Next Labour Leader - Miliband Resigns

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I was unaware that bestowed special status upon the person.

No doubt you are against taking people out of income tax then as they then become 2nd class citizens like pensioners. Pretty disgraceful that you see huge swathes of decent people as 2nd class citizens.

Shame on you.

It's too easy at times , Rascal in promoting RWNJ policies shocker.

Do you have any speeches in which the Jezbollah endorses Gorgeous George's tax cuts for the workers of our Country?
My mam lives on the state pension. As do her friends. One of my Mam's mates still waits on and she is 81 so she can have a little pin money.

I dont know what world you live in pal, but council estate world is not a work/private pensions place

I don't know anyone without one
People on welfare nominally pay 20% of their income in tax. As there propensity to spend is the highest of any group and VAT applies on most essentials surely that is obvious.

But dont miss the chance to demonise those on welfare will you, no doubt it makes you feel all superior.
And people on 45k pay 67% in tax. Quite appalling how much HMRC takes in tax isn't it.
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Income tax, corporation tax and council tax combined is still less than 50% of the UK tax take.

If the £80bn that Corporations are estimated to avoid was to be gathered in then it would be over 50%. But it is OK for the rich to get away with paying thier share and somehow it does not equate to people like you that the more they avoid tax, the MORE you have to pay to make up for it. Ironic aint it. But still blame the poor why not.

If you batter companies with excessive tax, they a) redomicile elsewhere if they can, so you don't get any of it b) stop employing people, c) stop investing d) don't start up in the first place.

Private enterprise, like it or not, is the only reason people get employed, tax gets raised, and money can then be used by government for social purposes.

Hating business gets you nowhere except catastrophic recession. Talking about avoiding tax as a terrible thing, as though the whole country other than business is queueing up to pay more than they have to, is simply the politics of envy.

Maximising the tax take involves cutting tax for enterprise, it's been demonstrated time and again. You seem to want to punish the wealthy most of all.
So if the government started to force the Arcadia group, Boots, Starbucks, Vodafone et al to contribute their fair share, they would all close, and if they closed, people would stop buying clothes, toiletries, coffee, or mobile phones?
of course they wouldn't, they would just use other suppliers who would need to employ more staff AND contribute the correct amount of their profits back into the society they rely on for those profits.
If the government said that companies being investigated for suspect tax returns couldn't tender for new contracts, would G4S, Capitas, Serco etc think they don't need any government contracts or would they suddenly decide to pay up?

Very interesting to see the way the right have changed tact in the last week, you can almost taste the fear of a proper left opposition that can reach out to the 16million that chose none of the above in the general election, the establishment are starting to shit bricks
If you batter companies with excessive tax, they a) redomicile elsewhere if they can, so you don't get any of it b) stop employing people, c) stop investing d) don't start up in the first place.

Private enterprise, like it or not, is the only reason people get employed, tax gets raised, and money can then be used by government for social purposes.

Hating business gets you nowhere except catastrophic recession. Talking about avoiding tax as a terrible thing, as though the whole country other than business is queueing up to pay more than they have to, is simply the politics of envy.

Maximising the tax take involves cutting tax for enterprise, it's been demonstrated time and again. You seem to want to punish the wealthy most of all.

Tired old tory ridden cliches.

Simple if they dont want to pay UK tax, fuck them off. If the business is there somebody who is prepared to pay the tax will take up the business. We already have the lowest corporation tax in the G7 and still they dont pay there share. We give fortunes in grants to business as well. It appears that Business loves Socialism but does not like paying for it.

I dont hate business, what an idiotic thing to say. I hate business that does not pay there fair share for the infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc etc provided for on the back of the UK populace, people like you and me and our parents. Business that thinks it can operate above the law and issue threats of leaving if we dont kiss there fatcat arses.

The only politics of envy i see nowadays is the envy of the rich that feel the poor get something for nothing. That is real envy. Jealous nasty vicious envy that breeds foodbanks, poverty and fear.
And people on 45k pay 67% in tax. Quite appalling how much HMRC takes in tax isn't it.

Makes my point for me. If corporations paid the tax that they should, there would be no need for people on 45k to pay as much.

Is that not obvious?

Income taxation should be far more progressive. Even Thatcher thought it was acceptable to have a 60% rate on the very top earners.
No they don't.

SWPs Back lives in a world where he thinks nobody lives on the state pension and everyone has a works/private pension. Please take into account his reality is very far removed from the average persons.

To him poverty is cutting back from 7 bottles a week of Bollinger to 6
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