Newcastle (a) post match thread

Where’s our bit of luck for once? Shirley the Newcastle keeper should be dropping or punching the ball into his own net gifting us 3 underserved points, or even a soft penalty to help us on our way? No.....thats why i dont think we’ll win the league. Really gutted
LUCK ???
We were shite.End of discussion.If you honestly believe that we lost due to bad luck then I truly despair.
I thought Pep was concerned about our chances of winning the league when he named Ederson as FA Cup keeper. Almost like an insurance policy. He has been pretty outspoken about our inability to compete in the transfer market and he is right. I remember a certain other manager when had the same issue. Never learn after winning a title and to buy Mahrez which we really did not need was bizarre. We bought Mendy but knew that he had a history of injuries. Never bought an understudy, same with Fernandinho we just never brought in the right players needed. Plus, why Foden never gets a game beats me, and I think only his loyalty has prevented him from leaving. At least he would have put in a shift tonight. Taking off Sane never ends well despite that it still happens. Agree with a lot of people who have said Pep has not been the same on the bench for a few games. We definitely need to spend in the summer as all top six will spend big and will be even more competitive. Despite that we fight on and need to focus on the cups now. Let’s get some silverware in the bag. Very disappointed tonight but not going to give up on our season just yet plenty to play for.
Keep the faith blues. We have a marvellous team. Bit tired or unlucky tonight but we can just about still win this league.

98 points still possible and let’s see if liverool can get that.

Also still in 3 cups.

We go again.

Gutted but never give in.
Absolutely horrendous performance tonight for mine. No energy, seemingly a lack of desire, a clear lack of quality. It really was woeful stuff. Might have been a different story perhaps had the KDB free kick goal not been ruled out (Stupid referee), but we were never at the races otherwise and frankly got what we fucking deserved.

Need a helping hand from Leicester just to stay in the title race, but we know that is very unlikely. Would be nice if they could at least get a draw, so we stay within 6 points. But with the way our season is going, we will probably serve up 1 or 2 more performances like that before it is out.
I would have pulled both him and Silva at half time.

I thought KDB was ok, his game changed with the bizarre decision to book him (why did the ref need to slow down the taking of a free kick from the touchline?). Agree David had a rare off-night.

It was the failure to string incisive moves all night. A couple of times early in the second half Ferny picked up the ball and drove 10 yards committing Newcastle players. Every time he layed off the ball the next players touch was shit. Sergio worked hard all night but 4/5 times his first touch was terrible.

A proper off night all round.

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