North Stand Construction Discussion

wasnt there a video going around recently of a load of youngsters still singing on having their pints on a concourse at the etihad after the second half had kicked off? I think some of got so fixated on what they think will work that anything outside of that isnt good enough?

It’s about 20 young City fans. Keeping the chants going at the back of at half-time in the bar area at the back of SSL1, behaving themselves, and generally having a good time. Then they go back to their seats and carry on the chanting.
Just as well they're not corporate seats then isn't it? I'd have thought you'd know the difference given your earlier posts.
You can't object to having hospitality seats at the front of tier 2 on the planning portal. You could I suppose but it will be laughed at and rightly ignored. Idiotic suggestion.

Can you object to padded seats? ;-)
It’s about 20 young City fans. Keeping the chants going at the back of at half-time in the bar area at the back of SSL1, behaving themselves, and generally having a good time. Then they go back to their seats and carry on the chanting.

mate i have no issue with that at all? Until the club confirm anything else though and any reasons people (only imo) need to wait and see and hear from the club confirming things before losing their marbles?
Architectural love in…. They dish most developments. I’m sure the club wants something practical and affordable and won’t lose too much sleep if we don’t win a Pritzker!

yeah there is some fucking weapons commenting on it on there to be honest mate.
There is a paradox here though, the club wants the hospitality customers to feel 'the thrill of the loudest mental home end' but by placing them in the very best seats of NS, which is the front rows of NS2, they clearly alienate the 'mental' singing fans who are supposed to do the noise, as seen in this thread. The club would be very wrong to sacrifice the ideals of the actual, current, match going singers who have asked for years to have a proper home end, to satisfy the needs of 600 hospitality customers who may or may not be singers. At this point I get the impression the club overestimates: 1. how many of the current singers are still willing to move to NS2 from SS1, SS3 and 109-111 after they see the plans and understand that they are not given a proper home end, but one mixed with hospitality at the forefront; 2. failing to attract those singers, how many of the current non-singers in other parts of the stadium will be willing to move there and start singing (tall order), and how many new (and old) fans, currently not going to the Etihad games, can they attract with good pricing in the new NS2 and convince them to be 'mental 'singers (even taller order).
I think everyone who has been lobby-ing for years for this to happen, knowing it really is the last chance to build a loud home end, are entitled to feel let down if that hospitality stays there. Just move it to the freaking corners, the hospitality customers will still be near the 'loud mental' singers and can still join the choir if they want. And the club would be truly naive to think they can start a home end from scratch and replace the alienated existing singers with 'new' singers. New singers is a rare resource, you need to cater to what you already have and build from there.
All the mouth! Please. What is that supposed to mean??

You mean I’ve taken a keen interest the thread and proposal over 434 pages? You mean I’ve fully supported the proposal? You mean I’ve spent my time taking pictures of the soil testing rigs, etc. You mean I’ve spent my time going through the planning application and posting information and CGI’s on this thread?

That’s right, I won’t be moving to the North stand if the club go ahead with 600 hospitality seats at the front of L2. I’m not standing behind or to the side of 600 hospitality seats at the front of L2.

If the club had been honest and made it clear that 600 hospitality seats were going at the front if NSL2 during the fan consultation, I would have stated there and then that I wouldn’t be moving to NS. But the club didn’t. They kept that quiet on purpose because they knew it would go down like a bomb. Baring a couple of people making the revenue argument, there hasn’t been a single person or City fan on this thread and that I know who is in favour of putting 600 hospitality seats at the front of L2.

The 600 hospitality seats at the front of L2 aside, we don’t know if L2 will be safe standing or not. It doesn’t look like it will be because the club won’t put safe standing seats around 600 hospitality seats at the front of L2, and in-front of the hospitality seats at the back of the L2. So myself and many others won’t move from our safe standing seats in SSL1.

If the club have a rethink, which I doubt, and make L2 safe standing and affordable seating, I will move to NSL2, like I’ve always said I would.

Anyway. Have a nice day and enjoy the match if you’re going?
Mouth was maybe harsh and I apologize. But the reason your post pissed me off is simple. You are obviously a vociferous blue with an interest in the atmosphere.

We can all go on about roofs and acoustics and corporate areas and all the other stuff that we have moaned and argued and commented on this forum for years. But the success of this project in terms of atmosphere depends on one thing only . Vocal fans relocating. That will make or break it. So when I see “yeah I’m not arsed and staying where I am” it says to me that we are going to have a lifetime of everybaway fans singing “Is this a library?” Whilst our fans clap away impotently to two different songs at once on the bottom tier oblivious to the fact that they can barely be heard.

This is the last chance.
Can you imagine being Sheik Mansour reading this thread.

The club are investing another £300 million into the business.
They need a return, it’s that simple.

Think I might go to OT and stain me new trainers in piss.


The only real issue is the 600 hospitality (not corporate ;-) ) seats at the front of L2. That important issue aside, the vast majority of people posting in the thread are impressed with the overall proposal.
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