Nick Griffin on Question Time..

TheMightyQuinn said:
Llewellyn Dowd said:
It'd be ginger haired bastards then!!

I'd get rid of gingers first, a lot of gingers have real attitudes and cause problems for the rest of society. I've known plenty of ginger lads who've ended up inside due to being twats.

Ginger girls are fit though.

Seriously though, you're dead right, at the moment it's all black peoples fault or Asians, get rid of them and it'll be the gays and handicapped, then it'll be blondes etc.

Sadly your average BNP member hasn't got a GCSE history so they don't know what happened in Germany. Thick, little dicked wankers the lot of them.
Thank you on behalf of my ginger wife.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Llewellyn Dowd said:
It'd be ginger haired bastards then!!

I'd get rid of gingers first, a lot of gingers have real attitudes and cause problems for the rest of society. I've known plenty of ginger lads who've ended up inside due to being twats.

Ginger girls are fit though.

Seriously though, you're dead right, at the moment it's all black peoples fault or Asians, get rid of them and it'll be the gays and handicapped, then it'll be blondes etc.

Sadly your average BNP member hasn't got a GCSE history so they don't know what happened in Germany. Thick, little dicked wankers the lot of them.
Also, it's ironic that the BNP are using pictures of Spitfires on there campaign!! "So, tell me Mr. Griffin, who were those RAF lads fighting? Could the answer be Nazies?"
Llewellyn Dowd said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'd get rid of gingers first, a lot of gingers have real attitudes and cause problems for the rest of society. I've known plenty of ginger lads who've ended up inside due to being twats.

Ginger girls are fit though.

Seriously though, you're dead right, at the moment it's all black peoples fault or Asians, get rid of them and it'll be the gays and handicapped, then it'll be blondes etc.

Sadly your average BNP member hasn't got a GCSE history so they don't know what happened in Germany. Thick, little dicked wankers the lot of them.
Also, it's ironic that the BNP are using pictures of Spitfires on there campaign!! "So, tell me Mr. Griffin, who were those RAF lads fighting? Could the answer be Nazies?"
Ah but they were FOREIGN Nazis, that's different.
Llewellyn Dowd said:
tommyducks said:
Ah but they were FOREIGN Nazis, that's different.
And ginger haired? ;-)

...but the "darkie" in the campaign background poster who saved colleagues,(yes,WHITE colleagues),to win a VC can't join the BNP.
Yet a fat,hunchbacked cyclops who has done jack-shit to save anybody runs the show.
Well who'd a thunk it?
But then,he is a very intelligent man...
aphex said:
i shall be watching tonight and i think the real debate will start then. i just hope it doesnt turn into a farce, and the audience are not cherry picked.

I take it you've never seen Question Time then. The audience is loaded with Lib Lab Con activists. They'll be no REAL debate tonight, because we don't have free speech in this country.
Unknown_Genius said:
M18CTID said:
Immigration is good for any country, and anybody who says otherwise is being very narrow-minded but it's only good for a country if, at some point, a restriction is put on the numbers coming in. Surely we can all see that?

To highlight this, look at Japan, they have a very strict immigration policy which is leading to an aging population and is going to cause them all sorts of problems.

As far as I'm concerned anyone who wants to live here can, we have no more right to be here than anyone else, it's just a piece of land and the idea that we have some God-given right to be here and decide who else can is ridiculous.

Asylum seekers are trying to get away from persecution and death, and anyone who really thinks they should be left to die because 50p of your taxes is going towards keeping them alive is an idiot. What if there was an outbreak of war in England, would you rather stay here and get slaughtered rather than become an asylum seeker, because that's oh-so-shameful?

we have no more right to be here than anyone else
what a bizarre comment... and completely incorrect
tommyducks said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'd get rid of gingers first, a lot of gingers have real attitudes and cause problems for the rest of society. I've known plenty of ginger lads who've ended up inside due to being twats.

Ginger girls are fit though.

Seriously though, you're dead right, at the moment it's all black peoples fault or Asians, get rid of them and it'll be the gays and handicapped, then it'll be blondes etc.

Sadly your average BNP member hasn't got a GCSE history so they don't know what happened in Germany. Thick, little dicked wankers the lot of them.
Thank you on behalf of my ginger wife.

Unknown_Genius said:
BluePurgatory said:
I still stand by what I said and will go one further in calling you an idiot if you believe in that .

Feel free to do that. Why can't someone from another country live here if they want to? British people are perfectly entitled to live in Spain, America, etc. Why shouldn't it be the same for people that want to come here?

How old are you?
tommyducks said:
Llewellyn Dowd said:
Also, it's ironic that the BNP are using pictures of Spitfires on there campaign!! "So, tell me Mr. Griffin, who were those RAF lads fighting? Could the answer be Nazies?"
Ah but they were FOREIGN Nazis, that's different.


It annoys me, as a blonde haired, blue eyed lad that dark haired pricks like Griffin thinks he can speak for the white race. Now, I don't subscribe to the theory that any one race is superior to the other but he does and as such he surely should recognise me as his Aryan superior and shut the fuck up. Same deal with Hitler, he wanted a nation of tall, blonde lads despite being a 5 foot dark haired gimp!

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