so City is much stronger with him. Football being football, if he gives two seasons of brilliance then this summer will be forgiven if not forgotten....

You cannot be serious that this "spoilt your celebrations" and "soured your season"?

Bloody hell mate. It was fuck all. He wanted out, he's been told he can't leave and he's stayed. The sort of thing that happens in football all the time, often behind the scenes but sometimes in public.

It was and is no big deal. We are better with him staying, so it's happy days.

Why do people get so personal and worked up about it? I swear some fans imagine that our players have Colin Bell posters on their wall, won't wear red and watch reruns of the Gillingham game every night.
Didsbury Dave said:
You cannot be serious that this "spoilt your celebrations" and "soured your season"?

Where did I say that it effected me? I said it spoilt and soured "many" fans celebrations. That is why they are so upset. I personally thought it amusing and trivial apart from involving his brother. I would have preferred it not to have happened at all.

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