Nick Griffin on Question Time..

TheMightyQuinn said:
argyle said:
The majority of asylum seekers do settle in the first country they arrive, that is why the UN figures put Spain, France, Germany and Italy as receiving far more immigrants than the UK.

Of course if you are a Daily Mail/Express reader you may think differently.

But isn't England now 99% made up of dirty bastards from other races and illegal immigrants? I was led to believe the white man was about to become extinct in England, you're ruining it all now mate, I mean, we are living under Sharia law right?
At least we've outlived the Dodo. Take that Dodo.
ono said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
But isn't England now 99% made up of dirty bastards from other races and illegal immigrants? I was led to believe the white man was about to become extinct in England, you're ruining it all now mate, I mean, we are living under Sharia law right?
At least we've outlived the Dodo. Take that Dodo.

I want to laugh but I'm boarding up my windows and doors and preparing for 'THE WHITE MANS LAST STAND', basically me and a rolling pin, where the 'EDL' when you need them eh?
buzzer1 said:
Wow, what a thread. And nobody banned, well done all.

Right, my take on the plus points for the BNP.
In 2006 me and the Mrs. were basically stitched up and lost all our savings in a Pub venture, we lost the best part of 60k and everything that we had grafted damned hard for over 6years. Now then, having basically lost everything inc. very nearly my relationship/kids etc i decided to get on my bike and try and in someway start again in another place, with my MRS. following me in 4 or 5 month once i had a gaff etc. I stayed on my sisters couch for a few month and worked all the hours i could to get a bond for a gaff and send some up for the family(staying with mother in law on fold up beds) whislt paying my way. Anyway, i was head chef in a very well known immigration centre in the south and i know exactly what benefits these asylum seekers get. The staff that i was over encountered various abuse inc. having meals thrown over them or verbal abuse of which incidentally went unchallenged as you cannot reply to them as it isnt your place to, you will be reported and have a charge of racism thrown in your face, suspended pending a hearing and then taken off the servery for instance and put on wash up duties until the incident had passed. Anyway, get to my point that i am trying to put across. I finally got a gaff after much hard work and my Mrs. joined me in the summer of that year. The rent was £600 per month and with the bills etc. i was shellin' out around 1200 a month, my wage was around 1250 per month btw. I recieved a small amount of tax credit etc but barely enough to live on never mind going out for a day somewhwere. My little 'n' had to wait an age to get in the nursery as the places had been taken up with local kids and yes, Asylum seekers. i put my name down on the council list and told a few porkies so my case went up in points which is what you needed to get a council gaff. My sister has been in this village (i wont name it) for 20 years, and within the space of 2 month 2 houses had been made empty, one was an old guy who just died of old age, the other was the same but fought in ww2 and had his ship sank by the Germans but survived all the same, my sister used to cook his meals and do his gardening and my bro in law used to get the dubbers out and cut his hair and even give him a shave as he was becoming more and more dependent on our kid. Eventually he died and the houses became available and i had enough points to get one of the said houses, the council said i could apply as i had a connection with my sister livin there(rent payers also) so i applied. The scummy bastards at the council suddenly had a change of policy and said i actualy couldnt apply as i have to have a mother or father and not just a sibling living in the village. Suddenly a Iraqi family had moved in to the veterans house and and a fukin Grandma with her 2 grandkids had moved into the other house, apparently the granny had been evicted from her last house as her partner had tried to burn it down, she had the kids btw as her daughter was a thieving baghead and was in and out of nick. The Iraqi family are quiet enough but the granny has dogs and they shit all over the lane, the garden is a mess and the scum that was around her in her last gaff seem to have followd her and a once beautiful little village is close to being a shithole. Now my point in all of this is if the BNP was in charge, me and my beautiful hard working family would have had one of the said gaffs and as i explained to the council my sister could mind my daughter inthe hols and my Mrs. could then go out to work and get us back on our feet a lot quicker, deaf ears and fell im afraid. Anyway, they finally give us a gaff, a country mile from my sister, and unbeknowing to us there was a dealer in the same street and he had 24 rounds of home made bullets pumped into his gaff, and to cut a long story short, the dealer sent out word that the gunmen had the wrong house and infact it was us that they were after and had just got the wrong address, he told everybody that we was from up north and was under witness protection. My wife went into the playground droppin our little 'n' off one morning and the women surrounded her and give her pure abuse and even spat on her, it was hell as shit stiks if you throw it hard enough. There was noway back for us, i writtento Andrew Landsley(the mp for the area) and nobody but nobody helped us out. Under the BNPs rules i would have had one of the aforementioned gaffs and the people that had not one connection to the village would have dipped out, and the dealer had had several warnings from the council but nothing had been done, infact he had been offered a shitload of top gaffs and alsorts of money and special protection, now someone on here tell me that this is right.
PS, this is just a couple of incidents to show you, we have had no help whatsoever from the main fukin parties, and me and my Mrs. family have no police convictions and always paid our way. So you tell me who i should vote for, to look after me and my lovely little non-racist hard working peaceful family. PEACE TO ALL.

