NHS pay deal

They failed to mention that you can backdate your pensions contributions 4 years and claim tax relief on your £240k .

The party of the people?
It's a really bizarre piece of legislation for sure, because you may not realise the maximum tax free pension contribution for anyone earning serious money - like £400k or £500k a year - is actually £4k not £60k.

Unless they have messed with it, the previous rules were that you lost 50p in the pound of allowance for every pound of income over £230k I think it was.
Just before I left the fire service they were going into dispute over pay, chatting to the younger ones they had no idea what it was all about and would happily have took 2%, many don’t look past there next iphone or car lease Because they still live at home and don’t have families (I’m generalising here) They are not bothered about 40 years time, they are a couple of years in and are happy they are getting paid to do a job they’ve wanted for ages, it’s only when you sit down and show them what has happened over the last 15 years, how much things really cost and then it dawns on them.
Maybe in the NHS it’s the same (I hope not) people just see a lump sum and want the cash now, but it’s the long game they need to look at and that’s when the older heads need to sit them down, the offer the NHS have been offered is shit really. My wife will get about £800 lump and the possibly £100 extra a month, considering food etc has rocketed it’s already eaten up.
No doubt from 2024 they’ll get offered 1% again and all this will just build up, unless Labour get in and possibly up pay, but I won’t hold my breath.
I work with people in the public sector who are young and not in any union. When I explain about shite pay deals well below the rate of inflation etc etc it just goes over their heads. I am sure if they were told their pay was going to be actually cut they would moan a bit and accept it. Obviously I explain any pay offer way below the rate of inflation is a pay cut anyway they can’t fathom it out. It’s quite depressing. Can’t wait to either retire or change career. They are a lost cause.
Wait, the Daily Mail is based in Bermuda for tax purposes?
And, quelle surprise, they fill their pages with bile, driving a culture-war on behalf of the government in a mutual, back-scratching exercise of woke shaming, snowflake thawing, migrant mauling, BBC bashing...and the creation of a fog to cloud their economic and social failure, exactly as Iain Anderson told us was the next election strategy.

Investigations by the Observer have revealed that all of the voting shares in the DMGT, the floated company that owns both the papers, have been acquired by a financial vehicle called Rothermere Continuation Limited. RCL, which operates for the benefit of Viscount Rothermere, DMGT chairman, recently bought the remaining 11% of voting shares in the trust that it did not already own. According to a declaration made to the stock exchange in August, RCL "is a holding company incorporated in Bermuda".

The declaration reveals that "RCL is owned by a trust which is held for the benefit of Viscount Rothermere (the chairman of the DMGT) and his immediate family. Both RCL and the trust are administered in Jersey, in the Channel Islands".

Both Bermuda and Jersey are tax havens which, as the Mail explained in a recent article, are a "scourge" which "costs Britain billions". While there is no suggestion of any impropriety, the complicated offshore ownership structure sits uncomfortably with the paper's reputation for being the voice of Middle England.

A spokesman for the Mail, which has defended its coverage and rejected any claims of antisemitism, declined to comment on whether DMGT, Rothermere or RCL enjoyed any advantages as a result of their links to tax havens.
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And, quelle surprise, they fill their pages with bile, driving a culture-war on behalf of the government in a mutual, back-scratching exercise of woke shaming, snowflake thawing, migrant mauling, BBC bashing...and the creation of a fog to cloud their economic and social failure, exactly as Iain Anderson told us was the next election strategy.

Investigations by the Observer have revealed that all of the voting shares in the DMGT, the floated company that owns both the papers, have been acquired by a financial vehicle called Rothermere Continuation Limited. RCL, which operates for the benefit of Viscount Rothermere, DMGT chairman, recently bought the remaining 11% of voting shares in the trust that it did not already own. According to a declaration made to the stock exchange in August, RCL "is a holding company incorporated in Bermuda".

The declaration reveals that "RCL is owned by a trust which is held for the benefit of Viscount Rothermere (the chairman of the DMGT) and his immediate family. Both RCL and the trust are administered in Jersey, in the Channel Islands".

Both Bermuda and Jersey are tax havens which, as the Mail explained in a recent article, are a "scourge" which "costs Britain billions". While there is no suggestion of any impropriety, the complicated offshore ownership structure sits uncomfortably with the paper's reputation for being the voice of Middle England.

A spokesman for the Mail, which has defended its coverage and rejected any claims of antisemitism, declined to comment on whether DMGT, Rothermere or RCL enjoyed any advantages as a result of their links to tax havens.
If the tax law said you could avoid paying income tax if you owned a purple car, what colour do you imagine most cars would suddenly be?
Whilst I hate the Mail with a passion, this is yet another thing that only the government can fix, via legislation, but it won’t.
Theres a reason why this country has more than 10% of the worlds accountants, and has the highest world salary for chartered accountants, and it’s not because they add much to society…..The ‘big 4’ are the absolute epicentre of the tax avoidance industry, whilst continuously receiving massive contract after massive contract from the UK governments, which tells you all you need to know.
This obsession is why we don’t make anything, why we pay out more in ‘dividends’ than anywhere else whilst investing less in R+D than other places and we continually lag behind in infrastructure, we put less % into long term assets than others and all because accountants are useless at investing socially. All this is why we work longer hours and for more years than almost any western country and yet our productivity is continually in the toilet.
35,000 GP’s v 300,000+ accountants. Over 1 million GP appointments every day (29.5M in January 2023), and yet we have 10 x as many accountants, many of whom are actively working against the public good, fully supported by the government(s) of the day. It’s scandalous…..
If the tax law said you could avoid paying income tax if you owned a purple car, what colour do you imagine most cars would suddenly be?
Whilst I hate the Mail with a passion, this is yet another thing that only the government can fix, via legislation, but it won’t.
Theres a reason why this country has more than 10% of the worlds accountants, and has the highest world salary for chartered accountants, and it’s not because they add much to society…..The ‘big 4’ are the absolute epicentre of the tax avoidance industry, whilst continuously receiving massive contract after massive contract from the UK governments, which tells you all you need to know.
This obsession is why we don’t make anything, why we pay out more in ‘dividends’ than anywhere else whilst investing less in R+D than other places and we continually lag behind in infrastructure, we put less % into long term assets than others and all because accountants are useless at investing socially. All this is why we work longer hours and for more years than almost any western country and yet our productivity is continually in the toilet.
35,000 GP’s v 300,000+ accountants. Over 1 million GP appointments every day (29.5M in January 2023), and yet we have 10 x as many accountants, many of whom are actively working against the public good, fully supported by the government(s) of the day. It’s scandalous…..
Indeed, my earlier post made the point that the government is absolutely at fault, but supported by newspapers in tax havens, who have no interest in identifying the issue, and calling for it to end.
I hope that HM Forces get parity with these deals as they can’t strike and therefore have to take what they’re given
Or get another job, that’s what many would say, I don’t and think you are spot on. After the first gulf war the forces got about 12% pay rise they’d had fuck all for years, then until they are flavour of the month they are forgotten about, doesn’t matter how much tech you invest in you need to get the right people to operate it and look after them, sadly successive governments don’t.

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