NHS pay deal

Not this shite again.
There’s something like one for every 2000 NHS employees so it’s pretty unlikely that most job vacancies are for Diversity and Inclusion Managers.

One of the biggest problem with the NHS is the perception that it’s stuffed full of overpaid managers whereas the reality is that most managers are actually clinical staff who have been put into management roles that they’re unsuited for because Trusts don’t want to employ people who are properly trained in management but not clinical because they’ll get accused of wasting money. As a percentage most areas of the NHS have fewer managers than most organisations.

My wife’s experience in the NHS is that poor performance is not dealt with properly and the majority who do a great job get pissed off by a minority that get away with everything because management don’t have the skills to deal with it, and they end up just moving the problem characters to other areas within the trust where they will inevitably cause more problems.
Couldn't agree more especially the last paragraph, work in the NHS and most staff are great but there is a minority of piss takers who seem to be completely untouchable and don't get me started on the management, in the main they are dreadful. It's toxic and rotten to the core and sadly unlikely to change in the short term.
The fallout from all these payrises within the NHS is trusts are now trying to downgrade certain jobs to lower bands to save money, my Mrs came home Yesterday really upset as she's been trying to fill 3 vacancies for 4 months now and has finally been given the reason they wouldn't send them to advert after her Manager lying about it, they are currently being downgraded, she is gutted as she knows nobody will apply putting her team under even more pressure, why would they when they can earn more working in a shop behind a counter (no disrespect to those workers).
Those rats in the Palace of Westminster are more honest and transparent than a sizeable chunk of NHS management, the lies, the cover-ups and the all round incompetence are staggering, those who don't work in it would be staggered to witness it in the flesh.
Not this shite again.
There’s something like one for every 2000 NHS employees so it’s pretty unlikely that most job vacancies are for Diversity and Inclusion Managers.

One of the biggest problem with the NHS is the perception that it’s stuffed full of overpaid managers whereas the reality is that most managers are actually clinical staff who have been put into management roles that they’re unsuited for because Trusts don’t want to employ people who are properly trained in management but not clinical because they’ll get accused of wasting money. As a percentage most areas of the NHS have fewer managers than most organisations.

My wife’s experience in the NHS is that poor performance is not dealt with properly and the majority who do a great job get pissed off by a minority that get away with everything because management don’t have the skills to deal with it, and they end up just moving the problem characters to other areas within the trust where they will inevitably cause more problems.

Great post.
Do you work in it? Have you ever tried to change anything in the NHS?
Probably lots of things wrong ,depending who you ask. My daughter’s issues would be lack of social care spending and community care either temporary or full time = bed blocking.
Lack of staff and equipment due to budget cuts.
One thing she has never said is all the money is spent on too many managers, or she has not been listened to by management or superiors..
My trust is brilliant , had to use the nhs a lot in the last three years and i have not a single complaint, except waiting times at A&E but that is to be expected when gp appts are hard to get, i have easily seen nurse practioners or nurses who can in the main sort you out, most things dont need a gp tbf
My trust is brilliant , had to use the nhs a lot in the last three years and i have not a single complaint, except waiting times at A&E but that is to be expected when gp appts are hard to get, i have easily seen nurse practioners or nurses who can in the main sort you out, most things dont need a gp tbf
Ditto. Was sadly rushed to A&E after our game on Sunday and without exception, they were brilliant

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