In light of some of the replys directly to this post(3 i think) could anybody tell me which party would have helped us out? imo, if someone has paid into the system as we have then it is they who have the first touch on simple rights like having a gaff, kids in school of your choice etc. The scum that do not contribute a penny and(not inc. those that have but have fell on hard times) have no intention of doing, the scum that have their houses(council or housing association) and do not keep them in a reasonable state, ie not burnt out cars in the garden, cats or any pets that are just left outside to breed and shit everywhere, you know the sort of scum i'm talking about, be it English,(most of the scum are,) Pakistani, German or outerfukinmongolian i couldnt care less, they would be out on there ear and down the peckin' order of basic amenities.

BTW, when i first contacted the council to tell them my plight, i spoke to an Asian guy that couldnt understand me properly(after 3 phone calls) and i had to go down to the offices, meet him and draw a picture of 3 stick men(my family), a bag of cash(what we lost) and a pub(the venture that went wrong), he finally said "oh i see", and then when the meeting was nearly at an end he said to me(broken English) that "he would probably see us next week in our Roller and gold chains",and started laughing, i had to laugh with him as i did'nt want to rock the boat, i felt like fukin lacin' him there and then
6 weeks passed and as we didnt hear anything i decided to ring in and check how we were doing, turns out he did'nt even process our claim and when i asked could i come down and meet someone that spoke the Queens English, i was told that if i continued to use language like this then my whole application would be immediately scrapped and i was risking being reported, now is this right and which party would have helped us out and is willing to grow some nads and stand up and say, THIS IS NOT RIGHT?
ono said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I want to laugh but I'm boarding up my windows and doors and preparing for 'THE WHITE MANS LAST STAND', basically me and a rolling pin, where the 'EDL' when you need them eh?
On their way to the Millwall game i'd imagine

Nah, no way are they football hooligans mate, I mean all the football badges and 'hooligan', 'casual' stuff on their facebook page is just for a laugh, they're not at all dodgy.
buzzer1 said:
buzzer1 said:
Wow, what a thread. And nobody banned, well done all.

