no more red and black scarves

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
BlueMoonraker said:
I think you're being a bit elitist here. Are you saying that only those fortunate enough to wear the scarf at the Leicester game should own one? City sell the black and red shirt don't they? What's the difference?

I didn't go to Leicester Saturday, but the Neil Young commemoration including the R and B scarf was for Saturday. The End. If anyone ones further remembrance then cancer charities are desperate for yer cash.

I went on Sunday to Leicester. What a daft idea, to get a scarf and never wear it again, especially if it is drawing attention to a charitable need.
bluewigmcfc said:
what's the betting that the scarf sellers round coms will be selling red and black scarf's sat?

I`d be amazed if they weren`t. Especially considering the amount of people who missed out on the original batch.
SWP's back said:
MCFC BOB said:
Why? I donated £10 for my scarf, so I'd like to wear it instead of pinning it to my wall.

Agreed and I don't need someone telling me I can't wear due to them having an inferiority complex about it. People can wear what they want and my derby one from the Munich game has mustard on it.
Very much this. But take better care of your scarves, SWP's back! Bloody hell. ;)
LongsightM13 said:
My point is, why not just donate to the Neil Young fund anyway? Why would you demand something in return for supporting a cancer charity and one of our all time greats? Surely a direct donation would be of more benefit than taking into account manufacturing costs?
Vanity should not motivate charity.
I'll keep the scarf in case we get to Wembley, but I did chuck £50 into the pot. If any of you are willing to match that into Nelly's fund, then maybe its yours
If you want to play to that way; I donated £10, and for me (someone that doesn't earn, and only gets £20-a-month for doing labour around the house) I think that's pretty good. I will make a few more donations as long as the appeal goes on. It's not as much as you in terms of the amount, but thinking about percentages of how much we "make", I think that's fair enough.

But my point is that people "bought" the scarves, effectively, and they should be allowed to wear it. It's smart, keeps you warm, and most importantly: raises awareness of the charity. Let's be honest, if a person watched the game on ESPN, they will have at some point seen the red and black scarves, and seen the banner for Neil. If said person walks out into the streets and sees a red and black scarf, what are they going to think? And then what are they most likely going to want to do?

I'm going to wear my scarf on Saturday, and I'm going to ask people if they're going to donate. A pound from everyone at the stadium raises 44,000 - 47,000 if the Wolves fans want to get involved.

The club could really advertise this. Not use it as a media tool, but just put banners up, asking people to donate. We have massive scoreboards that we could advertise it on. People who have the scarves could get special privileges; this would attract the people who don't have scarves into buying them. The club will surely donate something large as well.

Oh, and I know people that made a donation but didn't take a scarf. I liked the idea of having a scarf, though. The sky blue and white ones we had a few years ago... the tassles are fraying.
Chillidog77 said:
bluewigmcfc said:
what's the betting that the scarf sellers round coms will be selling red and black scarf's sat?

I`d be amazed if they weren`t. Especially considering the amount of people who missed out on the original batch.

and if you pay for the scarf off these low lifes you wont be supporting the neil young fund but the sellers back pocket fund! i'd never buy off these people. making money from a charity and not helping to fund the charity is scum bag material.
geek said:
Chillidog77 said:
I`d be amazed if they weren`t. Especially considering the amount of people who missed out on the original batch.

and if you pay for the scarf off these low lifes you wont be supporting the neil young fund but the sellers back pocket fund! i'd never buy off these people. making money from a charity and not helping to fund the charity is scum bag material.

"Low lifes"?

That's a bit fucking harsh!

These are lads trying to earn a few quid, stood out in all weathers, putting up with snobby twats like you who think they are better than them just because they are working on the street.

Do you hate Big Issue sellers with the same venom?
low life's may have been a bit harsh,

but i stand by what i said about them making money off a charity coz they arnt gonna put the cash towards it are they???

no and i regularly give to the big issuse sellers and dont take a mag.

sounds like your willing to buy a scarf off them and pretend you donated to the fund.
Lets not get too "Scouse" about this ,a nice one off on Sunday and as a poster earlier said if we get to the final do something then aswell. Inbetween times there are plenty of ways to support the Neil Young Appeal with donations.
I think Sunday was as much about showing Neil how much was thought of him not just about the money.I wont wear the R&B scarf again but will probably put money in a collection pot somewhere.

Remember lads and ladettes there is no need to receive anything when giving to charity.
Ric said:
Personally, I think the club should continue to sell them for the duration of the cup run with all proceeds going to the Neil Young appeal.

Dead right! Why just limit a fund raising gesture to 3000 people. We could raise THOUSANDS if we got a long way in the cup this year.
Colins Bellend said:
Lets not get too "Scouse" about this ,a nice one off on Sunday and as a poster earlier said if we get to the final do something then aswell. Inbetween times there are plenty of ways to support the Neil Young Appeal with donations.
I think Sunday was as much about showing Neil how much was thought of him not just about the money.I wont wear the R&B scarf again but will probably put money in a collection pot somewhere.

Remember lads and ladettes there is no need to receive anything when giving to charity.

Totally agree ColinsBellEnd but because I won't be dictated to by anyone on what I wear/dont wear having decided that I would only wear the red and black scarf to the replay and the final I may now decide to wear it on Saturday!! Longsight13 If you want to point me out as an attention seeker, I am on the front row of the Colin Bell stand!!!

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