Nick Griffin on Question Time..

without a dream said:
But hopefully have shown the vast majority that their vote is important to stop scum like him getting any tiny amount of power.

The people who vote for bnp will not change, they are desperate and looking for a escape goat. They cheated and taken advantage of by goverment

That is all.
Bilboblue said:
Goater's Shin said:
Can't believe anyone can believe that was 'a biased panel and audience', unless they're just trying to deflect from that idiots performance. The panel and audience weren't biased, they just mostly disagreed with griffin, as do most of the country. Most people didn't vote bnp, so drop him in any room with an accurate cross section of society and he would always be outnumbered. If they wouldve managed to round up more bnp sumpathisers than there were in that room then that wouldve been biased. Anyone claiming he was 'bullied' by the majority who disagree with his policies are trying to stop free discussion, yet I bet these are the same ignorant types who try to complain about lack of freedom of speech. I'm gona guess that while I've been writing this we've got on to page ... 78.

Apparently the immigrants make up 15% of the population.
The audience was about 40-50%.
Good to see my tv licence money going on unbiased reporting/views again.

btw.....Griffin was made to look a bit of a cock tonight, I don't support him or the BNP but fully support free speech ;o)

And BNP voters make up 2% of the population, so in a panel of 5 and an audience of, say, 200, there would be 4 BNP voters in the room. Fact is the guy gets much more time and attention than comparably minor parties, perhaps correctly given his dangerous views.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bilboblue said:
Of course I do you tool. you are not the only one that knows the history of this country.
You might not be proud of where you come from but I damn well am. missed the romans and the vikings.......

So, we're all mongrels, mixed race, mixed backgrounds, we're all sons and daughter of immigrants and I'll be fucked if this son of an immigrant is going to start shitting on other immigrants and their sons just because my line goes back 40 years now instead of 5 or 10?

Get real, we're as English as the Indian guy down the road, no more, no less, we're all the fucking same.

Who said anything about shitting on other immigrants or sons of immigrants?
As far as I am am concerned if they were born here and speak our language that's good enough for me.
Don't try and manufacture an argument that isn't there.
And no, not as English as the Indian guy down the road, you wanna go back as far as the Ice Age like the silly comment made on the show earlier?
without a dream said:
The people who vote for bnp will not change, they are desperate and looking for a escape goat. They cheated and taken advantage of by goverment

That's probably true but if we actually get a decent turnout then the BNP vote just becomes smaller and smaller in comparison.

I do feel the vote will now increase, however i truefully beleve people are clueless on who to vote for as there options seem very poor at the moment.
Bilboblue said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
So, we're all mongrels, mixed race, mixed backgrounds, we're all sons and daughter of immigrants and I'll be fucked if this son of an immigrant is going to start shitting on other immigrants and their sons just because my line goes back 40 years now instead of 5 or 10?

Get real, we're as English as the Indian guy down the road, no more, no less, we're all the fucking same.

Who said anything about shitting on other immigrants or sons of immigrants?
As far as I am am concerned if they were born here and speak our language that's good enough for me.
Don't try and manufacture an argument that isn't there.
And no, not as English as the Indian guy down the road, you wanna go back as far as the Ice Age like the silly comment made on the show earlier?

No, but what's the difference between a guy who goes back 5 generations and one who goes back 1? None

We're all the same.

The BNP do not discriminate between non white people who were or weren't born here.
CheesySmoker said:
Bilboblue said: quick view for me.
We all know every country needs it, but how to control it?
let's face it, successive labour and conservative governments have totally and utterly fucked it up.
The only way to more integration IMO is to limit the amount of accomodation given to ethnic minorities in any one area.
For instance, if the amount of non-nationals is 15% in the Uk, then don't let any part of the UK have more than that amount.
I.E. if a street has 100 houses, give no more than 15 to ethnic minorities.
I have suffered racist abuse myself, way back when I was 15, but I have a clear mind, it didn't turn my mind against all of that ethnic group.
I feel by allowing huge communities of these immigrants to live together, we have turned parts of the country into no-go areas.
before a City game I met some lads in the Blind Beggar pub (of the Kray twins fame) and the walk from Whitechapel station to the pub was about 400 yards. during that walk, I saw probably 250-300 people and only roughly 30 were white, thats not right.
It made me feel ill-at-ease in my own country and I am sorry but that is not right.

i am disgusted by this post, you sound like an utter tw*t

Don't just comment and not explain.
Bluemoon115 said:
Bigga said:
How 'clean' is your 'heritage' was the point! If your just going back to your Great Grandparents that STILL doesn't make you '100% English' as that is rare enough in itself, these days!

Well, my great Grandparents are Welsh.

No-one moves TO Wales, so I know I'm part Welsh.



Fuck off back to Wales then!

I don't need your ruining my country with your ways!

without a dream said:
ctidcarl said:
That isn't strictly true...

If a dog is born in a stable, it doesn't make it a horse - if you get my point.

It's heritage that makes you what you are.

It is a travesty that the English are losing their Englishness - and I fully accept our Anglo Saxon, Roman, Celtic, Nordic roots...... I'm talking England as anation is losing its identity..... and that is a shame

Go on then define English identity.

England was once a proud nation. We have a monarchy that is envied by many countries, we have educated and helped many countries around the world.

Not always by fair means, I accept.

I belive that we are an Island for a reason and whichever way you look at it, we are losing our identity, we are losing our religion, our culture and for our fathers before us who helped fight to defend all of this, it is a sorry state of affairs.

I am accepting tonight that I am in a minority
can i just butt in and say that the real english dissapeared into wales during one of the first invasions my great great ancestor passed this info down thru many generations....

so...yaki dar ya b'stads.
Bilboblue said:
CheesySmoker said:
i am disgusted by this post, you sound like an utter tw*t

Don't just comment and not explain.

Probably the 'ill at ease in my own country' comment brought about by you being surrounded by non white people. Surely by what you said to me, you'd view these people as all being English and therefore non threatening, also you wouldn't need to say 'my' country as it'd be all of yours. Unless they were all speaking foreign?

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