No extension for Aguero?

There will have to be a statue after he leaves us. What a little gem he's been .... from day one.
Sergio is a blue legend, I will miss him when he's gone. A lot.

That said, we've been given plenty of notice, so there is no excuse for not having his replacement sorted by then, be that through the academy or via transfer from someone else.
Harsh comments re agueros girlfriend.

Of course Aguero can have the pick of most women as he can have with football clubs.

But maybe that's what has always set him apart from most modern day footballers. He values personality and happiness far greater than aesthetics and money.
Harsh comments re agueros girlfriend.

Of course Aguero can have the pick of most women as he can have with football clubs.

But maybe that's what has always set him apart from most modern day footballers. He values personality and happiness far greater than aesthetics and money.
Harsh, but then this is football forum where the majority of posts are taking the piss out of something or other.
I'm sure he'd still have a very good year left in him by 2019. I know he's had a lot of injuries, but by the same token there's a few less miles on the clock.

That said, by 2019, we'll have had the best 8 years out of possibly the best striker the premiership has ever had (I know that's subjective, but i wouldn't swap him for anyone). To have kept one of the very very top players in the world in Manchester for 8 years and have him leave amicably to play for his hometown club, nobody can complain about that. An extra year would be nice, but still, what we will have had from him is way beyond what I could have ever hoped.
He's averaged 2 goals every 3 games since he's been here. If he keeps that up he'll break all of City's goalscoring records. That will make him our best ever player bar none. I reckon the North Stand will be renamed after him when he leaves.
Considering Ibrahimovic is still excelling on the top level at 34, and the likes of Totti and Drogba have also done so well into their 30s, it's a bit of a shame that he'll be leaving Europe at the age of 31 - he could still give so much.

But, as many others have said, who could begrudge him it?

Hopefully this also gives our youth players a huge extra motivation.
I saw just the first line of the bbc headline " Aguerro set to leave" and my heart sank. It's actually better news than that, he is setting out his plans for next few years and giving us plenty of time.

Same when I saw ManU Mirror" 'I am off' says Aguero'" in headline then in small print deep in article it says it will be in 2019.

By then the rag wankers have bought the paper although the smile has gone off their face/

He will need a big extra luggage allowance to carry home his medals from the next three years.

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