NHS pay deal

Met a few old RAF pals who are still in after 35 years! One who’s an officer who has to go round all stations doing various standard checks says that for every 1 they are recruiting now 100 are leaving, they are down to around 32k now within 3/4 years they are going to be fucked. Pay is one of the big factors plus the younger generation aren’t joining for King and country and have no real commitment to it all (not all I may add), the mindset with discipline etc is just completely different, the forces have got massive issues coming up as have many public sector employers.
It's a perfect storm really. My cousin has just left the forces to work offshore on the rigs and his pay has nearly doubled. Plus, what attuned young adult now wants to fight for the King? No one I'd wager, just anachronistic propaganda to make them feel they're valued, when the truth is wholly different.

Another example of the public sector being ravaged and left behind by the charlatans in charge.
My wife is a nurse, and we were having this chat last night. And spot on, the lump sum might be the difference between us getting a holiday with the kids this year, or not going anywhere. Mortgage is about to go up £250 a month, so whilst in an ideal world, it would be rejected, and perhaps more pressure applied on the government, I think when it comes to actually voting, many might just opt for 'yes' , especially as it seems the union isn't up for the fight any more.

Why do you think the mortgage rates have been kept high whist overall inflation is reducing?
I'm not in a union anymore so won't get a vote. Paid in for 10 years, needed them twice and both times they were an absolute waste of time.

The reaction to the deal on social media from staff seems to be pretty unanimous for rejecting the deal!

My prediction is that when people think about the lump sum that will land in their pay packet, it will probably get voted through by a narrow margin.

I know at this moment in time, I personally couldn't risk rejecting the best part of £2k in a lump sum and ending up with nothing.
I voted to reject that deal last year,in my trust ,Tameside.
It was rejected by about 96% , but not enough people voted by law to strike.So it was accepted.
I left my union a few months ago,been in it for years,final straw was them supporting a real trouble causer.Im currently considering "unite" ,unison are useless and powerless.
RCN consulting members on pay deal. They are still in dispute with government even though they’ll get the 5.5% by default.

Will be interesting, Mrs MB has voted for new rounds of strike action. They want some of that junior doctor cake now.
Given the other settlements concluded or planned, 5.5% seems a bit thin.
Given the other settlements concluded or planned, 5.5% seems a bit thin.

There is genuine incredulity among nurse staff at Mrs MBs trust at the JD pay rise. There was a sense clinical staff were all underpaid but were “all in it together”, the JD pay increase has broken that annd they are angry. Obviously paying more on the AfC is a lot more expensive. A 22% pay rise here will cost ~£10bn. AfC includes everyone from secretaries, porters, HCAs, nurses, IT workers, etc etc etc.

The nurses now know if they bring it to a halt they’ll get what they want - A&E, wards and cancer services will run as normal but they can stop routine clinics which will add to wait lists.

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