No Manchester C o A on the FA Cup final shirt

Disappointing! I was looking forward to seeing the Manchester COA on our shirts, where it belongs. We are supposed to be the Manchester Club as opposed to those big gobs down the road in Stretford.
The use of club crest is all about copyright of merchandise these days and another sign of how we are changing, The only thing is that mechandise with the City Of Manchester coa would be more popular than our sudo italian crest with insignificant stars.

We need a new crest to reflect our new club, Arsenal changed there crest so should we.
Campaign - NOW - I fookin demand this! Not waited 30 fookin years to not see the COA of our city on the city´s ONLY club. Get it sorted Cooky and Khaldoon!!

It´s a one off - we did one off shirts in 81 coz I freekin had one. Fans will lap it up so it´s also a damn good marketing move
Fingers out boys!
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Whilst it's disappointing there may be contractual reasons with Umbro why this hasn't happened.

I think people should wait to see what the club says before laying accusations of betrayal of City's heritage.

Find out the facts before spouting off?

On here?

You serious?


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