Nick Griffin on Question Time..

Ronnie the Rep said:
Hang on. There's not much "sensible" in that post.

1. If the bnp are "nutters" just like the "nutters" who want Sharia Law in Britain - then they should be given the same platform - ie. the fucking streets, not prime time on bbc one in front of millions of viewers.
2. If "excessive and often uncontrolled immigration" is truly a problem, then how does giving a platform to a bunch of fascists who don't want controlled immigration, but rather no immigration, become any sort of solution when it is in fact an impossibility.
3. The "we have too many immigrants" rhetoric which the far right spout has been going on for decades now. The answer was not repatriation thirty years ago, and it isn't the answer now. So again, what is "sensible" about listening to the bnp. If you are so thick that the only way you can stimulate debate on the state of the nation, and on it's ruling parties is by heeding the words of a one eyed fascist then I pity you.

Billy, the big difference is that the BNP have received enough votes to get elected. They may well be mostly protest votes (they probably are). Their views on repatriation are laughable but his inclusion allows the debate on immigration and other issues that bother people to be aired in an organised debate - not on some street corner

If the dimwits prefer prefer to stick with their entrenched views and knee-jerk reactions then there is no hope for them in a democracy. Clearly exposure does not result in exponential growth in support. Look at the LibDems!! There are reasons for the growth in support for the BNP. To understand that growth, and to combat against any significant future growth, you need to listen to those that are disaffected enough to vote for them.
Balti said:
If the dimwits prefer prefer to stick with their entrenched views and knee-jerk reactions thenm there is no hope for them in a democracy. Clearly exposure does not result in exponential growth in support. Look at the LibDems!! There are reasons for the growth in support for the BNP. To understand that growth, and to combat against any significant future growth, you need to listen to those that are disaffected enough to vote for them.

This is it! If the main political parties bothered to find out why people who aren't racist are voting for a racist party then the BNP would last 5 minutes. Understand the reasons why Joe Public votes for a bunch of Nazis and address those issues. Then Griffin and his loonies will not get votes, will not get on prime time tv and will not exist!
Balti said:
If the dimwits prefer prefer to stick with their entrenched views and knee-jerk reactions thenm there is no hope for them in a democracy. Clearly exposure does not result in exponential growth in support. Look at the LibDems!! There are reasons for the growth in support for the BNP. To understand that growth, and to combat against any significant future growth, you need to listen to those that are disaffected enough to vote for them.

Excellent post
Unknown_Genius said:
M18CTID said:
Immigration is good for any country, and anybody who says otherwise is being very narrow-minded but it's only good for a country if, at some point, a restriction is put on the numbers coming in. Surely we can all see that?

To highlight this, look at Japan, they have a very strict immigration policy which is leading to an aging population and is going to cause them all sorts of problems.

As far as I'm concerned anyone who wants to live here can, we have no more right to be here than anyone else, it's just a piece of land and the idea that we have some God-given right to be here and decide who else can is ridiculous.

Asylum seekers are trying to get away from persecution and death, and anyone who really thinks they should be left to die because 50p of your taxes is going towards keeping them alive is an idiot. What if there was an outbreak of war in England, would you rather stay here and get slaughtered rather than become an asylum seeker, because that's oh-so-shameful?

I hope that last paragraph wasn't aimed at me because nowhere in this thread have I criticised asylum seekers.

I'm well aware that an immigration policy that is too strict can have an adverse effect over time - what I was trying to say is that at this moment in time, and if things continue at a similar rate, the country will not be able to cope. Simple as. What I'm saying has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with who can and can't live here but at some point in time the government of the day has to do something to curb the numbers coming in. Plenty of other countries do it so why can't we? If we were to abide by your "no-one has a God given right over anybody else to be here" statement and nothing else, then all that will do is cause a shed load of problems down the line. Are you seriously suggesting that this country can handle an infinite influx of immigrants? It really isn't that simple, and to even begin to suggest that it is is naive in the extreme.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
lafitz2008 said:
Benefits that are issued a lot quicker than in countries like France.Access to free healthcare,prescriptions,dental care,housing and education for children.

You are actually completely wrong on this in almost every respect.
I lived in France for four years,and my partner is French and has previously worked for both the benefits agency and as a teacher and lecturer.
But I really can't be bothered continuing the argument anymore,so perhaps its best if we just agree to disagree.

Fair enough,the opinion was partly based on comments by the Mayor of Calais who presumably has an idea of how their benefit system works.
She seems to think that it can take up to 6 months for a claim for benefits to be approved whereas in the Uk they can begin to receive payments as soon as their claim is lodged.
This was from an article in the Express.
Of course she could be mistaken or being deliberately disingenuous.That's why it can be useful to talk about these things and sort out any misconceptions.
I heard a rumour that even if all the immigrants were shipped out of the UK, the BNP voters would still be unemployable wretches at the bottom of the pile and then they'd have no one to blame because all the 'darkies' would have been shipped out.
TheMightyQuinn said:
I heard a rumour that even if all the immigrants were shipped out of the UK, the BNP voters would still be unemployable wretches at the bottom of the pile and then they'd have no one to blame because all the 'darkies' would have been shipped out.

Those illegals bombed our chippy... bastards.
TheMightyQuinn said:
I heard a rumour that even if all the immigrants were shipped out of the UK, the BNP voters would still be unemployable wretches at the bottom of the pile and then they'd have no one to blame because all the 'darkies' would have been shipped out.

It'd be ginger haired bastards then!!
Llewellyn Dowd said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I heard a rumour that even if all the immigrants were shipped out of the UK, the BNP voters would still be unemployable wretches at the bottom of the pile and then they'd have no one to blame because all the 'darkies' would have been shipped out.

It'd be ginger haired bastards then!!

I'd get rid of gingers first, a lot of gingers have real attitudes and cause problems for the rest of society. I've known plenty of ginger lads who've ended up inside due to being twats.

Ginger girls are fit though.

Seriously though, you're dead right, at the moment it's all black peoples fault or Asians, get rid of them and it'll be the gays and handicapped, then it'll be blondes etc.

Sadly your average BNP member hasn't got a GCSE history so they don't know what happened in Germany. Thick, little dicked wankers the lot of them.

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