Nick Griffin on Question Time..

alabaster said:
Nreddishblue said:
"We" didn't colonise anything. Anyway, that is no justification for what is happening now. I would beg to differ that immigration post 1945 has enriched the country.

So we didn't colonise India, North America, Africa, Australia etc. then? What planet are you living on?

We didn't, did we, the people that are living in this country now. This is just as ridiculous as blaming present day Germans for the tragedies of the second world war. We are being ethnically cleansed, slowly but surely.
Nreddishblue said:
tommyducks said:
Immigrants have enriched our nation in many ways. Of course in Empire days, we colonised these people and helped ourselves to their natural resources in exchange for British passports, not thinking for one minute that some bastard would invent the airplane.

"We" didn't colonise anything. Anyway, that is no justification for what is happening now. I would beg to differ that immigration post 1945 has enriched the country.

Now I'm confused! You agree with [controlled] immigration, it seems.

Anyway, I beg to differ. The British economic only stayed in the black from around 1870 due to forced exports to the colonies [not passing judgment, just stating the facts]. However, the defining moment was [as Jack Straw ably said - don't why he gets a hard time to be honest] was Asians and Afircans fighting alongside Tommies in WWI, and even more so in WWII. All pre-1945, obviously.
alabaster said:
Nreddishblue said:
I said "primarily" of European stock. Read my post before making yourself look an idiot.

And how can you tell who is primarily of European stock and who isn't? What's the difference between someone of European stock and someone of African or Asian stock? An immigrant is an immigrant. Or do you just have a problem with non-white immigrants? I would suggest that there is not a great deal of difference in the percentage of immigrants living here now than at many other points in history. Britain has always been a mongrel nation.

Politically correct nonsense. Vikings, Angles, Saxons, Normans were all from the same Northern European family.
Nreddishblue said:
alabaster said:
So we didn't colonise India, North America, Africa, Australia etc. then? What planet are you living on?

We didn't, did we, the people that are living in this country now. This is just as ridiculous as blaming present day Germans for the tragedies of the second world war. We are being ethnically cleansed, slowly but surely.

'We' as in the British, or more specifically the English. The expansion of the British empire is one of the main reasons we have a fairly large population of black people and people of Asian origin living here.
crizack said:
dannybcity said:
No I don't because I don't really give a shite what he's got to say. I don't live my life in fear of the brown skinned people, Britain will not become an Islamic state therefore I'm not scared of this man and he doesn't even enter my radar. It must be shit being you, ranking the scariest Muslim's in Europe with your spare time.

As for introducing Shari'ah law into common law as far as I'm aware there are aspects of Jewish law in English common law, I don't see the problem with that providing it's well regulated and superseeded by English law.

i don't spend my spare time ranking the most prolific radicals in europe, i'm just educated.

here's a quote from little anjem -

british soldiers are 'terrorists', the same as Nazi troops 'who cannot be excused for simply carrying out their duty'.

jewish law in english common law is obvious, as the basics on english law are based on the 10 commandments, even when it comes to being tried in a crown court by 12 peers.

So is Islamic Law. However, your agenda is clear to me now. I was trying to leave Middle East politics out of it but you seem intent on doing so, which is a pity when we are all trying to deal with a Nazi threat and stand together, which I thought you might have appreciated. Hey ho...
alabaster said:
Nreddishblue said:
We didn't, did we, the people that are living in this country now. This is just as ridiculous as blaming present day Germans for the tragedies of the second world war. We are being ethnically cleansed, slowly but surely.

'We' as in the British, or more specifically the English. The expansion of the British empire is one of the main reasons we have a fairly large population of black people and people of Asian origin living here.

That doesn't justify what is happening now. We are being ethnically cleansed.
Nreddishblue said:
"We" didn't colonise anything. Anyway, that is no justification for what is happening now. I would beg to differ that immigration post 1945 has enriched the country.
Who did the colonising then? Your non-mongrel, pure British ancestors that you're so proud of?

By the by, thread has got to nearly 100 pages of good discussion, but things are getting a bit heated in the last few pages and I think we all need to think before throwing the insults - not you nreddishblue - before some crazy f£ckers get carried away and this interesting debate gets pulled.
Nreddishblue said:
alabaster said:
And how can you tell who is primarily of European stock and who isn't? What's the difference between someone of European stock and someone of African or Asian stock? An immigrant is an immigrant. Or do you just have a problem with non-white immigrants? I would suggest that there is not a great deal of difference in the percentage of immigrants living here now than at many other points in history. Britain has always been a mongrel nation.

Politically correct nonsense. Vikings, Angles, Saxons, Normans were all from the same Northern European family.

So the Vikings, Angles, Saxons and Normans never had children with anyone who wasn't European then? You can prove that can you? Apart from anything else, every single one of us is descended from Africans. Where do you propose we draw the line? Perhaps at some arbitrary point in history like '17 000 years ago'?
coleridge said:
MaineDAWG2008 said:
totally agree. looks like griffin did his research but on Jack Straw's history only! but pointing out the bit about straw's father just didnt validate any of his argumemts. it was trying to demean and destroy the reputation of Jack Straw (not that he had one prior).

I am a british, and then a muslim from an asian background. My opinion on the whole immigration policy... well to say the least is that I am also disgusted at the amount of immigrants that have flocked into this country over the past 10 years or so. There are so many loopholes in the visa application process. I have known people who have easily made their tourist visa a permanent one by cheating the system. I have reported these cases as a british citizen. Has anything done about it? No! Labour goverment has failed miserably!

But that doesnt mean u vote for a racist party such as BNP.

We need to educate ourselves more!

We need solutions to this problem and neither BNP nor Labour have the answer to this problem!

ps - does anyone know which party legalizes marijuanna? vote for them! hehe

Tell me how you can 'cheat' to get your 'tourist visa' made permanent. I've never heard of that and I have a lifetime [nearly 44 years] of living in South Manchester immigrant communities. As a professional family, we are occasionally asked to sign, say, documents stating that we've known someone for five years when we haven't. We always refuse as we are a respectable family [save for me, obviously] of lawyers, medics, police officers, teachers and so on. Then again, you could be just a silly fascist WUM, couldn't you? Legalise weed? Will that ease your disgust?

Hey - well the way it goes is.... they apply for a tourist visa from wherever they come from be it india, pakistan or even nigeria. once they are here... they find a woman. fall in love legitamtley (excuse the spelling), and then they marry over here. the next step is then to take the bride back to their home countries and get married there. thats where you then show pictures of the wedding to the british consulates in these countries.

they study evidence and then BANG! stamp given on passport!

thats how it is being done at the moment. i have seen it done! and have reported these incidents.

oh also sorry ! i am not a fascist nor do i have extreme views against anyone in this country. i just believe the visa process applications need reviewing and strict laws need to be put in place.

spread love :))

keep smiling all!
Nreddishblue said:
alabaster said:
'We' as in the British, or more specifically the English. The expansion of the British empire is one of the main reasons we have a fairly large population of black people and people of Asian origin living here.

That doesn't justify what is happening now. We are being ethnically cleansed.

Please explain how we are being ethnically cleansed?

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