Right, my take on the plus points for the BNP.
In 2006 me and the Mrs. were basically stitched up and lost all our savings in a Pub venture, we lost the best part of 60k and everything that we had grafted damned hard for over 6years. Now then, having basically lost everything inc. very nearly my relationship/kids etc i decided to get on my bike and try and in someway start again in another place, with my MRS. following me in 4 or 5 month once i had a gaff etc. I stayed on my sisters couch for a few month and worked all the hours i could to get a bond for a gaff and send some up for the family(staying with mother in law on fold up beds) whislt paying my way. Anyway, i was head chef in a very well known immigration centre in the south and i know exactly what benefits these asylum seekers get. The staff that i was over encountered various abuse inc. having meals thrown over them or verbal abuse of which incidentally went unchallenged as you cannot reply to them as it isnt your place to, you will be reported and have a charge of racism thrown in your face, suspended pending a hearing and then taken off the servery for instance and put on wash up duties until the incident had passed. Anyway, get to my point that i am trying to put across. I finally got a gaff after much hard work and my Mrs. joined me in the summer of that year. The rent was £600 per month and with the bills etc. i was shellin' out around 1200 a month, my wage was around 1250 per month btw. I recieved a small amount of tax credit etc but barely enough to live on never mind going out for a day somewhwere. My little 'n' had to wait an age to get in the nursery as the places had been taken up with local kids and yes, Asylum seekers. i put my name down on the council list and told a few porkies so my case went up in points which is what you needed to get a council gaff. My sister has been in this village (i wont name it) for 20 years, and within the space of 2 month 2 houses had been made empty, one was an old guy who just died of old age, the other was the same but fought in ww2 and had his ship sank by the Germans but survived all the same, my sister used to cook his meals and do his gardening and my bro in law used to get the dubbers out and cut his hair and even give him a shave as he was becoming more and more dependent on our kid. Eventually he died and the houses became available and i had enough points to get one of the said houses, the council said i could apply as i had a connection with my sister livin there(rent payers also) so i applied. The scummy bastards at the council suddenly had a change of policy and said i actualy couldnt apply as i have to have a mother or father and not just a sibling living in the village. Suddenly a Iraqi family had moved in to the veterans house and and a fukin Grandma with her 2 grandkids had moved into the other house, apparently the granny had been evicted from her last house as her partner had tried to burn it down, she had the kids btw as her daughter was a thieving baghead and was in and out of nick. The Iraqi family are quiet enough but the granny has dogs and they shit all over the lane, the garden is a mess and the scum that was around her in her last gaff seem to have followd her and a once beautiful little village is close to being a shithole. Now my point in all of this is if the BNP was in charge, me and my beautiful hard working family would have had one of the said gaffs and as i explained to the council my sister could mind my daughter inthe hols and my Mrs. could then go out to work and get us back on our feet a lot quicker, deaf ears and fell im afraid. Anyway, they finally give us a gaff, a country mile from my sister, and unbeknowing to us there was a dealer in the same street and he had 24 rounds of home made bullets pumped into his gaff, and to cut a long story short, the dealer sent out word that the gunmen had the wrong house and infact it was us that they were after and had just got the wrong address, he told everybody that we was from up north and was under witness protection. My wife went into the playground droppin our little 'n' off one morning and the women surrounded her and give her pure abuse and even spat on her, it was hell as shit stiks if you throw it hard enough. There was noway back for us, i writtento Andrew Landsley(the mp for the area) and nobody but nobody helped us out. Under the BNPs rules i would have had one of the aforementioned gaffs and the people that had not one connection to the village would have dipped out, and the dealer had had several warnings from the council but nothing had been done, infact he had been offered a shitload of top gaffs and alsorts of money and special protection, now someone on here tell me that this is right.
PS, this is just a couple of incidents to show you, we have had no help whatsoever from the main fukin parties, and me and my Mrs. family have no police convictions and always paid our way. So you tell me who i should vote for, to look after me and my lovely little non-racist hard working peaceful family. PEACE TO ALL.

In light of some of the replys directly to this post(3 i think) could anybody tell me which party would have helped us out? imo, if someone has paid into the system as we have then it is they who have the first touch on simple rights like having a gaff, kids in school of your choice etc. The scum that do not contribute a penny and(not inc. those that have but have fell on hard times) have no intention of doing, the scum that have their houses(council or housing association) and do not keep them in a reasonable state, ie not burnt out cars in the garden, cats or any pets that are just left outside to breed and shit everywhere, you know the sort of scum i'm talking about, be it English,(most of the scum are) Pakistani, German or outerfukinmongolian i couldnt care less, they would be out on there ear and down the peckin' order of basic amenities. BTW, when i first contacted the council to tell them my plight, i spoke to an Asian guy that couldnt understand me properly(after 3 phone calls) and i had to go down to the offices, meet him and draw a picture of 3 stick men(my family), a bag of cash(what we lost) and a pub(the venture that went wrong), he finally said "oh i see", and then when the meeting was nearly at an end he said to me(broken English) that "he would probably see us next week in our Roller and gold chains",and started laughing, i had to laugh with him as i did'nt want to rock the boat, i felt like fukin lacin' him there and then. 6 weeks passed and as we didnt hear anything i decided to ring in and check how we were doing, turns out he did'nt even process our claim and when i asked could i come down and meet someone that spoke the Queens English, i was told that if i continued to use language like this then my whole application would be immediately scrapped and i was risking being reported, now is this right and which party would have helped us out and is willing to grow some nads and stand up and say, THIS IS NOT RIGHT?

