Next Captain

He dosent need to b captain he just needs to carry on what hes doing!

Glad he ripped into them against Burnley!!

He must be totally pissed off!

Gets what he thinks is an equaliser at Manure then what he thinks is the winner against Burnley!!

Id be going apeshit too!!

Toure not doing bad as captain but my first thought when Dunne left was Barry!!
As has been said there are formations that he won't play in, Hughes doesn't like to play him three times in a week and he is injury prone. All of that makes him as a long term captain not something thats likely to happen.
bang on
alextrueblue said:
i thought ndj did a tremendous job today, and my opinion is that he and not kolo should be our captain. that is no slight on toure, i just think ndj is more of a leader.

anyone else have a thought on this?
I think it's the colour of our strips, maybe a nice red colour would please some on here.
Kolo is shot, I said that before we bought him, looking at him clutching his back today and relying on Given to lift him up whenever he went down was bad enough but watching him wander forward like some blind folded man and strangely proceeding with a sucession of hospital passes was painful. As for captain material I think he's the least equipped for the job!
absolutely a great question...and I wonder about the following -

- kolo in training is quality a great team player

- he was a part of the Arsenal Invinceables who went the season unbeaten

- he could influence Yaya to join us


- does Wenger let a player go who should be at his prime

- he is picking up a lot of injuries

- the partnership with Joleon needs working on

- is he undroppable because he is the team captain

The question is who else could have got it......Shay or Barry........
No I don't think so. You can see why we went for Terry. There was a moment in the first half against the bindippers when Superman back heeled the ball on the edge of his area straight to a Liverpool player and Kolo had to block. There was no reaction other than a shrug of the arms. Any player - let alone captain - should have tore a strip off him for that. I love Kolo, I just don't think he should be captain.
kismet said:
absolutely a great question...and I wonder about the following -

- kolo in training is quality a great team player

- he was a part of the Arsenal Invinceables who went the season unbeaten

- he could influence Yaya to join us


- does Wenger let a player go who should be at his prime

- he is picking up a lot of injuries

- the partnership with Joleon needs working on

- is he undroppable because he is the team captain

The question is who else could have got it......Shay or Barry........

dont know how many people on this forum think yaya toure is better than he actually is, why do we need him? hes not as good as De Jong

in relation to the thread, De Jong should be captain and should start every game.

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