Non Handshake Poser

I think the last few minutes of news has given a few of the clowns on here something to think about. Embarassing stuff and no credit to this board.
Unknown_Genius said:
Hamann Pineapple said:


From looking at the picture Suarez is more infront than the other players. Enrique is just about on the photo, same with Henderson, but Suarez is virtually fully on.
The way i see it is this: Neither Evra or Suarez were sure how to handle the situation. Evra EITHER offers a handshake albeit reluctantly but doesnt really expect Suarez to follow through with it OR he knows full well he will make a twat out of Suarez by feigning while not remotely interested in shaking his hand. Suarez for me would have shaken his hand but noted Evras reluctance and moved on. The main point being the indecision of the whole situation determined the course of events rather than anything more sinister.

This could EASILY have been avoided if there was some common sense applied before the line up. Both managers should have taken the whole sorry mess by the scruff of the neck and sorted it long before now. Dalgleish's head in the sand tactics and Fergusons exploitation of the whole affair only ever added to incite further disquiet. Simple solution before the line up would have been to find out if either of the players were comfortable about a handshake and if not then inform them both so they could miss it out altogether.
Monkfish said:
KenTheLandlord said:
Monkfish said:
You make out Evra some kind of Paul Daniels shaking hand trick merchant. I think some of you hate United more than racism and it clouds your judgement and thinking.

Much as I hate United the 'hatred' is still supposed to be a fun hatred. I tease United supporters, I dont physically attack them. What are talking about here is beyond both mine and yours petty little hatreds of United. (and theres of us)

Lets remember that its ok to 'hate' United, but not at the expense of justifying the actions of a racist

And Ken, if you dont know that certain words are 'ok' for that community to use amongst each other, but not for the wider community to use in a derogatory way against them then let me have the joy of informing you.

And let me remind you that it is that form of high handed moralism that has given England such a bad name. As you say different cultures use different terms and let me give you the joy of knowing that. Also, you don´t know me from Adam, don´t try and assume you know anything about me.

There is no clouding of judgement from me, just looking at one bloke with his hand next to his waist and one with his hand out, with the one with his hand outstretched out being accused of all sorts.

so I call it anti-racism, you call it high handed moralism? I think I am starting to know you quite well enough thanks

You brought up racism. I was looking at a situation between two blokes, seems you cannot understand that i couldn´t give a flying what colour they are. You only have to see the picture and videos to see what Evra did, its there right in front of you, but you hide behind the racism angle. Shaking my head here. I can see what you are, the very thing you claim to hate.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -i-m-sorry</a>

He admits he snubbed him here. Right out of the horses mouth (no pun intended).
Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has today issued the following apology:

"I have spoken with the Manager since the game at Old Trafford and I realise I got things wrong.

"I've not only let him down, but also the Club and what it stands for and I'm sorry. I made a mistake and I regret what happened.

"I should have shaken Patrice Evra's hand before the game and I want to apologise for my actions.

"I would like to put this whole issue behind me and concentrate on playing football."
I haven't given any thought to the handshake," Ferguson said. "We are not bothered about it. It has never been an issue. We have been concentrating on the game itself."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... x-ferguson</a>

Hypocrite much ?

An engineered situation from a disgusting drunk.

Maybe it's the old Celtic/Rangers hatred showing through.
pictures tell fuck all, watch the clip! suarez snubs evra FACT

+ he's already came out and said so himself ...

but obviously liverpool fans are still bleating that its all evra's fault.
SkyBlueFlux said:
colourmeblue said:
Dubai Blue said:
I don't understand the fuss about this to be honest. Suarez clearly doesn't give a shit about Evra celebrating like that so why should anyone else? It was the referee and the rest of the dippers that needlessly turned that particular incident into a scene.

Evra can celebrate however he wants, as long as he's not right in Suarez's face screaming 'Ha ha, have that you fucking bin-dipping twat'.

Football fans are far too precious these days. Everything offends them. But let's get it right, Evra did NOTHING wrong in that clip. We all loved it when Balotelli decided to wind up the rags at Wembley and this is no different. And fair play to Suarez, he took it on the chin unlike that wobbly-gobbed **** smackhead Ferdinand.

Thats EXACTLY what he DID do albeit in sentiment only....imo he could easily provoked a much more serious incident. Classless,clueless and uncalled for. Every bit as bad (if not worse) as Ade's celebration v the Arse and we all know what was the outcome of that...not that I would expect the same action to be taken in this case...

What action? Adebayor WASN'T banned for his celebration (which in my opinion was deliberate and far worse), I don't know why there's this myth that he was. Neither should Evra be. It's ill-advised at best but emotions run high in games like this, no need to take action. It's a celebration, if professional sportsmen can't handle an opponent celebrating they shouldn't be in the game.
Adebayor was charged with improper conduct...where did I say he was banned? Also, if it was just a simple celebration there would be no problem but you and I and the dogs in the street know it wasnt. It was stupid childish and uncalled for at best and downright incendiary at worst. More to the point, it means that if it goes unpunished the whole sideshow of Suarez and Evra is going to incite even more bitterness into an already volatile stand off between the two clubs. What people fail to take into consideration is when a situation exists between two clubs like this it translates into logistical and policing nightmares when they meet, its not just the case of 'manning up' about it. There are real consequences to actions like this and they should be avoided if at all possible.

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