Nick Griffin on Question Time..

Some things Nick Griffin says on behalf of the BNP are right. This country has got an immigration problem, there are those who come here for a better life and contribute to British society and those are the people i want in this country i live in, i would 100% most definatley have them than alot of supposed "working class" white twats and lets face it we know alot of them, but then there are others who come here and think Britian and the British people owe them a living and disrespect this country. I wouldn't dare move to Pakistan for instance and insist on some Christian law as i have total respect for the country and in doing so would respect their laws and culture, this is the thing that pisses me off but you don't here me shouting from the rooftops for asians to fuck off home, it just needs to be tightend and organised properly.

But the BNP party are racist, facist and homophobic and should never ever be allowed to gain more power. That's not to say that the people who vote for them are racists as i don't beleive they are. I just think they don't want to be taken the piss out of anymore in their own country by those who come over here and don't respect our culture and views and none of the major parties have the balls to listen to the common man/woman. The way they go about it is all wrong, it is extreme and they need decrease is popularity and not increase as they are doing at the minute.

My view on it all is it doesn't matter if you were born elsewhere or born in Britian, if you are white, asian or black, you have a right to be in this country if you abide by the rules, respect the culture and contribute to society. Just like i would do if i decided to live elsewhere in the world and that is what i think the majority of new BNP "Supporters" felt when they decided to give Nick Griffin a seat in the Euro elections, they didn't vote for him because he denied there was a holocasut or because he has said in the past he wants an all white Britian and he knows that which is why he is now saying he has changed his views on all what he has said in the past and why he now says he doesn't mind "other races" living here as he knows that it will get him more and more votes and the BNP will become stronger and stronger but we can't let that happen because as soon as he gets that power he is the sort of twat who will then change his mind and cause riots in this country and there won't be a thing we can do about it.

It should be interesting viewing tonight anyway.
The bit on the news report where Dimbleby openly asked him if he denied the Holocaust and Griffin said he 'did not have a conviction for Holocaust denial' and gave a knowing smirk, was extremely self-incriminating.
fair enough, that is bad, i agree. so thats 1 thing he has said that i dont agree with, thats a hell of a lot less than the other parties, im goin to watch question time now, bk on for a bit after, see you later chaps
dannybcity said:
rickmcfc said:
newspaper talk, evidince of this???


This clip should be mass distributed to show the man up for what he really is and what he really believes becasue at the moment he is doing an average job of duping the British public that he is a respectable man who should be trusted.

If our national media institutions have any balls they should carry this You tube clip on their websites.
rickmcfc said:
1) Are you sick and tired of being treated like a second-class citizen in your own country?
Damn right i am, im sick of the fact that if i hang an england flag out of MY OWN WINDOW i will be asked to take it down as i may offend some one from another counrty, Tough shit, this counrty that we are in is England and if i wish to fly the national flag, tough shit if i offend someone who isnt English

You're not being stopped from hanging a flag out of your window, on a flagpole, wherever. This is something that's always confused me - I've seen plenty of England or Britain flags hanging around, yet if so many people were offended by it then less people would do it. People who aren't English are not offended, for the majority (in fact, the word majority doesn't do the amount of people who aren't offended justice).

rickmcfc said:
2) Are you angered by rising crime, corruption, immigration and media lies?
Dont even know where to begin with this one. Crime is rising year on year, forget what the "latest police figues" actually say. These figures dont include lots of things and also many people dont even report crime anymore.

Right... and? What will the BNP do to sort this?

rickmcfc said:
Immigration, we are bloody full, if i need to go to a dentist i have to wait for weeks as there are no appointments, this is a service im paying for, yet when i walk in it is full of people who arent from this counrty and on benefits, hence paying no tax or national insurance to pay for the priviledge that i pay for.

If you're talking NHS dentistry, the problem isn't that there are too many immigrants taking appointments. There's too many people taking appointments. Fewer and fewer NHS dentists will stretch the system.

That, and the majority of the immigrants here legally are not sitting on benefits. They're doing jobs that, before this recession, British workers were turning their noses up at.

rickmcfc said:
3) Have you had enough of being called a ‘racist’ because you are proud to be British?
Like i said in point 1, fly the english or british flag, your classed as "racist" because other nationalities within this once great country dont like the fact that we are patriotic and wish to fly the flag. We cant have "christmas plays" within schools because it may offend children that are not british and dont worship christianity. the religion of britain in CHRISTIANITY so if you dont like the fact that within schools there will be christmas plays for the children, TOUGH, LEAVE!

There's a different between being proud to be British and being racist. Again, I don't see why flying a flag is a problem and neither have I ever seen anyone have a problem with it. It seems to be something that has happened maybe once or twice, but the extreme parties have jumped on it and beefed it up, making it sound more widespread than it actually is.

And, again, the majority of schools tell the nativity story - but the ones that don't make the news. Why? Because "school tells nativity story" isn't news. So I would suggest the situation is less widespread than you think. And in terms of not calling it Christmas, that's a myth - all the Winterval business was tried by ONE council for ONE year and was never intended to replace the word 'Christmas'. I was a name for the entire holiday period of Christmas and new year and the time inbetween.

rickmcfc said:
4)Have you had enough of watching foreigners come here and take our jobs and housing?
Peolpe who have paid into the system for years and then lose there job and need housing from the government cant get one as they are full of IMIGRANTS who have just stepped out of the back of a lorry at Dover. What is that all about?

First, not all immigrants are illegal. Second, most don't come here in the backs of trucks. Third, there's enough Brits who don't want to work and are happy to live off benefits, but because they're Brits, I guess that's fine. And, like I said earlier, those people "coming over here taking our jobs" weren't a problem during the boom years, when they were doing jobs nobody wanted to do. Now people want them, we can't just say "right, you've had your time, get out."

rickmcfc said:
5)Are you disgusted that the super-rich banks have been bailed out but unemployed people and pensioners get hardly anything?
There are pensioners within this country that cant afford to have the heating on in winter as the fuel prices are to high.Some of these people fought in the world wars so we can have freedom today and this government cant even keep them warm in winter, yet they will bail out bankers and politiocians for 2nd homes and lavish lifestyles

Pensioners get heating allowance.

Politicians didn't get bailed out by the government. The banks did, but if they didn't we'd be in a much worse situation now than we are.
A lot of the problems here have been created by the public, and probably some of them that are complaining about him being on tv.

If you dont vote, you cant complain about who gets in...

He got in because of people not voting for anyone else!!!

Off to watch him get slaughtered (here's hoping)...
dannybcity said:
rickmcfc said:
newspaper talk, evidince of this???


This clip should be mass distributed to show the man up for who he really is and what he really believes as he is doing an average job of duping the British public that he is a respectable individual.

If our national media institutions have any balls they would post this You Tube clip on their websites for all to see.
People say that the BNP are anti-democracy, they aren't being very democratic when they won't allow them to voice their opinions.

The ignorance of people is unbelievable. Racism is a point of view.

(I'm not pro-BNP btw, just think we should hear all sides before coming to a conclusion.)

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