Newcastle United (A) | Post Match thread

Just to concentrate on the one positive from this game, apart from a great desire from the team to not lose, was Haaland. He looks the real deal. Our wide players only need a yard of space, play the ball across and he will be there. Don't look, just do it. He is a real threat. I was so impressed with him. I thought it was his best game so far and he will get better and better.
Dismissed as the Sportswashers derby (by the Guardian, of course, along with threats that the owners would not be "forgotten") the match showed that our media's sacred reunion of the two "mighty reds" has fallen even further into irrelevance. Yesterday's was a truly pulsating encounter watched by a real flag-waving, singing and cheering crowd of geordies and Mancunians. Not a cockney or Norwegian accent to be heard, not the slightest threat of a crowd invasion, not even a hint of a flare to disturb proceedings. 52 000+ fans with every good reason to remember EXACTLY who their owners are, and are not - gangs of human rights, civil rights abusing, corporate, leveraged twisters determined to emasculate our national game. This match was everything football should be. Tonight I hope the two red tops are true to their owners - by both losing.

Having got that off my chest I have to say I thought City were actually poor: Newcastle were not! Kyle had a nightmare, Jao was very uncertain defensively and the two CBs had more than a few "wobly" moments as did Rodri. I'm not denying Newcastle a role in creating this uncertainty because it was their ability to run the ball at us which made the game such a spectacle. Fortunately we were much better up front, though on the great controversy of the day I have to agree that Phil must look up because, as Pep said " Erling will always be there." Haaland was excellent and causes chaos by moving away from the ball, as for our equaliser. Bernado was excellent with a goal and an assist. KdB was not at his best - but still quite superb.

As for the red/yellow card my initial reaction was that a red card was very harsh and would be overturned. The more I saw the replays the clearer it was that Trippier had both feet well off the ground and that the tackle was knee high. We all accept his claim not to be a player who tries to injure anyone else but that is irrelevant since motive is not to be taken into account. I think he was rather fortunate to stay on the field and that may have saved the point for them.
He deserved the banners and general “bigging” up by their fans after what Grealish said.

Throwaway jibe as it was, it’s not the sort of thing that Pep and Txiki want as part of the standards of our club. If it had been another club belittling one of our lads we’d have sections of our support up in arms about it and we’d be doubling up on getting behind whoever it was n’all.
I personally wasn't bothered about what Grealish said, he seemed to be stinking drunk and made a poor joke, I'm sure we've all done it.
Who cares whether Trippier says it wasn't his intent to cause injury when his action was dangerous, reckless and showed disregard to the safety of his opponent!

0 attempt to play the ball, both feet in the air and made contact high up the leg on a player going near full speed - red cards should be given more often for challenges like that as they increase the risk of injury.
Enjoyable game to watch, really do enjoy watching us play teams that are willing to have a go and have to give it to Newcastle for the last 30 mins of the first half and maybe like 10mins of the second half they were the better team.

Other than thought we played well, great fight to get back into the game and tbh, had nick pope not played so well, could of been looking a hat trick for haaland and the win. Saw a lot of what I love about Haalands game, almost comical how the two defenders just bounced off him when Kev played that through ball.

Also don't think that there was much in the foden chance in terms of playing it across, it's not as easy as it looks in screen grabs and I really don't mind him taking a shot there, incomparable to last week imo.
Just to concentrate on the one positive from this game, apart from a great desire from the team to not lose, was Haaland. He looks the real deal. Our wide players only need a yard of space, play the ball across and he will be there. Don't look, just do it. He is a real threat. I was so impressed with him. I thought it was his best game so far and he will get better and better.
Cardiff fan I know text me this morning to say Haaland looks a beast.

The effort where Pope tipped it on to the post is a goal 9/10 times and a worldie at that.

He’s going to be a star here and whilst he won’t stay as long as Sergio, I don’t think, I reckon he’ll have a similar impact season to season whilst he is with us.
24 hours later and I reckon we’ll look back at yesterday with fondness and a brilliant point, under the circumstances of the 3rd best team in the country in 2022 (statistically true), playing out of their skin.
Almiron gives everything for the team but shouldn't be anything more than somebody who comes off the bench. He deserves praise for the goal, even if he didn't know much about it because he was in the right place at the right time and got his body into a position to ge the goal.
The commentary made out it was a fabulous finish - utter rot, he was diving in trying to head it and got extremely lucky when it hit his shin and trundled in.
This does not excuse JG's idiotic insult last season to a player who had no involvement in the subject at hand.
Re the game, City were getting battered for a significant stretch of the game where we were struggling to adapt to Newcastle's press. It looked like City were repeatedly underhitting passes (usually to trigger a press) and not adapting to how effectively Joelinton & Guimaeres were closing space.

Walker was moving inside when City were in possession, with ASM staying wide - when City lost possession (often trying to be too direct) it was an easy out and ASM was imperious driving forward at Walker & Stones. Rodri wasn't able to provide Walker the necessary cover due to the pace of the attacks. Felt like Walker was exposed but also ineffective, Stones was fumbling and Rodri looked off the pace. Not having an 8 tracking back on that side didn't help either, as it looks like KDB plays as a 10. Seemed like Pep wanted them to figure the situation themselves and play the extra pass.

Positives - Haaland is a beast and probably will feel he should have had a couple (and an assist), KDB was the driving force again and it was great to see Bernardo getting a goal and assist.

Mad game that could have finished 5-5
No he didn’t ‘brush’ it.
Why the hell do you think Kevin was so angry? He was angry because he understood the potential outcome of such a tackle. The fact that Trippier is a decent guy and almost certainly didn’t intend to maim Kevin is neither here nor there. It was an out of control tackle that had the potential to cause serious injury.
True, if he is never punished for it, he remains a decent guy. Different if it is on players from teams wearing red.

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