Any chance you could start breaking your posts up into paragraphs? It makes it much easier to read.
alabaster said:
buzzer1 said:
In light of some of the replys directly to this post(3 i think) could anybody tell me which party would have helped us out? imo, if someone has paid into the system as we have then it is they who have the first touch on simple rights like having a gaff, kids in school of your choice etc. The scum that do not contribute a penny and(not inc. those that have but have fell on hard times) have no intention of doing, the scum that have their houses(council or housing association) and do not keep them in a reasonable state, ie not burnt out cars in the garden, cats or any pets that are just left outside to breed and shit everywhere, you know the sort of scum i'm talking about, be it English,(most of the scum are) Pakistani, German or outerfukinmongolian i couldnt care less, they would be out on there ear and down the peckin' order of basic amenities. BTW, when i first contacted the council to tell them my plight, i spoke to an Asian guy that couldnt understand me properly(after 3 phone calls) and i had to go down to the offices, meet him and draw a picture of 3 stick men(my family), a bag of cash(what we lost) and a pub(the venture that went wrong), he finally said "oh i see", and then when the meeting was nearly at an end he said to me(broken English) that "he would probably see us next week in our Roller and gold chains",and started laughing, i had to laugh with him as i did'nt want to rock the boat, i felt like fukin lacin' him there and then. 6 weeks passed and as we didnt hear anything i decided to ring in and check how we were doing, turns out he did'nt even process our claim and when i asked could i come down and meet someone that spoke the Queens English, i was told that if i continued to use language like this then my whole application would be immediately scrapped and i was risking being reported, now is this right and which party would have helped us out and is willing to grow some nads and stand up and say, THIS IS NOT RIGHT?

Any chance you could start breaking your posts up into paragraphs? It makes it much easier to read.

Alabaster, you seem pretty much switched on, so don't come across as if you can't read the post(s), you can read it and understand exactly what i'm saying yeah? Anyone with an answer to the post above, which party would have helped us out???
buzzer1 said:
alabaster said:
Any chance you could start breaking your posts up into paragraphs? It makes it much easier to read.

Alabaster, you seem pretty much switched on, so don't come across as if you can't read the post(s), you can read it and understand exactly what i'm saying yeah? Anyone with an answer to the post above, which party would have helped us out???

No party can help you matey, you have to help yourself as best you can and dont look at anybody else and blame them for any misfortune you have. If you work hard in life you will get what you deserve , like the dealer on your street , he lives fat but will die by the bullet.
You cant rely on anyone but yourself, count your blessings and concentrate on your future and things you can change , you will get more frustrated if you dont play the game as they want you to.
loffers said:
buzzer1 said:
Alabaster, you seem pretty much switched on, so don't come across as if you can't read the post(s), you can read it and understand exactly what i'm saying yeah? Anyone with an answer to the post above, which party would have helped us out???

No party can help you matey, you have to help yourself as best you can and dont look at anybody else and blame them for any misfortune you have. If you work hard in life you will get what you deserve , like the dealer on your street , he lives fat but will die by the bullet.
You cant rely on anyone but yourself, count your blessings and concentrate on your future and things you can change , you will get more frustrated if you dont play the game as they want you to.






mancmackem said:
loffers said:
No party can help you matey, you have to help yourself as best you can and dont look at anybody else and blame them for any misfortune you have. If you work hard in life you will get what you deserve , like the dealer on your street , he lives fat but will die by the bullet.
You cant rely on anyone but yourself, count your blessings and concentrate on your future and things you can change , you will get more frustrated if you dont play the game as they want you to.

I know what you mean Loffers and i don't dwell on anything as its taken almost 3 years and we are getting there, no time for dwelling matey. As there are plenty of people with answers as what not to do, or not to vote for this party or that party, i was just wondering if there is a party that could have sorted us out, will sort some other poor bastard that has paid his way since leaving school(21 years ago), is it wrong to want first pick or at least an advantage over someone that doesnt give piss all to the cause, or am i being to right wing?

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