Nick Griffin on Question Time..

garfresco said:
ctidcarl said:
I belive that we are an Island for a reason

The reason we are an island is that we are surrounded by water


Now, in simplistic terms, if an Island has 50 inhabitants with resources for those 50, it will self suffice

If all of a sudden 100 extra people move onto that Island, at some point it will go "pop"
ctidcarl said:
we are losing our identity, we are losing our religion, our culture and for our fathers before us who helped fight to defend all of this, it is a sorry state of affairs.
losing our religion? well for starters by 'our religion' i presume you mean christianity (which was imported from the middle east btw) and also, i know this is hard to believe, but no one is stopping you going to church. however i presume you know this because im sure you go every sunday dont you?
DirtyEddie said:
ctidcarl said:
we are losing our identity, we are losing our religion, our culture and for our fathers before us who helped fight to defend all of this, it is a sorry state of affairs.
losing our religion? well for starters by 'our religion' i presume you mean christianity (which was imported from the middle east btw) and also, i know this is hard to believe, but no one is stopping you going to church. however i presume you know this because im sure you go every sunday dont you?

That's me in the spot....light ;-)
Gelsons Dad said:
ctidcarl said:
England was once a proud nation. We have a monarchy that is envied by many countries, we have educated and helped many countries around the world.

Not always by fair means, I accept.

I belive that we are an Island for a reason and whichever way you look at it, we are losing our identity, we are losing our religion, our culture and for our fathers before us who helped fight to defend all of this, it is a sorry state of affairs.

I am accepting tonight that I am in a minority

The UK mainland is an Island because of plate tectonics nothing else. What religion do you consider to be ours? I'm just checking my map for Nazareth.

Check you out with your fancy font colours to take a point out of context.
bluemonday said:
I'm 100% couldn't give a fuck... and that BNP twat showed himself up to be an absolute arse.
Haven't read through thread, but I can't believe he gained any support tonight... his grass-roots support wouldn't watch a show like QT would they???? the thick c*nts.

REALLy You believe he gained no support, it was a witch hunt and proved nothing, it just grown more awareness of the bnp and shows what a bad condiction our country is in.
Bilboblue said:
CheesySmoker said:
i am disgusted by this post, you sound like an utter tw*t

Don't just comment and not explain.

who is to say that the majority of Britain should be one ethnic race, your more recent posts you said as long as they were born in britain and speak english you were fine with them. So either i have just exposed you as a racist or you walked through a minority group of 250 people who werent born in Britain and do not speak the language

this point has already been made!

your argument is full of holes
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bilboblue said:
Don't just comment and not explain.

Probably the 'ill at ease in my own country' comment brought about by you being surrounded by non white people. Surely by what you said to me, you'd view these people as all being English and therefore non threatening, also you wouldn't need to say 'my' country as it'd be all of yours. Unless they were all speaking foreign?

they were Bangladeshis TMQ
Didn't realise that the East-End of London was like that before this.
That was about 7 years ago before we played West Ham.
For the record, I work with a Lithuanian guy and a black English guy and have worked with and alongside many nationalities in the past, only one got up my nose and it was because of his attitude and actions on the job, not where he was from.
DirtyEddie said:
ctidcarl said:
we are losing our identity, we are losing our religion, our culture and for our fathers before us who helped fight to defend all of this, it is a sorry state of affairs.
losing our religion? well for starters by 'our religion' i presume you mean christianity (which was imported from the middle east btw) and also, i know this is hard to believe, but no one is stopping you going to church. however i presume you know this because im sure you go every sunday dont you?

If you wish to come to my Parish, then feel free, St. Catherines is the name of our church, by the way........

"Our Religion"....... if you bothered reading my other posts you would see that I accept our heritage is not from one true source.....

....however, when our Monachy adopted it it to become the Church of ENGLAND.... then surely it is our monarchy??
More excuses in here than a Kentish Town pub after a United defeat. Griffen was made to look like a twat with awful politics because that's exactly what he is. The VAST majority of the public despise Griffen, his politics and his supporters. If you are a supporter you might feel in the minority because that's exactly what you are. You're not being persecuted, tonight was the BNP's chance to tell us what they stand for, a chance that minorities as small as the BNP rarely get so lets hear an end to the "the audience was biased" bollocks. If you cared that much you'd get your arse down to London to stick up for the non violent KKK loving "this isn't about colour Jack" freak.

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