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SWPs Back lives in a world where he thinks nobody lives on the state pension and everyone has a works/private pension. Please take into account his reality is very far removed from the average persons.

To him poverty is cutting back from 7 bottles a week of Bollinger to 6
But you do admit that going by your logic, someone on 45k pays 67% tax yeah?
But you do admit that going by your logic, someone on 45k pays 67% tax yeah?

I never disputed what you said. As i see using my argument why yours make sense. It is an irrelevant arguement nonetheless. My point stands. Everyone pays tax. At what rate is immaterial and was never my point.

I will repeat my point again, just in case you missed it. Everyone pays tax.
SWPs Back lives in a world where he thinks nobody lives on the state pension and everyone has a works/private pension. Please take into account his reality is very far removed from the average persons.

To him poverty is cutting back from 7 bottles a week of Bollinger to 6

already made enough of a sacrifice to be drinking Bollinger instead of a quality bit if fizz in th first place
I never disputed what you said. As i see using my argument why yours make sense. It is an irrelevant arguement nonetheless. My point stands. Everyone pays tax. At what rate is immaterial and was never my point.

I will repeat my point again, just in case you missed it. Everyone pays tax.
I agree. They do. Even the immigrants.

The pikeys on the other hand, fuck 'em.
Income tax, corporation tax and council tax combined is still less than 50% of the UK tax take.

If the £80bn that Corporations are estimated to avoid was to be gathered in then it would be over 50%. But it is OK for the rich to get away with paying thier share and somehow it does not equate to people like you that the more they avoid tax, the MORE you have to pay to make up for it. Ironic aint it. But still blame the poor why not.

I sleep soundly at night in the knowledge that I pay more than enough tax, personally and through my business interests.
What's annoying is the way it's distributed.
I think "net contributors" is probably better, as people who earn less than the personal allowance are still contributing via VAT etc. whereas people living entirely on benefits are simply providing a small rebate to the treasury via VAT on fags, booze, iphones and bendy TVs;-)

Fags and booze are more likely than not smuggled, so basically when you're waiting in A&E and there's some no mark scrote abusing NHS staff pissed up they've probably paid no duty on their White Lighting!
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