Nick Griffin on Question Time..

i got 2 mate lol[/quote]

FFS, i copied and pasted the original message incase it didnt go, ah well at least you got it,(em), cheers matey.
I'm 15.
I may be too young to have an opinion on this and some of it may not make sense. But I have a right to speak out for what I feel as this is a free country.

I being by statting that, yes.. this is a free country. But it should only a free country for civilised views. The British National Party, to me and from what I have heard, are racist. Nick Griffin should not be allowed to show his face in public. If I was Gordon Brown or Jack Straw I would have him hanged in public with people throwing tomatoes at him like they did in Victorain/Tudor times. The BNP's views are similar to those of one Adolf Hitler. The BNP, I'm afraid... are eventually going to come to power. The black and mixed-race people of this country will be "sent back" to their "native" countries.

Many of my friends have come from far and wide to live here. The Phillipines, Lithunania, Switzerland and Australia. When or if the BNP come to power they will be sent back. Okay, that's clear to us all... but what happens to the English people in other countries? Are they supposed to come back here? I find Nick Griffin's comments laughable. The fact that he would sink the boats of African citizens... but give them life jackets? This is a situation where I would say.. What the fuck?

My cousin, has Carribean decendency but was born and rasied here. What happens to him? Is he sent back because he has a different colour skin? I think its getting to him that the rest of his family have (as he calls it) "peach skin when i have brown skin..." and its breaking his little heart into small pieces. But he knows that this is his home.

Nick Griffin is scum. He shouldn't be allowed to speak in such derogotary terms about people of a different race. I don't think that everyone of a different race shoud be given a chance... look at extremists for example. The rioting muslims who want this country for their own. But the nice, civilised and genuinley british people who should be allowed to be here. So i say....FUCK YOU NICK GRIFFIN.
MCfcBOB said:
I being by statting that, yes.. this is a free country. But it should only a free country for civilised views..

Then you are as bad as them. Unless you can come up with a belting definition of 'civilised views', and to be fair humans have been trying to do that for about a thousand years without success.
der-bomber said:
Nick Griffin is a fat, gozzy-eyed ponce, but he is also an Oxbridge Graduate and skilled orator, he will run rings around any of the reactionary halfwits pitted against him, whilst wallowing in the mainstream TV exposure of the big stage.

I most definetely could'nt have put it better myself..
So even tho' it annoys some.................................................^^^^^
BlueMo' said:
der-bomber said:
Nick Griffin is a fat, gozzy-eyed ponce, but he is also an Oxbridge Graduate and skilled orator, he will run rings around any of the reactionary halfwits pitted against him, whilst wallowing in the mainstream TV exposure of the big stage.

I most definetely could'nt have put it better myself..
So even tho' it annoys some.................................................^^^^^
Not quite sure I agree with this. Whilst he's clearly a well educated man (that's what an Oxbridge education does for you), I still think (hope) that people will see that what he says lacks any conviction (in the sense that no-one really concurs with his views). It's ironic, but I suspect the boss-eyed, obese freak would've been one of the first to go under Hitler's regime. THe Aryan dream? Ha...
alextrueblue said:
can we PLEASE not turn this into a bnp are racist thread? most muslims are racist as they all tend to stay within their own little areas burnley/bolton/bradford, black people/gay people shouldn't have their own police federation, mobo's, skinheads, if you are opposed to calling xmas the winter festival your a nazi. let's all just agree that the bnp HAVE some things RIGHT, but most things very very wrong. can we not just get along and enjoy the little time we get on this planet.

i think this thread should be deleted as it has gone from an intelligent conversation to a blame fest.

Quite possibly the most uneducated post I've read on Bluemoon.

