Nick Griffin on Question Time..

Prestwich_Blue said:
bluezi said:
Just a thought, I wonder if Nick Griffin has ever had surgery and recieved a blood transfusion,
i would just LOVE IT..! if he has, and received some foreigners
Presumably he's never had a curry, chinese, kebab, sushi, pizza, pasta, tapas, humus, etc. Even if he only eats fish and chips he needs to be aware that fried fish was introduced to England by Jewish immigrants in the 19th century and the first chippy opened by a Jew in 1860.

He presumably doesn't have any electrical gadgets in his house as these are all made in the Far East and therefore take British jobs. He would have to disarm the police as they use German-made Heckler & Koch guns.

I wonder what he drives? Presumably a top-end British car like a Jag. Ooops - they're Indian owned.

Whether he or anyone likes it or not, Britain has been subject to the influences of immigrants since the Romans invaded in 55BC. There were the Danes, Normans, Irish, Jews, West Indians, Poles, Asian (Chinese & Indian sub-continent).

He also lives in Wales - has he attempted to learn the native language of the 'indigenous' locals? I doubt it, the obnoxious hypocrite that he is.
North Stand Blue said:
Not a chance in a million years i will ever vote BNP, however Griffin got it 100% correct on his immigration policy whether its right or wrong the country is full, its in the shit yet we still are letting endless people in! its farcical

He little speech on Islam literally shut the whole audience up, they had no response not even the asian bloke who questioned him couldnt respond

I feel old jack and his team are deluded if they think it has been a "catastrophic" week for the BNP its probably ended up being the best ever, all week in papers, TV, internets sites, even here theres a bloody 88 page thread on the BNP!

All everyone was talking about was the BNP publicity they have never had, the next general election will give them there best ever results and i imagine they will continue to grow until immigration calms down

still never a chance of them gaining office though!

I have no idea what you were watching. No-one was 'shut up', they were just listening politely. Warsi told him he was wrong about Islam. Griffin provided no form of immigration policy. The country isn't full and immigration is an economic necessity. There is no 'calming down' required and immigration is not some endless queue. You seem to forget that we live on an island so just how would that be possible? Most of the recent immigration to the UK is sanctioned by and originates in the EU. Most of the brown faces you see were born here. Deal with it.
BingoBango said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Presumably he's never had a curry, chinese, kebab, sushi, pizza, pasta, tapas, humus, etc. Even if he only eats fish and chips he needs to be aware that fried fish was introduced to England by Jewish immigrants in the 19th century and the first chippy opened by a Jew in 1860.

He presumably doesn't have any electrical gadgets in his house as these are all made in the Far East and therefore take British jobs. He would have to disarm the police as they use German-made Heckler & Koch guns.

I wonder what he drives? Presumably a top-end British car like a Jag. Ooops - they're Indian owned.

Whether he or anyone likes it or not, Britain has been subject to the influences of immigrants since the Romans invaded in 55BC. There were the Danes, Normans, Irish, Jews, West Indians, Poles, Asian (Chinese & Indian sub-continent).

He also lives in Wales - has he attempted to learn the native language of the 'indigenous' locals? I doubt it, the obnoxious hypocrite that he is.

So he himself is an immigrant?
It just gets better...
Bigga said:
fallowfieldflyer said:
Just to throw my three penny worth in !.I thought it was the worst question time i have seen.Nick Griffin was bullied from every angle on anytime he tried to answer a question or put across his point of view.The show was like a slanging match with an "obviously picked " audience.Surely the purpose of the show was to allow each each person have there own say on the questions thrown at them ?.There was certain things said to Nick Griffin from the audience which if reversed would have seen him marched out in handcuffs.
I do believe we have a immigration problem in this country,and NG does have some valid points.Yes, i do not believe everything he says,but then again i wouldn't trust ANY politician .The only thing that comes across on here to me ,is that people totally opposed to NG do not seem to think that Britain as a immigration problem.By the way i believe there was policemen injured last night due to the Anti BNP Protestors ?.

All your points have been answered if you bothered to read a few pages back.

If you had bothered to read my points,I DIDN'T ASK A QUESTION ! i was giving my opinion !!
North Stand Blue said:
Not a chance in a million years i will ever vote BNP, however Griffin got it 100% correct on his immigration policy whether its right or wrong the country is full, its in the shit yet we still are letting endless people in! its farcical

He little speech on Islam literally shut the whole audience up, they had no response not even the asian bloke who questioned him couldnt respond

Well if you agree with these things why wouldn't you vote for them?
coleridge said:
The Joe you speak of has always agreed with the far right [see the Liverpool Dockers supporting the NF]. It's the nature of being bottom of the pile. As someone else has said, there should be 'Equal rights for useless, English winkers' [to paraphrase]. What a tremendous vision of the future that must be. Why not try educating them instead, rather than worrying about how well their immigrant neighbours are doing? But is that what they really want? In fact, what the hell do they want? Forgetting morality for a moment, is there any economic sense whatsoever in what the BNP say?

I agree with you and I take your point about those people being there regardless. So maybe it won't result in any additional voters over and above those that will always be there.

In answer to your question I wouldn't profess to be an expert on any political policies really. I have no real worthwhile views on anything!! I think that if immigration is as big a problem as it is made out then why don't we set up a similar thing to australia?
fallowfieldflyer said:
Bigga said:
All your points have been answered if you bothered to read a few pages back.

If you had bothered to read my points,I DIDN'T ASK A QUESTION ! i was giving my opinion !!

Have your three penny back, please. The 'obviously picked' audience seemed to be a fair representation of our country and asked measured questions to a fascist clown that wants to remove some of them from their own country [to some place never defined by the BNP]. No-one gets arrested for telling the thug that he is a disgrace, and why should they? I can't even be bothered with the rest of your post. Sorry for any injured copper, though.
Alan Kernaghan's 40yd Lob said:
aphex said:
he was right about the qu'ran.

i thought that, but there's loads of bad shit in the bible too.

he spoke about the qu'ran oppressing equal gender rights, but believes in Christian values.

surprised no mentioned these bible quotes:

Corinthians 14:34-35 said:
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 said:
If a man [meets] a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her ... He must marry the girl ... He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

Numbers 31:1-18 said:
"Have you allowed all the women to live?" he [Moses] asked them.... "Now ... kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."

But.... we have moved on from biblical quotes... 'it also states an eye for an eye'.. nobody with half a brain subscribes to those theories in modern day britain (even christian extremists).... The extremists on the islamic side, DO believe the quoran to be the 'gospel' (pun intended)
coleridge said:
fallowfieldflyer said:
If you had bothered to read my points,I DIDN'T ASK A QUESTION ! i was giving my opinion !!

Have your three penny back, please. The 'obviously picked' audience seemed to be a fair representation of our country and asked measured questions to a fascist clown that wants to remove some of them from their own country [to some place never defined by the BNP]. No-one gets arrested for telling the thug that he is a disgrace, and why should they? I can't even be bothered with the rest of your post. Sorry for any injured copper, though.

Miss Abbott, the country's best-known black politician, claimed the format had been deliberately engineered to humiliate the BNP leader

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... z0UkxZqXTE</a>
Never mind about the policeman thou ! Like it .

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