NHS pay deal

GTF! That’s obviously where all the money goes in the NHS, to employ people to come up with these nonsense ideas.
My missus works in the NHS, and not many working days go by without her coming home and telling me about some of the jobs that appear in her emails, mainly inclusion and diversity management on ridiculously high Salaries

What is going on? lol

What an absolute garbled mess of an article that is. It doesn’t even seem to be internally consistent.

So the assertion is that men are being asked if they’re pregnant because one person who’s gender was hard to identify ended up having a scan while pregnant. Fine, seems like the NHS trying to cover their liability - bit of a non-story but whatever feeds into the outrage clickbait, I guess.

But this has led to “women crying” and triggering traumatic memories of miscarriages? Eh? How has men being asked if they’re pregnant led to women being traumatised?

And some trusts are asking for your sex at birth and preferred name. Doesn’t pretty much everybody do that? Literally all the time? What is new there?

You can have a sensible debate about whether the NHS Trusts involved needed to implement this policy to protect themselves from liability… but what in the actual culture wars bollocks nonsense is this article?
But this has led to “women crying” and triggering traumatic memories of miscarriages? Eh? How has men being asked if they’re pregnant led to women being traumatised?

And some trusts are asking for your sex at birth and preferred name. Doesn’t pretty much everybody do that? Literally all the time? What is new there?

Everyone is traumatised and triggered now it seems, imagine health staff having the nerve to ask if you're a biological man or woman and being faced with a face full of fury from someone who doesn't know the answer because they have listened to too much shit online.
Everyone is traumatised and triggered now it seems, imagine health staff having the nerve to ask if you're a biological man or woman and being faced with a face full of fury from someone who doesn't know the answer because they have listened to too much shit online.

If there’s any veracity to this article (and I am somewhat dubious given the general quality), I think you’re onto something.

The story here is not “NHS asking men if pregnant” the story is “People get upset about being asked questions which are necessary for medical procedures”.

Storming out of a cancer appointment because you’ve been asked a question you don’t like? Darwinism in action.
My missus works in the NHS, and not many working days go by without her coming home and telling me about some of the jobs that appear in her emails, mainly inclusion and diversity management on ridiculously high Salaries
To be fair you have to remember that the NHS is one of the top 10 largest employers in the world.

I work for a large UK company, nothing in comparison to the size of the NHS but we have jobs going like that so I wouldn't be surprised if the NHS did as well.
To be fair you have to remember that the NHS is one of the top 10 largest employers in the world.

I work for a large UK company, nothing in comparison to the size of the NHS but we have jobs going like that so I wouldn't be surprised if the NHS did as well.
I'm not surprised and neither is she, but they are cutting back in other areas
The fallout from all these payrises within the NHS is trusts are now trying to downgrade certain jobs to lower bands to save money, my Mrs came home Yesterday really upset as she's been trying to fill 3 vacancies for 4 months now and has finally been given the reason they wouldn't send them to advert after her Manager lying about it, they are currently being downgraded, she is gutted as she knows nobody will apply putting her team under even more pressure, why would they when they can earn more working in a shop behind a counter (no disrespect to those workers).
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The fallout from all these payrises within the NHS is trusts are now trying to downgrade certain jobs to lower bands to save money, my Mrs came home Yesterday really upset as she's been trying to fill 3 vacancies for 4 months now and has finally been given the reason they wouldn't send them to adver, they are currently being downgraded, she is gutted as she knows nobody will apply putting her team under even more pressure, why would they when they can earn more working in a shop behind a counter (no disrespect to those workers).
Don't worry, I saw loads of people out on the streets protesting about foreigners taking their jobs. They'll no doubt be applying for them in droves, if you don't mind 16 or 17 prior convictions.

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