And I've been reading for quite some time.
Ducado said:
Did the Beaker People welcome with open arms the invading Celt's

Did the Celt welcome the Romans with open arms when they landed on these shores

Did the Romano Britons welcome the Saxon's

Did the Saxons Welcome the Vikings

Did the Saxons welcome the Normans (one of the greatest acts of mass murder every seen)

Did the Indigenous populations of the Americas welcome the Spanish and other Europeans

The list is endless, this solution to this problem lies in assimilation, I am of Jewish stock my relatives had to lean English to survive and eventually prosper and assimilate into he native population, were they any less Jewish because of it, I think not they did not lose their culture.

The problem in this country (and it has been recognised by all politicians) is that Multi Culturerisem is another form of apartite, it has been an horrendous mistake that goes against 1000's of years of history, it stops populations forming a homogeneous mix.

No,bluemoon 115,we have a late entrant in the stupidity stakes.
How anyone has failed to challenge the ridiculous assertion that "Multi Culturalism is another form of apartheid that has been a horrendous mistake",(or rather I think that was what it meant to read),is beyond me,as it is quite probably the most ludicrous and patently absurd piece of bullshit I have ever read on this forum.
And I have read most of BB2's posts,so thats saying something.
I actually laughed out loud when I read it,assuming it to be in jest,only to realise that it was serious.
And this nonsense from a mod?
der-bomber said:
coleridge said:
Then I will assist the Fuhrer with first genetically testing every single inhabitant of the UK [you better not have gypsy genes lurking somewhere or it's back to Hungary with you], replacing the tens of millions of former Britains now not required with Aryans from German and the Nordic countries, we can shine our Jack Boots [well, I can have one and just hop] and goose step forward to the New World Order of the Fourth Reich by invading every non-White nation and reducing the world to rubble. Seig Heil!

l am of Aryan stock and Germanic ancestry and proud of it.

l don't take offence at your silly little rant because l know you are a drama queen of the highest order.

However, l do wonder if l had posted anything as inflammatory against your race whether you would be so accommodating.

l'll wager you would have scuttled off to the nearest mod, squeeling and blubbing whilst playing the race card in your favour.

I don't wager. I don't believe in gambling but it's your free choice to do so.

You should choose your words more carefully. I am a gentleman and have never scuttled or squealed. Disagree with me all you like, but please do not doubt that I am a man of honour, from honourable Anglo-Saxon/Norman/Celtic and Pathan/Persian families. I have no 'race', there is only one and that is humanity. If you read my post more carefully, you may have realised that I probably have more 'genetic right' to be in England than you. And yet I defend the rights of immigrants and asylum seakers. That is the British way.

I fight authority and do not seek its shelter.

If you truly believe that I have somehow offended some of your ancestors [who are probably also mine], then I genuinely ask your forgiveness, as that was not my intention. I wrote in irony.

Argue with me all you like, I would welcome it, but please do not question my integrity as I do not question yours. I wish you well.
coleridge said:
der-bomber said:
l am of Aryan stock and Germanic ancestry and proud of it.

l don't take offence at your silly little rant because l know you are a drama queen of the highest order.

However, l do wonder if l had posted anything as inflammatory against your race whether you would be so accommodating.

l'll wager you would have scuttled off to the nearest mod, squeeling and blubbing whilst playing the race card in your favour.

I don't wager. I don't believe in gambling but it's your free choice to do so.

You should choose your words more carefully. I am a gentleman and have never scuttled or squealed. Disagree with me all you like, but please do not doubt that I am a man of honour, from honourable Anglo-Saxon/Norman/Celtic and Pathan/Persian families. I have no 'race', there is only one and that is humanity[/u]. If you read my post more carefully, you may have realised that I probably have more 'genetic right' to be in England than you. And yet I defend the rights of immigrants and asylum seakers. That is the British way.

I fight authority and do not seek its shelter.

If you truly believe that I have somehow offended some of your ancestors [who are probably also mine], then I genuinely ask your forgiveness, as that was not my intention. I wrote in irony.

Argue with me all you like, I would welcome it, but please do not question my integrity as I do not question yours. I wish you well.

This for sure mate.^^^^

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